At 8:02 a.m., a disgruntled citizen filed a 311 report about some major cacophony on Copeland Street in Roxbury: Read more.
Copeland Street
Citizen complaint of the day: Guy insistent on a particular parking spot won't take no for an answer
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Around 9:40 p.m. where Waverly, Warren and Copleland streets meet. No reports of injuries or damage to nearby buildings or cars.
Boston Police report arresting Anthony Sheffield, 30, for the gunfire that sent four men to the hospital - three in critical condition - early Saturday. Read more.
Around 12:05 a.m., in the area of 14 Copeland St., near Warren Street. The homicide unit was called in due to the severity of three of the victims' injuries. Read more.
Gunfire around 10:10 p.m. on Copeland Street near Aspen Street sent one person to a local ER with non-life-threatening injuries. Two cars were also hit and a bullet went through a first-floor window of a house.
A boy, 5 or 6, was shot shortly around 9:30 p.m. on Copeland Street near Warren Street, by gunmen aiming at his father.
Police Commissioner William Evans said two men, both possibly 18 to 20, started firing at the boy's father from Warren Street. They got off as many as seven rounds. They missed him, but hit the child, Evans said. "Thank God, it looks to be non fatal and he's in stable condition," he said. Read more.