Back to school shoppers will soon be out in force looking for bargains as September approaches. With many options, including online sales, getting bargains on clothing, shoes and supplies is easy. When investing your hard earned money, things get a lot trickier.
investments financial planning
Retirement planning is so complex it’s tempting to use a product that implies simplification. Target date funds are one example. But there are things in life that should be highly suited to your personal preferences, like your financial plan or your wedding dress.
Diners in Boston’s beloved North End are almost guaranteed a great meal. There are so many places to choose from and the competition among restaurants is fierce. If a chef doesn’t make mouth-watering entrees, customers can easily flock to the highly rated place next door. This sets the culinary bar astronomically high. While you can only choose one restaurant for a meal, the abundance of choice reduces the risk your palate will be disappointed.