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Um, what?

Guy flying confederate fla near Massachusetts State House

One of the cleaner trucks. Photo by DD808.

There are guys in mud-covered pickups flying confederate flags, driving around the State House, with a foray into Chinatown.

Some mustered around 12:30 p.m. at a 128 rest stop; others came north on Rte. 3.

And as Maya Jonas-Silver shows us some of them don't quite know how to parallel park, and never mind the tow-zone sign there on Charles Street:

Bad parking confederate in Boston


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Is this at all related to the country concerts this weekend? Why can't these people crawl back under the slimy rocks whence they came? Do they expect anyone here in the northeast to buy the "heritage not racism!!!!" argument? Are they happy to self-identify as racists? Has anyone egged their cars?

So many questions!!!!

at least that's what those who defend desecrating the American flag usually say. Those people usually describe themselves as 'progressive'. I suppose the same applies to the confederate battle flag? It's common to see racist and hateful icons in popular culture,and I don't mean just black and white, there's Black Power, Brown Power, Zionism (which many consider racist)...the list is endless. There are governments and societies in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, South America that in 2015 are very racist, some slavery is even still commonplace in 2015. If someone walked or drove around with their flag, 99% wouldn't give it a second thought.

Nobody would give the least bit of attention to the Zimbabwean flag because nobody here knows what it means. However, we all know what the confederate flag symbolizes. If you fail to appreciate that, well, more's the pity for you.

or the communist hammer and sickle? Che's face on t shirts? Hell, what about the PRC flag? These groups and the nations they controlled or still control did horrible things, including murdering millions of people. Che was notorious for his harshness, including personally sending people off to gulags as political prisoners, and murdering people based on their class or if he just found it expedient. He also persecuted homosexuals. I seriously doubt someone would have bothered to post online their disgust and outrage if they saw someone in Boston wearing a Che t shirt, or a hammer and sickle. They get a pass. But a confederate battle flag or *gasp!* Don't Tread on Me rattlesnake flag gets some people's panties in a bunch.

BTW: The U.S. navy jack (the flag flown on ships) is a variation of the rattlesnake Don't Tread on Me, dates back hundreds of years.

Let's cut the crap. Stop bringing up things of no relevance to us in 2015 (yes, had you wandered around Boston in 1975 waving a Soviet flag, you might have been risking a beating, but this isn't 1975, the Soviet Union no longer exists and nobody flies its flag anymore).

Instead, why is it you are trying to deny that the confederate flag (and let's not get into the Army of Northern Virginia crap), which was essentially revived in the 1950s and 1960s as a symbol of white oppression of blacks and opposition to desegregation and voting rights, is not being flown now as a symbol of white power and all that implies? Why is it you think that people in Boston, the home of the American revolution, the home of the 54th Massachusetts, the home of Garrison and the Liberator, have no right to be disgusted at a display of the symbol of mass murder, mass enslavement and continued oppression to this day?

Invoking the history of Massachusetts from the 1700's and 1800's doesn't make any sense. Everyone from those centuries is long dead. Today's residents of Massachusetts have as much connection the American Revolution as do today's residents of San Diego.

Flying a confederate in flag in Massachusetts in 2015 seems to me less of a declaration of white power than a taunt against people so quickly offended.

are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Frederick Douglass. https://youtu.be/8tTkHJWxfP0

Harriet Tubman. https://youtu.be/uQ85z9vggYM

Sojourner Truth: https://youtu.be/yq3AYiRT4no

And yet the Israeli flag is ok, Lol FOH
Mass murder , check
Mass oppression, check

Any one that is for the censorship of any flag, in a supposedly free country is truly retarded, and only doing so for ulterior motives. " I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

Also to be fair the American flag is just a much a symbol of everything negative that Dixie represents, but what o I know I'm just some brown man in this uhub ivory tower, lawl.

The Confederate flag is not my flag of choice. But this is America. We do have freedom of speech. That freedom doesn't stop when something offends liberal sensibilities. It's the right thing to remove it from the SC state house. But if cemeteries and private citizens want to fly it, that's none of anyone's business. And if you're worried about flags that represent former enslavers you'd probably have to get rid of most of Latin America's flags.

