Not yet a full-fledged cat fight because one of the parties has yet to say anything publicly. Anyway, file this under "how quickly they forget." And file this, by the same reporter, under "Really, he should know better."
And file this under "disclosure."
I noticed the second link, too.
Never got around to seeing if there was a retraction, but that was very politically imprecise phrasing which linked the Governor to a scandal he has no honest role in. The Governor's Council is a quaint institution but one which is independantly elected and are not true advisors to the Governor. I wouldn't blame your average bay stater for not knowing that, but when you're writing a story you should really log onto Wikipedia or something and get some background.
Make that ...
When you used to write for the Watertown Tab, you really should know that ...
And when you run a newspaper that's supposed to meld old and new media, you really should know that online, you can fix mistakes like that - unless, of course, you don't want to.
It's kind of like a very large and well connected bra
The Governors Council is a commonly known place to store political boobs, some of whom have, um, ample experiences with the courts.
We have one around here who ran for Charlie Shannon's seat after Charlie Passed. Michael J. Callahan's tag line was "He Helps People". He lost the race to Pat Jehlen on the day that Hurricane Katrina hit in N'awlins.
His buddy Sherriff DiPaola rounded up volunteers and headed down to Mississippi in a big truck and bus. Somehow, Callahan was nowhere to be found when that bus left town, even though his campaign was at a close.