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Citizen forced to remove Confederate flag from 54th Massachusetts memorial after State, Boston Police freeze in jurisidictional dispute

Remains of Confederate flag on the 54th Massachusetts memorial

Remains of the flag. Photo by Hkergrrl.

The Globe reports Melissa Carino took down a Confederate flag that had been draped over the memorial to the North's first black regiment last night after State and Boston Police declined to act, each saying the other was responsible for the historic marker across from the State House.

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Why do we give them the attention they want?

But more importantly the Staties and BPD were too frightened to act about vandalism on one of the most beautiful pieces of public art in this country over jurisdictional issues?


Besides the Common is Boston, not State property. It's been that way since 1634.

Please hammer out your differences children before someone gets hurt over who gets to watch the manhole on Tide Street while the cable guy checks the wires.

It was about who takes the report, takes pictures for documentatoin, and which detectives follow up on the crime.

"Boston officers took Dixon into custody near Tremont and Boylston streets, and arrested him after he was identified by the witnesses, police said."


"A Quincy woman described as mentally troubled threw paint on a historic Beacon Hill memorial Tuesday afternoon, also splattering a family visiting from Wisconsin, Boston police said."


..that which can be explained by dithering and sclerotic process impositions.

BPD should know it is city property out of the gate.

If a park is maintained by the national park service, or by some other agency other than the Boston public works, then often times that other police agency will take a police report. Even the Feds will often take up a case like this if its serious enough, if the property is federal, which I believe the statue is. But I actually believe the DCR maintains the statehouse grounds, and may be responsible for that small area across the street since it appears semi-attached to the state house grounds? I could be wrong though.

Either way, its not like the movies where cops are punching each other out and calling each other assholes over something like this. It usually takes a phone call and 10 minutes. Not that big of a deal.

I appreciate your clarity and the Seaport should be yours.

"Either way, its not like the movies where cops are punching each other out and calling each other assholes over something like this."

Seems like not so many years ago I saw mounted police there. I assumed Park Rangers. They're City of Boston if I'm correct.

So, it's a cavalry charge into the huddled masses of defenseless MSP...

No, but really...what if it is a suspicious device?

Boston usually takes those because their bomb disposal unit can usually get there the fastest, but Transit has bomb detection dogs as well and those guys usually work well together. For stuff like that jurisdiction goes out the window, as the State police has jurisdiction anywhere for things like that, but someone from BPD would be making the decisions on a case like a bomb or suspicious device.

They were arguing jurisdiction over a bomb threat. Remember?

I don't know, their bomb unit is SUSPECT to me ever since that one bomb went off in Copley Square that almost took out Jeff Bridges.

Also, lite-brites.

I've seen them. Try to water cannon it open or put it in the truck and take it to Moon Island.

It was about who takes the report, takes pictures for documentatoin, and which detectives follow up on the crime.

In other words, "It's not my job, man."

What's important is that the removal gets handled by people who know how to preserve that statue.

A progressive advocate put that flag there in order to 'highlight the issue of racism'.

This shit is getting tedious.

That you just pulled this opinion out of your bunghole. Now go back to reading WMD and watching Glenn Bag.

Nope, he was right!

I think apologies are in order.....

Anon guarantees that he knows what's what. Also, get off his lawn.


Maybe, instead of calling the cops, we should simply invoke the name of Badass Bree. She'll show up immediately to politely capture the flag (and recite some scripture for us, too)!

You're right, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a "progressive advocate" who did this. After all, it was liberal Gov. Fritz Hollings (D) who first raised the Confederate flag above the S.C. State House in 1962. He was a best friend of the liberal lion Ted Kennedy. Shameful.

The process that raised the rebel loser flag over the SC state house was an act of the SC legislature and did not go through the governor. Shameful? Aren't you ashamed of lying?

As the debate raged over civil rights in 1961, the Democratic legislature under Governor Ernest “Fritz” Hollings, a Democrat, raised the Stars and Bars to mark the “Confederate War Centennial.

Facts are stubborn things.

Many Democrats, particularly southern Democrats back when such a thing still existed, were often super racist. In fact, lots of people - I might even say most - in American history were super racist.


So you're saying this is a.....false flag?

budump ching!

I WAS CORRECT! IT WAS EXACTLY AS I SAID, a 'progressive' wanted to make a statement about racism.


Nailed it.

My apologies.

I could see them showing up and just getting laughed at. Even by the racist.

...jurisdictional dispute. OK.

Glad it wasn't a backpack with wires hanging out of it...

I'm thinking they really have to work something out.

"Citizen forced to remove..." makes it sound like the police caught the person who did it and made him or her take it down. The citizen wasn't forced to do anything, she could have left it there if she had wanted.

I think Adam's implication here is that the delay caused by the jurisdictional confusion resulted in no law enforcement officer taking the thing down when it was discovered, so it sat there for a while. Therefore the citizen was "forced to remove it" because no appropriate personnel was doing it. Adam, please correct me if I'm reading you wrong.

