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Kevin McCrea

By adamg - 1/21/09 - 7:42 pm

City Hall nemesis Kevin McCrea will announce tomorrow if he's running for mayor, David Bernstein reports.

McCrea's blog will give you a pretty good idea why City Hall types, from the council to the mayor, consider him a PITA. He keeps suing the city council over open-meeting issues - and keeps winning - and he claims Menino recently called up the editors at the South End News, for which he writes a column, to complain about him.

By adamg - 1/12/09 - 8:22 pm

Kevin McCrea has one you can borrow (if, that is, he doesn't use it himself).

By adamg - 10/14/08 - 11:14 am

The fun thing about lawsuits is all the documents you get to pour through. Kevin McCrea, one of those pesky people who keep suing the City Council just because they don't want the hoi polloi listening in on on their vitally important conversations, no matter what the state Open Meeting Law says, reports the city is paying an outside attorney $175 an hour to read everything he posts about the suits on his blog.

By adamg - 9/30/08 - 7:22 pm

Ed note: Kevin pulled his post on the agreement because, well, it hasn't actually been signed yet. In its place, he posted this.

11 times, to be exact, according to Kevin McCrea, one of the plaintiffs in a three-year series of legal actions over private council meetings, many dealing with the Boston Redevelopment Authority.

Tired of lawsuits over its secret meetings, City Council to look at barring the public from its meetings.
State appeals court to Boston City Council: Knock it off.

By adamg - 3/20/08 - 9:19 pm

Kevin McCrea, the motorcycle-riding one-time city-council candidate, is back from an extended overseas stay and is blogging up City Hall gossip from his new digs in Roxbury's Fort Hill.

By adamg - 11/28/06 - 8:23 pm

Kevin McCrea, who is suing the city to force it to hire more police, writes that when he called Councilor Steve Murphy (chairman of the council's public-safety committee) today, he had a conversation with Murphy's receptionist:

... Recep: I live in Allston and you can't get a 911 call answered. We don't even bother calling 911 anymore if there is an emergency.

By adamg - 8/22/06 - 5:09 pm

Kevin McCrea, already suing the city council over private meetings, posts a copy of his latest lawsuit, this one filed with 11 other residents in an attempt to get the city to hire 300 more police officers.

By adamg - 5/11/06 - 11:56 am

Kevin McCrea, one of the plaintiffs in the last suit against the Boston City Council over open-meeting violations (you may recall the council lost that one), writes he will likely sue the council again:

... Looks as if I will be suing the city again soon, they really don't want to hold open meetings, we'll try and bring them kicking and screaming into doing the unthinkable: actually holding meetings and letting the public see what they are up to. ...

By adamg - 3/29/06 - 9:54 am

Kevin McCrea, one of the plaintiffs in the open-meeting suit, posts a copy of the ruling.

He also finds it interesting that Globe reporter Andrea Estes got a copy of the ruling before any of the plaintiffs:

... Nice to know there are plenty of leaks and backroom goings on at the Superior Court Level as well.

By adamg - 9/15/05 - 7:13 pm

At-large city-council candidate Kevin McCrea posts a list of the 27 worst land deals arranged or allowed by the city, from luxury hotels in the Back Bay getting tax breaks to:

By adamg - 8/3/05 - 5:09 pm

At-large city council candidate Kevin McCrea spent the night in the apartment building being re-claimed from the druggies by the Rev. Bruce Wall. He reports on how easy it was to arrange a drug deal even with all the cops and media types everywhere:

By adamg - 7/29/05 - 4:50 pm

Kevin McCrea, running for an at-large seat, writes that fellow at-large candidate Sam Yoon used his exact words on housing issues at a recent ward meeting in Jamaica Plain:

By adamg - 5/7/05 - 10:26 pm

Kevin McCrea and two other Boston residents allege the city council has been holding illegally closed meetings on Boston Redevelopment Authority issues since at least 2003 (including one session on that controversial BU bioterrorism research lab) and have sued in state Superior Court to force the meetings open. McCrea's posted the complaint.

By adamg - 4/30/05 - 11:35 pm

The BIG Campaign is written by Kevin McCrea, the motorcycle-riding at-large city council candidate:

...Had a wonderful time at our campaign open house last night. Former City Councilor David Scondras came by and had many fine words of advice, and was in deep conversation with the reporters from the South End News. There were south end baseball coaches and commissioners in attendance, Globe staff, and many newcomers. Thanks to all for coming.

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