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Vicinity Energy

By adamg - 9/24/24 - 10:14 pm

A concerned resident filed a 311 complaint tonight about the unusually loud noise coming from the Vicinity Energy steam plant on Kneeland Street in Chinatown:

Very loud screeching sound coming from Vicinity Steam plant. Started around 9am yesterday and today. Still going on now.

By adamg - 1/29/24 - 4:58 pm

An annoyed citizen files a 311 complaint about the scorching steam on South Street near Kneeland Street - right across the street from the Vicinity Energy steam plant: Read more.

By adamg - 1/18/24 - 2:16 pm
Steam rising from manhole

A concerned citizen files a 311 complaint about the copious amounts of steam now rising from a Vicinity (formerly Veolia) manhole at Huntington Avenue and West Newton Street in the Back Bay: Read more.

By adamg - 11/12/23 - 1:35 pm
Steam spouting manhole on Harrison Avenue

Puff, the magic manhole lived in the ground
And frolicked in the autumn mist on Harrison outbound
Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff
And brought him chairs, and traffic cones, and other Southie stuff

John Hanzl videoed that rascal Puff this morning, on Harrison Avenue near the D-4 police station: Read more.

By adamg - 10/16/23 - 10:02 am
Proposed route of new steam pipe

Proposed route of new steam pipe across Charlesgate, from Vicinity filing.

Vicinity Energy is planning a half-mile pipe from the Back Bay to the Fenway Park area to provide steam heat to all the new buildings going up or planned on and near Brookline Avenue. Read more.

By adamg - 12/3/21 - 9:00 am

Matt O'Malley, stepping down as a city councilor at the end of the month, announced this morning he'll be taking on a new job as chief sustainability officer for Vicinity, which runs the steam system that heats and provides hot water for large buildings in Boston and Cambridge. Read more.

By adamg - 10/15/21 - 10:08 am
Steaming steam plant

Steam plant being extra steamy. Photo by BFD.

The Boston Fire Department reports firefighters rushed to the large steam plant on Kneeland Street near South Station around 9:45 a.m. to help deal with a ruptured steam plant in the structure. Read more.

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