Remember, however, that those of us who understand its history also have a right to condemn the display of it, and to poke fun at the kinds of fools who choose to display it.

Lol if you really knew you history you'd know it isn't so cut and dry,

...you'd know the expression is "cut and dried". But that's probably a bit much to expect of someone who types "Lol" in a post.

I always had to laugh at the airheads wearing Che Guevara T shirts, though the trend seems to have passed now. And it has nothing to do with whether one is pro or anti Guevara or what he stood for. 90% of the clowns wearing those things were doing it as a fashion statement and have no idea who he was. And I can't even blame the hipsters this time. The Guevara-chic trend predates the modern hipster. It was more the Tello's brigade. And I once read a commentator somewhere that hit the nail on the head. "Che Guevara's longevity as a cultural symbol has been thanks to the very economic system he sought to destroy".

The icon that symbolized the alliance of the working class with the peasants against capital is now being used to sell vodka.

Lenin should be rolling over in his glass coffin.

Who's the "we" here Adam?

Getting a little bit simplistic here, no? It doesn't symbolize red neck Nascar driving raciists to me, if that's what you mean. It symbolizes the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, and the men who followed it from 1861 to 1865. I don't know all of them personally, and neither do you, so I'll with hold judgement on what it meant to them. But I'll recognize them as Americans, and men of respect. As did the men from Massachusetts who stood up to them.

Again, I go back to Shelby Foote, who forgot more about the Civiil War than all of is combined ever knew. It's all a little more complicated than they were bad and we were good:


That reasoning makes as much sense as flying a nazi flag because of German pride. I mean, I guess if you wanna jump through hoops to justify idiotic behavior, then there's some twisted logic to it.

Just some abstract concept of "state's rights," I'm sure.

Because now that TVLand has banned the Jumpin' General Lee and the Dukes of Hazard, all that racism nastiness that's plagued the country since Reconstruction will simply go away. Poof! How could I not have seen that coming.

If we'd only thought of that sooner, think of all the trouble that we could have avoided, And think of all the time we'll save by not having to read books (especially by people we disagree with) and icky stuff like that!

The flag is such a small thing, changing it won't change a thing, racists still gonna racist, so let's let them fly their cute little flag.

Nobody is saying getting rid of the flag is going to end racism - any more than electing our first black president did. Still, every little bit, every little step, helps.

But put that aside for a moment, could you address the offensiveness of flying a symbol of racism and murder in a city that was at the forefront of opposition to that? In a state that saw thousands of its citizens die in support of the Union over the forces of secession and treason? In a state whose citizens, more recently, risked their lives in support of the right to vote in the very face of that symbol?

How dare these two-bit yahoo coal rolling "state's righters" from some backwoods holler fly that rag in front of the 54th Massachusetts memorial! They want to fly that flag and whoop and holler about the gubmint coming for their guns? By all means! The Constitution protects idiots. But go back to Backwater, NH or wherever the hell they're from and do it there.

And tell them so. Ask me to come and I'll join you.

Just don't tell me what that flag means to "us" in language and context worthy of a Mike Barnicle MSNBC "thought piece" that precludes any possibility of complexity and nuance beyond the rank stupidity of the people that you're objecting too. Who buy their ideas retail at the nearest "South of the Border." You're operating at their level when you do, and, I'm not joining you there.

Well then why don't you take some ownership of the rest of the population of believers that there's nothing wrong with messages that flag represents while also acting as a proud caricature of our "thought pieces". I've been working in TX/LA/AL/MI for the past 10 years on ships, shoreside, and in the oil and gas industry. I know exactly what it means to 90% of the people I know with trucks that might as well be the one depicted above, with it tattooed on the forearm or plastered on their shirt. The same people that will drop N bombs in the mess room as soon as the last black guy that spent 4 hours cooking dinner for them and 160 other people leaves the room. That openly call our president any number of racial and or religious slurs, and that feel off of and are PROUD of their ignorance.

