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Boston.com hires WFNX staffers to start online radio station
By adamg on Mon, 06/25/2012 - 8:23am
The Globe announced today it's hired former WFNX staffers Henry Santoro, Julie Kramer and Adam 12 and former program director Paul Driscoll to build an alt-music streaming service that will be available both through the Web and mobile apps.
A launch date and program details will be announced later this summer.
Free tagging:
hooray! <3
Interesting that this was done by Lisa DeSisto, who used to work for the Phoenix years back. Looks like they hired the core of the FNX team, including the sales guy and the promo guy.
You have to wonder, though, what Boston.com knows about running a radio station. It might just end up buried amongst all the other content.
Let's see if they buy the 'FNX name from PMCG next.
Big Boot
Let's see too if they manage to goof it up somehow, like a newspaper paywall.
WFNX 'will cease broadcasting July 23'
according to the Boston.com story about this new venture. That's a Monday, so I wonder if the actual last broadcast will be the day before.
I don't know if it will work
I don't know if it will work out long-term or not, but this is a very cool move by the Globe, and I'll definitely be giving it a listen.
Buffering .. buffering ... buffering
I really hope they can offer this channel on an app like TuneIn Radio. I'd hate to sit there trying to listen to the website and have my connection dropped or sit there as Death Cab for Cutie song I really like starts and then stops so my computer can finish buffering the broadcast.
I will give it a listen...
...but if they descend into the same, lame playlist antics they did at FNX which pushed me away years ago, then I will abandon them very quickly. If they show that they really care about playing new and different music or older album cuts that are not the single from the album, it will be pretty great. But the second I hear fun. "We Are Young," they are dead to me.
I'd love to hear some Television, Can, Kraftwerk, Einsturzende Neubauten... what are the odds of that?
The odds are nil.
If, as one poster said, FNX was the DJs, then they should all be replaced by people who love music and not the pop music shills they had on that station. I would love to brag that Boston has the best commercial radio in the country. Hell, even WERS is repetitive and boring. I heard more interesting songs on WZBC and WMBR in one hour yesterday than I have in months on any other station.