Oh, come on, like you wouldn't like a lucrative book deal
Jon Keller breaks the news (dear Channel 4: Read up on permalinks and fix your busted RSS, 'kay?).
The Outraged Liberal thinks the controversy is a bit overblown, it's not like Patrick was Client 10 or something, but still, he's forced to ask: This couldn't have waited?
... The man who showed a great understanding for the yearnings of Massachusetts residents has developed a tin ear, the kind that made Michael Dukakis a temporary one-termer.
David Bernstein writes this is one case where perception matters:
... It's absolutely legitimate for Mass. residents to be wary of gubernatorial absenteeism, even to the point of hypersensitivity, after Romney, Cellucci, Weld, Dukakis. ...
FrankSkeffington: Even if he still lost big, he OWED it to the folks who were in the trenches fighting for HIS bill to provide support by being there:
But no, Deval went. That says a lot about the man and it's not good.
Jay Fitzgerald wonders when the Commonwealth got renamed "Titanic:"
Imagine the captain of a sinking ship exhorting his doomed crew and passengers to remain calm while he hopped into a life boat exclaiming, 'Well, nice knowing you. I'm off to sign a book deal!' ... Of course Deval's casino bill was doomed before it sank below the House surface last week. But the timing of Deval's trip to New York to sign a book deal just doesn't look right. ...
From my understanding at least a few of the Sheeple
Reps risked the Wrath of Sal to stand with Deval
on this one.
At least they thought they were standing with Deval.
Since he was pulling a $1.5m Where's Waldo, they
were standing alone. Not together.
So the next time he needs these legislators, or any
legislators to take a chance? Well, when the phone doesn't
ring the Gov will know that it's them.
Together We Can was Moonbat Three Card Monte.
Together We Can
get a big payday out of this for me before I bail out to my castle in the Berkshires.
Nice change
$1.35 million advance for an autobiography scheduled to come out in 2010. Hmm, what else will be happening in 2010 around here?
This is too rich....
This will make a Dr. Seuss book seem like 'War and Peace'. I'll be just burnin' up the tires to get to Borders for that one!
So what would you name the book?
Dan Kennedy wonders; says "Drapes of Wrath" might work.
They've been doing this title thing to death on radio all day
One I liked best is: The Audacity of Hype
I got it
Together We Ran
i am not
going to fall for the old banana in the tailpipe!
Together We Can't!
Alternate title: Hey, at least I didn't get Busted
with a Hooker!