So let's just give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're a level headed person who's proud of the South or your home or whatever is making you defend this flag. That's allowed, but if you want to so vehemently preach about it's heritage, don't act so flabberghasted that a large number of your other supporters have gone out of their way to paint a very different image of the same thing you're trying to protect.

I just object to the abject simplification of four devastating years of civil war, followed by 150 years of failed Reconstruction, into a bumper sticker, or lack thereof. The guys that you cite are wrong and should be brought up on it. But banning a flag decal for sale at Amazon, and dropping the Dukes of Hazard from TVLand is not the way to do it.

Lincoln had this crazy idea that Reconstruction could be implemented in a fashion that included a lot more forgiveness than punishment. It was called the Ten Per Cent Plan. But what did he know, compared to some MSNBC commentator?

What IS the way to do it? Honestly, I'm sick of people who have just enough energy to derail an effort to improve a bad situation, generally by pointing out that it's not a complete, pain-free, cost-free, immediate, permanent solution...but who can't be bothered to do anything themselves. if calling out stupid peckerwood yahoos who are flying a racist flag (which is not censorship; I'm sure you understand the distinction) is not the way, what IS the way? I'm reminded of the scene in Aliens when the sergeant is told he can't shoot at the aliens, and he replies, "What are we supposed to use, harsh language?" You don't even want to allow that.

If you get to 1,000,000 times, they will be TRUE!


Meanwhile we have school boards in Gulf states changing textbook criteria to not even mention slavery in connection with the civil war and giving equal educational weight to creationism vs evolution. So funny of you to mention icky books about things you disagree with in a conversation about a flag that was used in the first by a region of a country fighting in large part for the right to own a human being. Sure, it's about heritage, but that heritage is subjective.

Perhaps TVLand sees what you fail to - that it may be a small impact on a large societal racial problem, but just like you have the free speech rights to continue waving that richly cultural flag, they have the right to pull programming as to not be associated with what everyone else thinks of that "heritage"

The people who designed those flags of treason in defense of slavery were not shy in the least about what they intended them to represent.

Anything beyond their own words is revisionist.

The white rectangle symbolizes the "supremacy of the white man," according to William T. Thompson, the flag's designer. "As a people we are fighting to maintain the Heaven-ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race," Thompson wrote. The second flag faced criticism for being too white, with complaints that it could be mistaken for a truce sign in battle.

source: http://www.latimes.com/visuals/graphics/la-na-g-confederate-flag-history...

it's subjective to whatever historical facts you choose to ignore(?)

Here's a collection of the reasons for secession and civil war, in statements made by the leaders of the Confederacy. In it, you'll see such heartwarming, heritage-upholding bits as this:

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery—the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun.

And this:

As a separate republic, Louisiana remembers too well the whisperings of European diplomacy for the abolition of slavery in the times of an­nexation not to be apprehensive of bolder demonstrations from the same quarter and the North in this country. The people of the slave holding States are bound together by the same necessity and determination to preserve African slavery.

In direct refutation of the revisionist not-all-about-slavery "heritage" arguments, a Richmond newspaper of the time said this:

‘The people of the South,’ says a contemporary, ‘are not fighting for slavery but for independence.’ Let us look into this matter. It is an easy task, we think, to show up this new-fangled heresy — a heresy calculated to do us no good, for it cannot deceive foreign statesmen nor peoples, nor mislead any one here nor in Yankeeland. . . Our doctrine is this: WE ARE FIGHTING FOR INDEPENDENCE THAT OUR GREAT AND NECESSARY DOMESTIC INSTITUTION OF SLAVERY SHALL BE PRESERVED, and for the preservation of other institutions of which slavery is the groundwork.

The proud assholes and their ugly flag can return to their hog wallows and their fantasies about a time that never happened.

He resigned from the U.S. Army after they asked him to lead an invasion of his home state. When that state asked him to help defend it against the invaders, he volunteered. I'm sure any of us would do the same for Massachusetts.

He resigned from the U.S. Army after they asked him to lead an invasion of his home state.

