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Add fisher cats to the list of things that live in the Arboretum
By adamg on Mon, 11/07/2022 - 8:52am
Jamaica Plain News presents a photo of a fisher cat in the Arnold Arboretum, to go with the deer and the coyotes and the owls. Spotted in the wilder Bussey Brook woods.
Free tagging:
Rare to see
Common to hear
The sound often attributed to
The sound often attributed to a fisher is actually a fox.
We had one cross our backyard
We had one cross our backyard a few years back. It was pretty eerie. At first we thought it was a VERY weird cat. Body too long and legs too short -- and strange gait. But when it climbed up and over the fence (instead of jumping) we knew it was "something else" (and started looking up what it might actually have been).
They sound demonic
And they are demonic.
More reasons to keep your dog leashed.
This is an animal that can eat a well-armed porcupine for breakfast without breaking a sweat. Not to be messed with
Now HERE'S an idea!
"While not common, fishers have also been known to kill wild turkeys."
The Turkey Liberation Front
The Turkey Liberation Front has a bounty on Fisher Cat pelts.
Don't bother trying to collect though.
The TLF doesn't recognize the U.S. monetary system.
They pay in tail feathers.
I think they're Turpublicans.
Also, Fisher Cats? Fisher Cats?? Holy Pekania pennanti, Batman!!! We have Fisher Cats!
I wonder if they haz cheezeburger?