Roche Bros., owned by the same family since its founding in the 1950s, had full produce departments today - as shown in West Roxbury.
Roche Bros.
The Supreme Judicial Court is set to hear an appeal from a man who says a decision by Roche Bros. to bar him from collecting signatures for his election campaign outside one of its stores violates his rights under the Massachusetts constitution, Associated Press reports.
The Herald reports Roche Bros. will open a luxostore (ed. note: Sounds like the West Roxbury store, only without all the boring bread and soda aisles) and that Arnold Worldwide will take a chunk of the office space in the skyscraper for which ground was formally broken today.
No word if Walgreens will get a retroactive tax break for opening a luxostore down the street or if the Roche Bros. will have workers push shoppers' carts to their condos and dorm rooms.
The Herald reports Roche Bros. could help fill the Hole with a new store as part of the skyscraper now actually under construction.
Dear Herald: as 02132 notes below, this would be Roche Bro.'s second Boston store, unless you know something we don't about West Roxbury seceding.
Our go-to guy for Rochie's news, Matt O'Malley (yes, yes, that Matt O'Malley), issued an alert tonight after a trip to the West Roxbury Roche Bros:
BULLETIN: @Roche_Bros moved the location of the eggs, made room for more yogurt.
We haven't seen a shakeup like this at that market since they moved the ice cream.
The Swellesley Report alerts us that Roche Bros. has slapped QR codes on its seafood displays that let smartphone users "see a photo of the fishing boat, the location fished, and even a description of the fishing gear used."
Steve Garfield spotted this Patriots cake at the West Roxbury Roche Bros.
Veteran Roche Bros. shopper Matt O'Malley reports Roche Bros. has abandoned its long-time maroon uniforms. But he was apparently so stunned by the largest change since the Great Aisle Re-Ordering of '08 that he forgot to mention the new color. Anybody know? And does Rochie's sell smelling salts for Matt?
UPDATE: Matt revives long enough to reveal the new uniforms are black.
Roche Bros., which clearly has its thumb on the gastronomic pulse of the region, is offering Boneless Fresh Turducken Breast this Christmas season. $48.93 gets you a seven-pound bundle of chicken breast embraced by duck breast lovingly cradled in turkey breast.
By 5:20 p.m., it was so bad people were desperately grabbing at cartons of Egg Beaters. The store still had plenty of bread and milk.
It was so crowded at the Roche Bros. in West Roxbury this morning that some people just gave up trying to find a parking space and fled to the Shaw's down the road on Spring Street - and even there parking was tight (God, people were parking as far away as the Finagle-a-Bagel).
"I made three loops around the parking lot before I gave up," one refugee exclaimed in the Shaw's check-out line.
Around 8:45 p.m., Local 718 tweeted BFD was racing over to Roche Bros. in West Roxbury for "a smoke condition in the rear of the store." There weren't any further tweets, so it probably wasn't anything major, so Westie residents can rest easy, right?
Matt O'Malley reports that with some orange-smoothie powder ($1 at Roche Bros.), some oranges and a blender, you can re-create the Orange Julius drinks of your youth:
... Ambrosia!
The next day I went back to Rochies and bought 5 more packets (there are plenty more in the produce section on a rack across from the pre-made salads, go buy one for yourself -- they also have banana smoothie mix). I've treated myself to one every other day.
Steve Garfield reports he was standing in front of Roche Bros. in West Roxbury - talking to Kevin McCrea of all people - when one of the 115-year-old guys who work there plowed into him at ramming speed with a line of shopping carts:
... "Hey!" I yelled. "Watch where you are going."
"You're in the way." he replied. ...
It was only supposed to be a joke when I proposed aisle reports on the threes at Roche Bros.
Steve Garfield, however, is bringing us a step closer to that useful service: He took a Panasonic camera, mounted it on a shopping cart and took it for a spin down the Roche Bros. cookie aisle. Yes, Shoppingcartcam! Sadly, it appears the video ends rather suddenly when the cart crashes into the milk shelves.
Photo of a woman covered in a year's worth of plastic bags, standing outside the West Roxbury Roche Bros. She was there as part of an effort by West Roxbury Saves Energy to get people to stop using the bags, although she looks kind of fetching and like she could burst into "America the Beautiful" at any moment.
Via ParkwayBoston.
Is nothing sacred over there anymore? Apparently not content to just move the bread and seltzer around, now Roche Bros. in West Roxbury has removed the white frosting from the Triple Berry Blast muffins, Matt O'Malley reports. O'Malley quickly adds he hopes this was just a mistake by the bakery department:
... However, if this frosting-free change is permanent, then God save the Commonwealth.
The parking lot at Roche Bros. in West Roxbury was insane tonight. Oh, right, it's always like that. Inside, they had plenty of milk and eggs, but looks like they had to break out the emergency bread replacements.
The Swellesley Report points us to this press release about Roche Bros. installing a sophisticated DeliVision system designed to make ordering stuff at the deli faster and funner than ever before, by letting you order at a self-serve kiosk rather than taking some Beetlejuice-like number.
Now, obsessive Roche Bros. customers are probably already scratching their heads, since the West Roxbury store has had a self-serve deli kiosk for several months now. And, to be honest, I can't really tell from the product sheet how DeliVision is superior to the current system, but with a name like DeliVision, it just has to be awesome. Well, there is one difference: DeliVision will let the store show ads to people ordering at the kiosk, rather than the simple, boring list of deli meats the current system provides. And who doesn't need more ads in their life? Especially when sliced up thin by DeliVision.