Here's the oath that Lee swore (enacted 1830):

"I, _____, appointed a _____ in the Army of the United States, do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will bear true allegiance to the United States of America, and that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies or opposers whatsoever, and observe and obey the orders of the President of the United States, and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the rules and articles for the government of the Armies of the United States."

And then, when it came time to honor that oath by putting down a treasonous rebellion, he switched sides and joined the enemy.

Let's say a bunch of my neighors decided they were, I dunno, sick of paying the Federal income tax, and they were going to declare themselves sovereign and secede from the US. No, in that case I sure as hell wouldn't take up arms against my country.

It's such a shame we didn't get to know those traitorous racists who got their asses kicked by the north.

They fought against the United States, not for it. If they died in battle, then they died while committing treason, just as the US citizens who chose to fight for Germany under the Third Reich committed treason.

Unfortunately, as many or more of my ancestors fought for the slave states than against them. I certainly don't look at the flag and think about dear old great-great granddad. The battle flag is just that-- a flag of an army who wanted to overthrow the US government within each slave state and territory, then it invaded the non-secession states. And the reason they wanted to overthrow the US government was to maintain slavery. The "states right" that gets trotted out was the right to maintain slavery.

And yes, as is inevitably pointed out, individual soldiers may have fought to protect the family farm, but the acts of secession that caused the war were to maintain the institution of slavery.

I was born in Louisiana, and grew up mostly there and in North Carolina and Virginia. The confederate flag does not symbolize those aspects of the south that I love when I go back for visits, like great story-telling, valuing human interaction as much (or more) than efficiency, even muggy weather.

To me, the confederate flag symbolizes the Klan. The local grand dragon flew it in his front yard.

And the confederate flag was on the bumpers and t-shirts of the white high school boys I knew, who would drink cheap beer then harass black families in our county: shoot their livestock, paint slurs on their property, slash the tires on all the cars parked at the local black Masonic lodge.

The flag was in the front window of restaurants-- not bars, but family restaurants-- that wanted to make clear who was and was not welcome, even if they could not legally refuse service.

The Moultrie flag has a longer relevance in the south, and though it also started as a battle flag, it is not treasonous, and has not been co-opted by racists and used to terrorize other Americans. If someone, for whatever reason, needs a flag to represent the south, the Moultrie flag is a better choice.

On a similar note, southern bases for the United States armed forces can be named after Omar Bradley, Robert Howe, George Marshall, or any of the many other leaders from the South who fought for, not against, the United States. That US Army soldiers of all races, from every state, work and live on a base named after Braxton Bragg in 2015 is idiotic.

edited for typo

Much ado about nothing
Just ignore it.

Throw ya computah in the ocean.

The link doesn't work.



And we have a right to make fun of their stupidity, assholery, and to ask that our public safety people make sure that their little motorized tantrums and other behavior is within the law and doesn't injure our citizens.


Why would this be okay in an anti slavery state that lost many to Johnny Reb?

Maybe not as fervent as Massachusetts, but they certainly did oppose it:



This retard is suggesting that NASCAR somehow equates to being racist. Maybe we should ban that too because feelings.

I don't think NASCar is racist, but I can't help but notice that it wasn't the NBA, NFL, MLB, or NHL that had to issue a statement asking their fans to if they could please stop wearing outfits made entirely out of the racist flag. Just saying...

People with mental retardation can't help it.

Please try moron, idiot, imbecile, or other descriptive implying willful ignorance (rather than inescapable incapacity).

I don't see how pointing out that NH was an abolitionist sort of place has much to do with NASCAR, either.

"Please try moron, idiot, imbecile, or other descriptive implying willful ignorance (rather than inescapable incapacity)."

"Moron", "idiot" and "imbecile" were also once bona fide medical categories. From the Wikipedia entry for "imbecile":

Imbecile was a medical category of people with moderate to severe intellectual disability, as well as a type of criminal.[The term arises from the Latin word imbecillus, meaning weak, or weak-minded. It included people with an IQ of 26–50, between "moron" (IQ of 51–70) and "idiot" (IQ of 0–25).

