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Peter Blute

By adamg - 4/10/12 - 11:39 am

No, not the one who now pushes calcium supplements. The one who got Peter Blute ousted as Massport director for baring her breasts on the infamous Boston Harbor booze cruise. CommonWealth tracked down Gidget Churchill and got her to talk, but also finds evidence to support Blute's claim the whole thing was a setup.

By adamg - 2/16/06 - 8:07 am

Jay Fitzgerald says such a race would prove the existence of a Tabloid God:

Ted Kennedy is going to crunch anyone who challenges him -- including possibly Peter Blute. But a Kennedy-Blute showdown would be a classic race to follow, knowing that at any moment a campaign aide could easily trigger a round of charges about who was the more bloated boozy womanizer in his youth. ...

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