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Hyde Park tom's reign of terror continues; woman held hostage in own home
By adamg on Sun, 11/15/2020 - 1:45pm
On one of the Hyde Park Nextdoor groups, a Huntington Avenue resident reports she tried to go outside Thursday morning, but the terrible turkey was there:
I ended up having to run for my life.
It appeared to be the same turkey that attacked a woman on nearby Westminster Street as she tried to walk to a nearby Dunkin' Donuts last Sunday, and then tried to make mincemeat out of a TV reporter, only he was able to fend off the drumsticks of doom with a mic on a selfie stick.
We had one on our yard
I grabbed my kids hockey stick, the Turkey fled the vicinity.
The bagpipes players, From Beacon Hill, could
Be used to create a Turkey free zone in Hyde park.
Couple of tough toms on my street
Our neighbor has an elderly pitbull that might dissolve you to death with loving drool and exhaust you with belly rub demands.
I have only seen her get aggro on two occasions: when her young family was entering the woods and there was a coyote skulking around (she blocked their way, sat on the trail, and growled fiercely and they got the message); and when the two toms decided to run into her yard to start chasing one of the small kids.
Feathers were lost.
The toms still come around, but they are a bit more wary now.
An umbrella is also a useful
An umbrella is also a useful deterrent. Open it and you have a 'tail' bigger than the birds.
Murder most fowl v2?
Sounds like a story from the Vineyard: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/452/poultry-slam-2011/act-two-0
Didn’t workout for the bird but most of the residents were very satisfied.
The day Mr. Tom came to town
A few years ago, I heard this odd sound from outside. When I looked out the window I saw that a tom had made himself comfortable on the neighbors' front stoop, and was announcing his availability and willingness to procreate -- no doubt confident that a bevy of lady turkeys would soon beat a path to our neighborhood and throw themselves at his feet.
He kept it up for a good 15-20 minutes. There was no response of any kind. I didn't actually see him leave, but the air was tinged with disappointment and failure. OK, I made that last part up.
In some neighberhoods Tom
In some neighberhoods Tom would already be served in a casserole by now
Those wild tom turkeys are too tough to eat.
Whoever tries to take a single bite out of one of them would not get very far, if one gets the drift.
You know there is easy fix
You know there is easy fix for this, and it is that time of the year.
...doesn't someone just kill it?