Since these terms are no longer used in the medical field, it has become acceptable to use them pejoratively. Since President Obama signed Senate Bill 2781, known as "Rosa's Law" in 2010, which changed references in many Federal statutes that referred to "mental retardation" to refer instead to "intellectual disability" , perhaps there will come a time when "retard" is so divorced from it's medical meaning that it will be in the category of "moron", "idiot" and "imbecile", which, as you put it, are "descriptive(s) implying willful ignorance (rather than inescapable incapacity)." But it's still far too soon.

I think the important thing is that someone suffering from an intellectual disability generally knows what "retard" used as a pejorative means.

I still remember when that was the "correct" thing to say, and how quickly it became an insult. However, intellectual disability is probably more descriptive as we now know that such disabilities are many and varied.

Stephan Jay Gould covered this at some length. A Victorian era gaggle from Harvard was looking for a scientific basis to prove poor white people where inherently inferior.

As with many of Harvard's crap science crackpots, they even altered some photos to make a family look more freakish and damaged than they actually were.

It eventually fell apart, but not before causing significant damage by leading to immigration restrictions on people from Eastern and Southern Europe, who were thought to be particularly inferior.

This would have terrible ramifications later when someone else swallowed the same load over in Germany and went to work exterminating these various inferiors. He assumed that since not even America would take em in, that he had the perfect game plan.

It is easily one of the more disgraceful chapters among many in our often checkered history.

Loudon is where the racetrack is.

I can confirm saw them coming off 93 South from NH onto 128/95 south.

3 pickups going 80+ mph southbound on 95 around 9AM, south of 93. Middle one had a confederate flag. I figured it was a concert or festival of some kind.

LOL Hi there :) *waves*



With any hope some of these boys will get picked up on suspect DUIs while coming out of Zac Brown and have to spend the overnight at District 2 or 4. They will be in for a real post racial America experience.


Bull Connor was a member of the Democratic National Committee.

From the Daily Caller, "Connor was active in the Democratic Party at the same time that Senators Robert Byrd of West Virginia and Albert Gore, Sr. of Tennessee were leading the opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Connor was no doubt pleased that 80 percent of the “no” votes on that bill in the U.S. Senate, and 75 percent of the opposition in the House, came from Democrats."

What were you saying about Republicans?

And Obama's tax policy is more conservative than Reagan's but get's called Socialist by today's GOP, so what's you're point other than that you haven't followed politics since the late 70s?

Hell, I can keep this up all day...here's a sampling of the Lightbringer's tax policies...oh, and it's not socialist, it appears a bit more, um, fascist, being the deliberate targeting of a different political philosophy by a powerful branch of the government:

"Senate Report Cites I.R.S. Mismanagement in Targeting of Tea Party Groups"

"McConnell: IRS report shows Obama 'misled' Congress"

"Lerner IRS emails production"

Just to be fair and balanced:
"‘Not even a smidgen of corruption’: Obama downplays IRS, other scandals"

"Dear IRS Employees: Emails Go To Congress, So Let's Text"

Oh wow, I bet you could publish this wonderful "research" in a peer reviewed journal and no one would bat an eyebrow!


Don't have to, someone else is doing it. Add it to your reading and learn something, rather than making snarky comments when you're in over your head.

Oh, well if you've got a blog to link to, checkmate I guess. I concede to your furious googling.

1. I don't use Google.
2. I read his blog on a regular basis. Lots of interesting tax stuff on there. Probably too boring for you, though.

Try it, if you're not too close minded. It's neither liberal nor conservative.

Kenneth Starr got a job there after his Clinton prosecution failed.

On April 6, 2004, he was appointed dean of the Pepperdine University School of Law. He originally accepted a position at Pepperdine as the first dean of the newly created School of Public Policy in 1996; however, he withdrew from the appointment in 1998, several months after the Lewinsky controversy erupted. Critics charged that there was a conflict of interest due to substantial donations to Pepperdine from billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, a Clinton critic who funded many media outlets attacking the president. (Scaife's money, however, supported the Foster-was-murdered theory, according to CNN, and Scaife defunded The American Spectator after it endorsed Starr's conclusion of suicide and mocked a Scaife-aided book. In 2004, some five years after President Clinton's impeachment, Starr was again offered a Pepperdine position at the School of Law and this time accepted it.


