He's weak in more ways than one, nearly losing to a flamingly rabid racist wingnut crazy and is tainted by his associations. He also lacks public appearance skills, to put it mildly.
He is not terribly connected in the House, and it would be to the advantage of the Democrats to further subdivide the somewhat populous suburban IGMFY Republican red zone his district overlaps.
What weblinks are there?... for potential Boston City Council candidates Abdirahman Baker Buckley Carithers Garrison Hurley Owens Parker Wyatt #bospoli
Can we just reserve a seat
Can we just reserve a seat now for the Democrat who goes to jail for corrupting this process?
My guess is Capuano
gives up his House seat to run for Senate against Scott Brown.
Capuano's seat
Capuano's seat is majority minority so I believe it has to be preserved.
Tierney will be on the block
He's weak in more ways than one, nearly losing to a flamingly rabid racist wingnut crazy and is tainted by his associations. He also lacks public appearance skills, to put it mildly.
He is not terribly connected in the House, and it would be to the advantage of the Democrats to further subdivide the somewhat populous suburban IGMFY Republican red zone his district overlaps.
I bet he'll be squeezed out.
Could be Barney . . .
Now that DADT has been repealed and it looks like gay marriage will be handled at state level.
What weblinks are there? potential Boston City Council candidate
What weblinks are there?... for potential Boston City Council candidates Abdirahman Baker Buckley Carithers Garrison Hurley Owens Parker Wyatt #bospoli
Um, Zak?
Twitter hashtags don't work on here.
(Also, posting random demands for information all over the internet doesn't seem to have worked, but that never stops you, so...)
Hi Don
Hmm I don't know, maybe look in a thread about the Boston City Council?
Don, I know it's your style to make posts like that, but this is a thread about CONGRESSIONAL SEATS.
Not about a library, not about council meeting minutes not being posted in a timely manner, but seats in US Congress being reduced due to census.
That said, good to see you're still around.