WBUR reports the utility wishes to differ, saying the gas leak outside a Maynard man's home that caused an explosion that killed him when he flicked on a basement light to investigate a strange odor was just "an isolated, tragic accident" and has absolutely nothing to do with what the state says was its failures to fix leaks on the street for years.
Jeff Copetas reports on the scene on his street around 8 a.m. today:
... Ty Pennington's Bus barreled down Elm Ct and stopped in front of the house and the family ran outside in a gently falling snow, psyched beyond belief that they had been chosen. They are well deserving. Their story is in my post from August. ... And now, starting today and culminating next Friday, they will tear down the house and build a new one so their dad and husband can come home after a year-and-a-half. How about that! We have one hell of a view from our upstairs window. ...
The relative lack of rain over the past few months has meant lowered water levels in a pond near the old Digital mill in Maynard - to the point where a series of old wooden supports have resurfaced. Jeff Darcy finds some 1916 photos to explain what they supported and takes an awesome photo of the structures and the mill.
Adrienne LaFrance reviews a show out in Maynard by sculptor Ingrid Goldblum Bloch's, in which one piece consists of metallic lingerie with vegetable steamers where the bra cups would normallly go:
... [F]or anyone looking to enjoy unique art while contributing to the ongoing battle against breast cancer, this small exhibit is worth checking out. Visitors will leave with an awareness of some of the bits and cogs of daily life that often go unnoticed and the facets of society that often remain unmentioned.