Memorial held on fifth anniversary of Mattapan massacre
Jed Hresko was among a small group of people who gathered on Woolson Street in Mattapan last night to remember the four people - one just a toddler. He reports:
It was a low-key affair, organized by the families and friends, with no press and the biblical reading lit by cell phone.
Three local ministers led the group in prayer, City Councillor Ayanna Pressley attended in support but did not speak; a young adult cousin of Eyanna Flonory gave a tribute to his family and talked about coping and choices, a speech that was moving in its authenticity. Two officers from the local police precinct (B3) joined the group in prayer.
Levaughn Washum-Garrison, Simba Martin, Eyanna Flonory and her 2-year-old son, Amanihotep Smith, were all shot to death on Sept. 28, 2010. In 2012, a jury convicted Dwayne Moore of the four murders as part of a drug-related robbery.
Peace to Amanihotep
Peace to young Amanihotep