Walking a marathon in every Boston neighborhood
Patrick Maguire has set out to walk 26.2 miles in Boston's larger neighborhoods and a half marathon in the smaller ones, but he plans to wear out his sneakers in all of Boston's 24 designated neighborhoods.
Maguire wants to learn more about Boston, promote his Server Not Servant project and get some exercise.
Over 3 days of Memorial Day Weekend 2022, I was ‘On the Road’ for 12.5 hours on Saturday, 6 hours Sunday, and 4 hours on Monday, totaling 22+ hours. The weekend goal was to set foot in (and take pics of) all 24 Boston Neighborhoods as a catalyst to launch the project and ‘get moving.’ I was hoping to complete the task in one day, but after 12+ hours and 16 neighborhoods on Saturday, realized I needed more time…
Thank you
Thank you for sharing, Adam. I hope you'll join me for at least a portion of some of the walks. And I'd love to get some recommendations from you and your readers about local, neighborhood, Boston charities to feature for each walk. Cheers.
North End?
Does the North End even have 20 miles of road?
Try...Bay Village!
Try...Bay Village!
Every single one?
I think you could probably just about do it if you walked every single sidewalk and park path, and inevitably doubled over some stretches in order to cover every street.
I’m pretty confident you can’t in Bay Village.
Boston Neighborhoods
I'll combine neighborhoods like Bay Village, Leather District, and the West End with others 'next door.'
You could probably rack up
You could probably rack up some extra miles following the harborwalk in and out of all the wharves
Beacon Hill
is another small (though hilly) place where I'd have a hard time walking 13 miles, let alone 26.