OH COME ON! Anyone that's a regular patron of America's Food Basket knows they have far worse on sale and in the backroom than under-the-table goat farming.
I swear to the Almighty (never lie to the Wade Boggs) AFB is the least sanitary supermarket chain in existence in the northeastern US.
Personally, I've never set foot in the place (I just do the carcass transactions in the back), by the AFB in Hyde Park was the first supermarket my wife visited when she came to Boston. And she was with her mother.
It took a while to convince her that Market Basket was a completely different thing.
Remember, though, that the AFB on Cummins Highway was once a different supermarket until too many ISD closures forced the owners to sell.
Ehh, it's all relative. I was in St. Croix in the 80's and heard a radio announcement beseeching people not to eat the goat taken from an agricultural research farm. Goat was radioactive. Good Lord knows why but I bet that stew packed a wallop.
I don't know whether to be like "eeew--pickup goat meat!" or think "hey--this is cool that some enterprising guy, presumably an immigrant, who's raising goats in Milton or wherever can bring his goat carcass in to be turned into goat chops or whatever". I remember when Andy's Meat Market in the North End had rabbits and other carcasses hanging in the doorway--this is just how it used to be done and still is done in much of the world. So--by insisting that things be done a certain way, or not creating some kind of creative, safer workaround, are we just squashing immigrant cultures? And yes, I've also seen worse in other markets, including a giant frog hopping across the floor in an Asian market and a shopping cart full of live armadillos in a market in Chinatown.
Did you see the video? The bloody goat carcass was plunked down in a shopping cart that people use to put their groceries in then pushed into the store. Do you think that's fair to people in Mattapan who shop at this supermarket? Woops, don't mind that goat blood where you just put your strawberries in the shopping cart -- it's 'cultural,' so it's fine! Food safety and sanitation rules exist for good reasons. This isn't a cultural issue, this is a health issue.
Supermarket chicken is notoriously laden with Salmonella. The cart into which you place your strawberries has undoubtedly been used by some prior customer to carry chicken, which undoubtedly leaked all over the cart. I don't see why goat is any worse.
This might be a bit of a stretch, but to illustrate a point - yes, we are squashing the wonderful immigrant cultural practices like keeping unpackaged raw meat next to fruit and vegetables, selling dog meat, and of course the "yes I took it this far" - dumping human waste and dead bodies into our water supply.
Basically, everything to ensure animals are treated with reasonable respect (vegetarians please don't start flaming) and to keep people from getting sick.
How could an immigrant newly arrived to the U.S. afford a place in Milton? I don't know anyone who can afford Milton... let alone a place in Milton with enough land to raise goats. I would think it is expensive to buy a goat, house it and feed it... right? Would you buy meat from a supermarket that butchered dead animals from random people's pickup trucks? You really ought to raise your standards.
Bag it, tag it
Sell it to the butcher in the store
Will now only accept goat carcasses
from the backs of Prius hatchbacks.
Now where am I supposed to drop off my goat carcasses?
Yeah, right
OH COME ON! Anyone that's a
OH COME ON! Anyone that's a regular patron of America's Food Basket knows they have far worse on sale and in the backroom than under-the-table goat farming.
I swear to the Almighty (never lie to the Wade Boggs) AFB is the least sanitary supermarket chain in existence in the northeastern US.
Here's my AFB story
Personally, I've never set foot in the place (I just do the carcass transactions in the back), by the AFB in Hyde Park was the first supermarket my wife visited when she came to Boston. And she was with her mother.
It took a while to convince her that Market Basket was a completely different thing.
Remember, though, that the AFB on Cummins Highway was once a different supermarket until too many ISD closures forced the owners to sell.
Radioactive goat
Ehh, it's all relative. I was in St. Croix in the 80's and heard a radio announcement beseeching people not to eat the goat taken from an agricultural research farm. Goat was radioactive. Good Lord knows why but I bet that stew packed a wallop.
Nanny state strikes again?
It is surprising that the usual voices braying against over-regulation have yet to butt in here.
Kids these days.
Per MassDOT
Never leave a kid in a car. Not even for a minute.
I must admit--I'm torn.
I don't know whether to be like "eeew--pickup goat meat!" or think "hey--this is cool that some enterprising guy, presumably an immigrant, who's raising goats in Milton or wherever can bring his goat carcass in to be turned into goat chops or whatever". I remember when Andy's Meat Market in the North End had rabbits and other carcasses hanging in the doorway--this is just how it used to be done and still is done in much of the world. So--by insisting that things be done a certain way, or not creating some kind of creative, safer workaround, are we just squashing immigrant cultures? And yes, I've also seen worse in other markets, including a giant frog hopping across the floor in an Asian market and a shopping cart full of live armadillos in a market in Chinatown.
bloody goat carcass transported in a shopping cart
Did you see the video? The bloody goat carcass was plunked down in a shopping cart that people use to put their groceries in then pushed into the store. Do you think that's fair to people in Mattapan who shop at this supermarket? Woops, don't mind that goat blood where you just put your strawberries in the shopping cart -- it's 'cultural,' so it's fine! Food safety and sanitation rules exist for good reasons. This isn't a cultural issue, this is a health issue.
No worse than supermarket chicken
Supermarket chicken is notoriously laden with Salmonella. The cart into which you place your strawberries has undoubtedly been used by some prior customer to carry chicken, which undoubtedly leaked all over the cart. I don't see why goat is any worse.
Tell You What
I'll take the cart that someone "undoubtedly" put packaged chicken in. You take the cart that has blood all over it. Sound good?
Where do you shop where a
Where do you shop where a bloody dead chicken is sold without being fully encased in packaging?
This might be a bit of a
This might be a bit of a stretch, but to illustrate a point - yes, we are squashing the wonderful immigrant cultural practices like keeping unpackaged raw meat next to fruit and vegetables, selling dog meat, and of course the "yes I took it this far" - dumping human waste and dead bodies into our water supply.
Basically, everything to ensure animals are treated with reasonable respect (vegetarians please don't start flaming) and to keep people from getting sick.
"Basically, everything to
"Basically, everything to ensure animals are treated with reasonable respect"
Which is NOT done and has moral implications for carnivores and omnivores as well as vegetarians.
Eat it, but don't beat it until after a humane killing/harvest.
And seriously, if you are shoving dead animal tissue into your mouth, a little dried blood on a shopping cart is the least of your worries.
And have you never seen completely wrapped meat leaking blood from the bottom of the packaging? OPEN YOUR EYES!
Stop it
You're making me hungry!
How could an immigrant newly
How could an immigrant newly arrived to the U.S. afford a place in Milton? I don't know anyone who can afford Milton... let alone a place in Milton with enough land to raise goats. I would think it is expensive to buy a goat, house it and feed it... right? Would you buy meat from a supermarket that butchered dead animals from random people's pickup trucks? You really ought to raise your standards.
Expensive to feed goats?
Goats might be happy to eat expensive things, but they don't need to.
I heard it was a Chevre pickup truck.