by Scotland Willis
Balance is something we strive for in our life. We see it in how we try to manage work and our
personal life; balance between consumption and preserving the environment; balancing disruptions and getting tasks done; and in our personal health versus stress. The list is extensive. By and large balance is a very difficult goal to achieve; this assertion could be made anywhere in the world.
So here is something to consider about balance you may not have thought of; 1) the most important balance in our body is pH balance; while that may sound simple, achieving it is like trying to balance yourself on a tightrope (ok perhaps not that difficult but it might seem that way) but certainly as challenging to achieve balance in other areas of our life; 2) alkaline and acids make up these two very important chemical that represent this balance, which also influence many other activities that occur in our body.
A bit more understanding migh make you more conscious about your eating decisions and thereby resulting in a happier healthier you.