2010 elections
Guess they don't want Cahill siphoning conservative votes from Baker; but did Baker's attack-dog campaign manager come up with the specific word?
It's here, which is a good thing, since the coverage by the Herald and the Globe seems to consist mainly of marveling at how Patrick, an English major, typed slowly so as to not make any typos.
MassBeacon.com reports everybody's favorite perennial candidate has decided to run for something this year, after all: Attorney general.
Nick Collins, more recently a business marketing consultant, announced today he is running for the 4th Suffolk seat being vacated by Brian Wallace.
I look forward to a spirited conversation regarding the challenges facing our community and how we intend to address them. My hope is to be the leader who will bridge what is great about our past to the promise of our future.
Other Democrats considering the seat include Michael McGee, Jeffrey Poreda, Jake Bombard and Mark McGonagle. Patrick Brennan is running as a Republican in the district, which also includes a small part of Dorchester.
Red Mass. Group reports Joe Manzoli has left the Mihos campaign for "personal reasons."
The Jamaica Plain Gazette reports that Phil Dunkelbarger of Westwood, who ran as an anti-war candidate against Stephen Lynch in the 2006 Democratic primary, is running against Lynch again this year.
Keith Lepor of Roslindale and Vernon Harrison of Braintree are running on the Republican side.
UPDATE: Maddow declares she isn't running; appreciates a good joke as much as anyone.
OK, so it was kind of interesting this morning that some people had set up a Facebook page to try to convince MSNBC talent and Northampton resident Rachel Maddow to run against Scott Brown in 2012 (they're now 5.2% of the way toward their goal of getting 10,000 people to sign up). It got even funner this afternoon when John Walsh, chairman of the Democratic State Committee, got wind of the boomlet and posted what sure seemed like it was meant to be a private message on the Tweety:
Some are talking about you running vs Scott Brown in '12. I'm Chair of MA Dem Party. My email is [email protected] cell-617-650-9311
Apparently I'm not the only one disappointed to learn that politicians don't have instant access to everybody's phone numbers (you know how losing candidates always call the winning candidate on election night - where do they get their phone numbers from?) - there's now a Twitter discussion on #walshgate. And please, for goodness sake, don't go calling Walsh and asking if his refrigerator is running.
Amy Derjue, who has some familiarity with Twitter issues, provides this thought:
#walshgate is like clicking "reply to all" in Outlook. But to the whole internet. Cue overwhelming paranoia whenever DMing from now on.
The Globe reports Bill Delahunt won't be running for re-election in the Tenth District.
Proposes two casinos and slots at racetracks; unclear if he wants to put a casino AND slots at Suffolk Downs, which would thrill Tom Menino to pieces.
David Guarino, who knows something about legislative battles over gambling (as former PR guy for former Speaker DiMasi), considers what DeLeo will have to do to flip those reps who voted against casinos last time around.
Word comes from Patrick aide-de-camp Doug Rubin that Gov. Patrick has told the RMV to rescind that $5 fee for talking to a live person, and find other ways to get people to interact with the registry online rather than in person.
The Dorchester Reporter's Lit Drop is reporting sources say Brian Wallace will not be running for re-election in the 4th Suffolk district (South Boston and a bit of Dorchester).
Wayne Wilson announces campaign on Blue Mass. Group. For gay marriage, against death penalty, wants to peg minimum wage to inflation and would reform CORI.
Ed Coppinger, co-publisher of ParkwayBoston.com, will run for the state representative's seat being vacated by Mike Rush, who is running for Marian Walsh's state senate seat.