Chris in 02134 spotted a rental-truck driver who was alert enough not to rip the top of his box truck off on a bridge at Bay State Road, if not alert enough not to get onto Storrow Drive in the first place: Read more.
Bay State Road
Harvard freshman with a beer got MIT frat in trouble; but the two-story indoor waterfall didn't help
An MIT fraternity on Bay State Road had to explain itself before the Boston Licensing Board today for an incident last month in which all non-residents were evacuated after police and fire inspectors found too many people inside, a two-story shower-head waterfall was drenching a marble staircase, and a kid popped open a can of Bud Light. Read more.
Boston Police report detectives ordered the immediate evacuation of several dozen non-residents at Phi Delta Theta, 97 Bay State Rd. on Sunday night after they discovered a place filled with both water from the ad-hoc waterfall and way too many people - including at least one hapless freshman with a Bud Light. Read more.
The Boston Fire Department reports a bottle of hydrochloric acid started leaking in the back of a FedEx truck parked outside BU's Myles Standish Hall on Beacon Street, at Bay State Road, around 4:45 p.m. Read more.
MIT reports both it and the Lambda Chi Alpha national fraternity have banned the local chapter, Lambda Zeta, 99 Bay State Rd. in Boston, for five years for "conduct that does not support the fraternity’s priority of providing a healthy chapter environment for its members."
The Globe reports on an incident last night at ol' Lambda Chi Alpha. The woman was a student, but not at MIT. She fell one floor onto a second-floor roof.