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By adamg on Mon, 07/23/2007 - 3:16pm
Elias wishes to have a word with Boston Metro's copy editor after seeing a reference to Karl Marz in today's paper:
... trust me, you can't rely Microsoft word's spell-check ya gotta eyeball these things.
Free tagging:
no kidding
I saw that headline and at first I thought the story was that Romney made a flub and thought the guy's name was "Karl Marz" (a la John Kerry's "Manny Ortez" flub).
I actually picked up a copy of the Metro and was disappointed/amused/ultimately-unsurprised to see that the mistake was the Metro's.
but let's be clear about his politics
The edition I saw referred to "Socialist Karl Marx," I presume in order to distinguish the KM in question from all the others of the same name. Former Red Sox Klobberin' Karl Marx?