It's an expensive neocon shithole in Southern California. Jeeze, got any juicy stuff from Bob Jones U.?

This is the problem with right wing ideologues. Dig into their sources a bit and you find some reeking bullshit pit.

I love the way the other mental midget wraps itself in the Stars and Bars to mount a bankrupt 'Liberty' argument, but then, that turkey squandered an education on a Library Science degree after floundering around in useless Pol Sci land, a favored lazy class for budding ideologues.

The library career probably failed due to the social skill requirements.

We really need better ideologues, this gaggle is all rehashed cliches from Right Wing central or in the case of Mister Car, you get Asperger word salads of shredded skunk cabbage.

Hillary campaigning in an orange jumpsuit, giving interviews from behind plexiglas, Jon finding just how irrelevant he is, Repubs controlling the executive branch as well as the Congress, UHub regs fighting over the Prozac...

Heh. Good times.

You're dreaming again.

You know the difference, right?

(Hint: you cannot register as a charity if you are a political organization)

Note: professors often "publish" things on their blogs when they know it won't withstand the scruitiny of peer review. See also "The Bell Curve" as a book.

Ya, I know the difference. I'm also familiar with that book.

Let me know when you have something relevant to add to the conversation (if that's what you could call some of these comments...)

You were asked about peer-reviewed information, and cited a blog.

You know the difference there, too, right?

This guy is putting stuff in his blog that he knows won't pass muster in academic peer criticism, so people like you will cite it as objective.

the fact that todays Republican party is dominated by Southern politicians playing southern politics. When LBJ opened the south up to freedom Dick Nixon and the GOP welcomed the racists with open arms and the GOP has been the party of the South ever since.

The first real enforcement of Brown v Board was by a Republican president against entrenched southern Democratic opposition. Clue, history buff...Little Rock. It's in Arkansas, former home of the dowager queen of Chappaqua. Heh, I love that phrase.

Oh, that was the fifties...learn your history.

Nixon wanted universal health care back in the day...
"Ted Kennedy, Richard Nixon and Universal Health Care"

So racist of them.

The man wouldn't stand a chance in today's Republican primaries, at least not based on his beliefs.

Lincoln. The yeah but... defense.

Eisenhower put boots on the ground. He enforced the law. This was the fifties. He did the right thing.

Please explain, AG, why he wouldn't stand a chance today?

I also cited Nixon. Would he stand a chance?

But, this thread is getting old, I have to go outside and play, again.



I really have to learn how to imbed images someday.

As you note, Eisenhower understood our constitutional system and the role the court plays in it. Today, we have Republican candidates calling for repudiation of Supreme Court decisions.

"Military-industrial complex." He warned against it, remember? Try that today.

50 to 150 year old positions is lame. Reagan was a Democrat and a union member so according to your logic that makes him a leftist.

The first real enforcement of Brown v Board was by a Republican president against entrenched southern Democratic opposition.

Yeah, at one point the Democratic Party was the party of entrenched institutionalized racism and the Republican party was the party of progressive reform. Things change. Once upon a time the Germans supplied troops to England to wage a war against the USA; at some later point the USA and England were allied against Germany.

How dare you (and you know who you are) attempt to use this discussion to make an attempted joke about a woman's death yesterday?

as if we don't know who it is.

Edit: Actually it could be one of two people... one that hate cyclists, and one that makes shitty jokes about recently deceased. Anyone got a coin?

It wasn't me this time

And tbh, it doesn't seem like marks style

You're still a piece of shit, though. And your TBH was wrong so you're a piece of shit with a big ol' kernel of corn right in the middle.

and yes, your first guess was right.

I fucking hate that guy.

his long-overdue banning.

My comment was in reference to this previous story and nothing else because the photo above shows the truck in front of a hubway station and what happened on July 29 was that a truck ran over 3 parked bikes at a hubway station. Nobody was injured in that incident. I don't want anyone getting hurt which is why I advocate that people take safety precautions, and even choose a safer mode of transportation.

