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By Anonymous on Mon, 12/08/2008 - 3:09am
[float=right][/float]The phenomenon of blogging has been around long enough for writers and pollsters to study it. In July, Pew/Internet and American Life Project published a study called
“BLOGGERS: A portrait of the internet’s new storytellers.”
You can find the full report (pdf) here. Take a quick gander at their findings below. Do you see anything there that surprises you?
- The blogging population is young, evenly split between women and men, and racially diverse.
- Broadband is the norm among bloggers, as is going online several times each day.
- Bloggers are avid online news readers, particularly political news.
- Bloggers prefer balanced sources of news.
- Newspapers, television, and radio are also part of bloggers’ daily news diet.
- Bloggers are highly engaged with tech-based social interaction.
- For most, blogging is a hobby, not an activity that consumes their lives.
- Blogging is usually the first foray into authorship; bloggers blog to express themselves creatively and share personal experiences.
- Most bloggers do not confine themselves to one topic.
- Personal experiences are the most popular topic, but politics, entertainment, and sports are also frequently discussed.
- Personal experiences provide the most inspiration for bloggers.
- Half of bloggers keep one blog and most do not share authorship with anyone else.
- More than half of bloggers use a pseudonym.
- Only a third of bloggers think their blog is a form of journalism.
Free tagging:
This isn't really new; both
This isn't really new; both the filename and the report say it's from 2006.