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Occupy Best Buy: Some forego Thanksgiving, others have it delivered as they wait for discounted TVs, computers

First in line at the Dedham Best BuyFirst in line at the Dedham Best Buy.

Chris and Mihala, a young couple from Newton, got to the Best Buy in Dedham at 1 a.m. today to await its opening at 1 a.m. on Friday. It was partly so they could pick up a 42-inch TV marked down several hundred dollars and a computer, but also just so they could say they did something like wait outside a store for 24 hours - they'd never done something like that, they'd never even waited in line for concert tickets.

Food? There was takeout. Bathroom breaks? Port-a-Potties around the corner.

Greg Cameron and his wife, from Roslindale, were next to show up - at 8 a.m., followed by Kristina Milonas and her mother, from Norwood. They're more experienced line waiters - they do it every year, deciding which store to wait outside based on the sales. One year it was Target, another year, Wal-Mart, and this year, Best Buy, because of that marked-down TV.

Cameron said he's hoping to get one of those TVs, a DVD player, a laptop and maybe a tablet. Milonas agreed it seems like a lot of time to wait in line, but said the savings make it worth it for people who don't make a lot of money.

The Camerons said relatives delivered them a full Thanksgiving dinner - from turkey to sweet-potato pie - which they ate in their car so as not to annoy the people around them whose might not have such giving relatives. The Milonases said they'll have Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow.

A determined Milonas waits for a TV.A determined Milonas waits for a TV.

As we talked, a guy came around handing out bottles of Five Hour Energy to the line, which stretched around the corner from the main entrance all the way beyond the other end of the building by the TGI Fridays.

The scene repeated itself at big-box stores across the area. Kevin Wiles reports the first person in line at the Braintree Best Buy had been there since Tuesday. Jed Hresko photographed the line outside the Back Bay Best Buy:

Back Bay Best Buy

There was even a line outside the Toys R Us in Dedham, although it seemed to only consist of about 10 people, who looked more like defeated refugees than people awaiting bargains.



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pretty much sums up my reaction to these scenes.

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Occupy Boston was deserted yesterday I wonder if the socialists turned capitalists for a day and occupied Best Buy. They could also be hired as Occupy consultants for the Christmas Season teaching others how to set up tents and keep warm outside the outlet stores in Wrentham where swat teams are hired to keep girls from going wild. The Chief reported there was a fight two years ago so he needs thirty cops on overtime to handle the madness of grannies camping overnight.

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The lot of them.

Working a part time job at minimum wage for the amount of time they spend waiting in line would net them the difference in sales price, plus extra left over.

These aren't free houses, cars, or expensive items; they're relatively cheap consumer goods. There's something rotten about buying into this consumerist PR crap.

Has anyone been trampled to death for a $25 knock off iPod yet?

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No trampling, but a woman in LA used pepper spray to clear the shoppers in front of her so she could get an Xbox.

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Closes up shop when Black Friday line waiters act more like flesh craving zombies, than people:


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Kudos to the Best Buy management for their decision to close up shop when the shoppers started acting so bestial that they wouldn't even wait for management to open the goddamned gates. It serves those people right for acting like a bunch of wild animals and being so greedy!

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Nice to hear from the Judge Of All The Rest Of Us. Do you spend your time delivering Meals on Wheels and finding a cure for cancer?

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This is just so ridiculous!

Don't people have anything better to do. Every time I read/hear about people camping out near a Best Buy, a Wal*Mart, or whatever, it reminds me of the guy who got trampled to death at a Wal*Mart a couple of years ago, because the crowd was so anxious to get at the big TV's that were being sold at a discount, and management didn't use better crowd control policies.

It's just incredible how people's greed just takes over, at times.

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