Sorry for not including the link to the news story before. I thought people might be following the news and know what I was referring to since several news outlets covered the story, even with video.

My original comment essentially was that those driving around with confederate flags had a peaceful protest. I'm not going to assume you have joined others in making false claims of what I write or think to assassinate my character, but rather graciously chock it up to ignorance of the previous news item where a truck clipped a hubway station as for why you misunderstood my comment.


I'm not going to assume you have joined others in making false claims of what I write or think to assassinate my character

No one needs to make false claims to assassinate your character when they can just copy and paste what you write yourself.

I made a a reference to a story about a truck hitting a hubway station and Adam deleted the comment so people could see for themselves that I referenced that incident and then claimed I tried to joke about the tragic death on Friday of a cyclist. Let him restore my original comment and you can see the truth for yourself.

Not restoring your original post in part because it was still irrelevant, in part because once I delete something, it's gone forever - I live life on the edge, without any sort of version control for comments.

I was thinking people might get my sense of humor better if they did crossword puzzles (in the Globe or NY Times) and were used to the turns of phrase and humor used in the clues by authors. Wedding crasher was one of those. My grandmother did crosswords religiously and got my father and then me doing them. Alas, instead of crosswords for the bus/train ride into work people now have cell phones.

That was in response to the woman who jumped to her death at Rowes Wharf, right?
You're so clever, and clearly misunderstood.

Almost two weeks ago. Those of us who do keep up with news don't really consider that news anymore.

If they want to Carey on like a bunch of traitorous morons, they are welcome to move to Alabama!

We wouldn't want it to collapse on them. Well, we wouldn't want the traffic snarl at least.

Perhaps we should get some slingshots and bobbleheads to defend the city the next time the stupid burns? http://www.history.com/topics/charles-sumner

(yes, I know it was a different Sumner, but his ghost may not know that ;) )


I grew up in the Ozark mountains and my parents have southern ancestry. So talking about these things with my parents, I heard a lot about the "states rights" justification for the Civil War, and the cultural defense of the Confederate flag. I grew up listening to this nonsense, but it wasn't until I started reading journalists like Ta-Nehisi Coates that I truly understood how warped my parents' version of history really was.


Eye-opening indeed.

My grandfather grew up in South Carolina. Never once saw a confederate flag in the house. He was a real southerner, didn't need a silly piece of cloth to confirm his identity.

If you ignore trolls, hopefully they drive away.

...flying the Confederate flag should be exiled to the poorest region of Mississippi. Let's see how much the south then.

Awww, too scared to drive and parade around Dudley, H Block, andFour Corners?

There is a big suv (I think it's a suburban), the whole back windshield is a confederate flag decal. They drive all around Dorchester and don't seem to have a problem.

More than anyone wanting to parade around with their confederate flag, what gives pause is the mindset that would cause some to be flying the flag symbolizing a desire for the breakup of the Union next to the flag of the Union.

These folks aren't just confined to NH or the Swamplands to the south of Boston - there are a few in Somerville, too. My next door neighbors have taken down their Gadsden flag, in fact, to fly the Union flag up the same pole as their Confederate government flag, which they were calling "Bonnie Blue(?!)" Housemate gently corrected them, telling them that the Bonnie Blue was something else entirely, then asked them what they were trying to say with the two flags together. I think that the answer was, "it's our History, you can't deny it (both are born and bred Boston)...and They Can't Censor Us!"


confirms one thing for me:

the gas tax is definitely too low.

Posts about shootings get maybe a couple replies. One post about gunfire in Dorchester and a victim going to the hospital didn't solicit one reply, no interest. A silly flag appears on a truck and everyone has their undies in a twist. Worry about things that matter folks.

Yes, the shootings are terrible and more important than a piece of cloth, but what's to say about one after another?

As my mom used to say at restaurants when she had to deal with pushy people like you, "I'll order for me and you order for you." Don't tell other people what should matter to them. Some of us, at least, are capable of being simultaneously concerned about more than one thing, and we don't always express it on uhub.