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By adamg - 7/19/06 - 10:09 am

John DePetro has 72 hours to sit in a corner for calling Matt Amorello a fag and a sissy boy.

David on Blue Mass Group: Hey, guess what John? You're an asshole. And no one can suspend me for saying so.

Aaron Margolis begs to differ:

... Shame on WRKO for caving in, and having such a spineless policy. Go screw, you bunch of sissies. ...

By adamg - 3/8/06 - 5:17 pm

Mark Jurkowitz writes that WRKO's John DePetro has every right to talk about Imette St. Guillen, but that he might be getting out of control with his "she was asking for trouble" shtik, which he's been busy hawking on everything from the O'Reily Factor to NECN:

By adamg - 2/13/06 - 2:05 pm

Boston Radio Watch has the scoop on the station's new program director.

By adamg - 1/18/06 - 7:07 pm

Mark Jurkowitz notes WRKO's announcement of a new local show focusing on substance abuse recovery every Sunday. Dan Kennedy says the station seems to be moving away from the hatemongering (but don't worry cheap-insult fans - Howie Carr isn't going anywhere).

By adamg - 10/10/05 - 5:47 pm

WRKO's announced a new morning lineup that'll feature more news as well as "traffic on the ones." That oughta put the fear of God into WBZ - imagine, traffic reports a whole two minutes earlier!

"Boston This Morning" features "Traffic on the Ones," with Boston's premiere traffic reporter Grant Moulison providing road updates before anyone else on radio.

Will 'BZ be forced to retaliate with traffic on the zeros? Will they hire some world-renowned traffic reporter from L.A.? This could get ugly quick.

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