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School bus no match for Jersey barriers on Guest Street in Brighton
By adamg on Sun, 12/29/2024 - 3:13pm
The driver of this bus atop Jersey barriers at Guest and Arthur streets in Brighton will no doubt have an interesting story to tell his dispatcher how he wound up like that, around 2:10 p.m. No reported injuries.
Free tagging:
Where are they going on a Sunday between Christmas and New Years?
Bus for hire?
You can charter a "school bus" the same as you can a coach bus. For shorter distances, with no need for a toilet or luggage storage, the school bus is an affordable alternative to chartering a coach bus.
School buses as general charter
My understanding is that the bus needs to cover or remove the "School Bus" signs if it's being used for anything other than transporting children or returning to storage.
The bus in the photo even has an easy way to charge the sign from the inside of the bus.
Never heard of that
Never seen it done with the school buses that a big charity ride I do every year uses to get people up and down Cape Cod.
It is true in MA, though is it enforced?
Chapter 90, Section 7B
I learned something new. Of course, if I never own or operate a school bus, it's not all that pertinent to me since I'm not the one liable for compliance.
I wonder what the legal definition of "pupil" is in Massachusetts, since I do consider myself a student in the school of life...
High school meet at the new
High school meet at the new balance indoor track
Jersey barriers always win
Jersey barriers always win
Manufactured as a Bus
Identifies as a Monorail
Five-O Grind
Works better with a skateboard or snowboard.
bad ass move
I was thinking that's a bad ass move ON a board but in a school bus! Very bad bad ass ass.
"Frizzle!!! Boss's office -
"Frizzle!!! Boss's office - NOW!"
Bus driver decided
to take the high road.
Uggghhh! What the hell happened?
Uggghhh! What the hell happened?
This looks like a mess.