Take a look at this video of the aftermath of a multiple-vehicle crash on I-290 in Worcester around 7:00 a.m.
State Police shut the Lowell Connector entirely due to ice.
Wellesley Police are also reporting a number of crashes.
Take a look at this video of the aftermath of a multiple-vehicle crash on I-290 in Worcester around 7:00 a.m.
State Police shut the Lowell Connector entirely due to ice.
Wellesley Police are also reporting a number of crashes.
And Detroit takes notice:
She walked through Detroit Metro Airport on Monday morning, wearing the most ugly, outlandish, gaudy outfit you have ever seen.
She wore a Red Sox coat and Red Sox hat and a pair of Red Sox glasses and Red Sox nail polish and Red Sox earrings and it was all wrapped up in a large, flowing Red Sox shawl.
It was enough to make you want to vomit.
In the latest lawsuit against a retail chain for its use of Zip codes, a woman who used to like shopping at the Gap in Wellesley is suing over mailings she never asked for.
In her suit, originally filed in state court but transferred to US District Court in Boston, Molly Karp says she shopped at the Wellesley Gap ten times over the past four years, and each time was required to hand over her Zip digits. She charges the Gap then used that to find out where she lived and send her "unsolicited and unwanted direct-marketing material at her home."
Bob Brown harrumphs his way through a Herald-infused documentary about Dirk Greineder, the local doctor who murdered his wife in 1999:
I learned that not unlike the "horndog" Dr. Dirk Greineder, who turned Wellesley into "his own sinful playground," that "everyone in Wellesley has a guilty pleasure or two," including the "diet-cheating trophy wives and preppy high-schoolers smoking in the boys' bathroom."
And about those Wellesley women: "They never leave their homes without their diamonds and pearls."
The Swellesley Report alerts us to the five-month agreement - under which she also has to give him her password so he can change it. On his blog, dad says it was all her idea.
Philip Borenstein is aghast:
A work crew dug up and ruptured a gas main in Wellesley this morning, forcing evacuations.
First that 50 Shades of Wellesley book, now massage-parlor contretemps. What's next in this burgeoning sex capital of the western suburbs?
The Swellesley Report alerts us that Roche Bros. has slapped QR codes on its seafood displays that let smartphone users "see a photo of the fishing boat, the location fished, and even a description of the fishing gear used."
The Swellesley Report alerts us to ghosting, in which people sneak up on a front door, leave some treats, then ring the bell and run away.
The Globe reports Wellesley Police have interviewed the driver, are still looking for a particular witness.
UPDATE: Photo of the moose.
Stephen Jones reports Wellesley Police are investigating a moose sighting near Reeds Pond close to the Natick line.
The Swellesley Report posts a copy of the speech one teacher gave at graduation this year.
Brings in herd of goats to munch invasive plants, rather than using herbicides.