Their radio local news "coverage" of the story made absolutely no mention of the jurisdictional dispute. They totally implied it was Melissa who put up the flag in the first place!

Once again, I'm reminded how thankful I am for Universal Hub!

He's head and shoulders above the children employed by 'GBH on real local news. (Don't get me started on Calle Crossley and Kara Miller. How's that affirmative action/protected class thing working out for us so far?)

If I want local daytime reporting that's where I go first.

To not only besmirch an important monument like this, but to do so with the emblem of a group that lost to them. Like waving a Seahawks flag at the Pats' parade (if you could actually get to the parade anyway), only a million times dumber.

Now that would be a good drill. Send in the robot to capture and contain it. Blow it up elsewhere.

I sincerely hope your dick rots off. I hope you have no friends, and you're lonely and sad for the rest of your shitty little life - unless of course you somehow see the error of your ways, and work on repenting and being a good person for a change...but I highly doubt you're capable of anything so monumental. Please seek counseling.

EDIT: consider the above comment to be too vitriolic for what the yahoo who's claimed responsibility had to say for himself. Given these new circumstances, I would instead like to advise Mr. Allsop not to use a racist symbol to make a point about racism being over, or whatever the hell he thought he was doing.

You really think a potty mouthed comment on UHub is going to influence let alone reach someone pulling stupid stunts like that?

Romper Room called, Miss Connie. They need you back on the job, please, not commenting on uhub.

You really think I care about the opinions of an anon who objects to salty language? No, I don't think it will reach him, or that he'll care, but hey - just in case, I'm letting him know he's trash.

your snark is directed at. I recall an earlier post you made referring to the fact your name really isn't 'Malcolm Tucker'. I'm shocked....shocked.

It's true. I'm the whippoorwill that cries in the night, the gentle breeze that caresses your lovely face.


Agreed, lets wrap ol Dixie over the problematic toxicity that is the rampant sexism of anonymous UHub comments.

as the Confederate Battle flag represents a cultural symbol of the Antebellum South and in light of SCOTUS actions last week, along with home 'schoolin', rednecks believe they can now legally marry their sisters.

Putting the flag at that spot makes it look like a captured trophy.
Certainly less offensive than flying it at the Common the way that Tea Party rally did.

The Gasden flag and Navy Jack aren't confederate but colonial era symbols.

I was on the Common that day. I don't remember any Confederate anything, flags, hats, anything.

So, I looked through the bunch of pictures that I took.

Still nothing. So, I'm calling you a bullshit artist. The earlier commenter that stated it's probably leftie provocateurs has a valid point. It was deliberately designed to inflame passions, just what this country doesn't need at the moment.

Or are you concerned that inflamed passions might result in social change?

Since that is one thing in our history which has resulted in social change.

...the 52 people killed in the 1992 LA riots how much they enjoyed being a part of social change.

What I'm saying is now is a good time for cooler heads to prevail.

...for heads to get out of asses. Whether heat or cold will best facilitate that process remains to be seen. Complacency and love of the status quo won't do it, that's for sure.

Why do I get the impression that you'd be a Tory?


I'll grant this was not the only Tea Party event on the common, so you might have gone to an idiot-lite event.

All my photos are from April of 2010. The Adam blog story is from 2012. I didn't see that one.
Apparently they are two different groups. I didn't meet too many idiots, but there were some strange lefties there.
Did you know there are still Trotskyites out there?
Do you still have your "Palin is a c*nt'' tee shirt?
Bull Connor was a member of the Democratic National Committee.

I don't advocate flying the Confederate battle flag. It's an historical artifact, a part of this country's history and heritage. I don't think it should be used as a modern standard on the state level.
Would you censor the cover of a book called "Bloody Roads South: The Story of the Virginia Campaign"?
The ability to create a better future depends on our understanding of our past.

Bull Connor was a member of the Democratic National Committee.

Shut up, you fucking moron.

Hey, intanet tough guy. Watch this:

Wiki, cause I'm lazy:


"In 1960, Connor was elected Democratic National Committeeman for Alabama, "

Meet Scratchie, intellectual of the left.

Hey, I see the rabble rousing loser that hung the flag 'fessed up to it.


I went to that rally. I saw the confederate flag. I thought it particularly inappropriate to be displaying on the Boston Common, but like most people, I though it was "worse than a crime. It's a blunder."

Trots amuse me. I don't have any anti-Palin possessions.

I'm just your average Masshole who thinks politicians should follow the Dukakis mold and keep things running, and not indulge in political theater.

Would be nice to find Republicans who think this way.

Different rally, I think. I was at the one in 2010, took a bunch of pics, no rebel flags. Apparently the 2012 one was a bit different. I wasn't there.
Blunder, yep.
Trots amuse everybody.

"Would be nice to find Republicans who think this way."

I think we found one. Governor Baker.

Do you think scratchie is vitriolic?

I looked at the photo and thought one thing- is the confederate flag hanging from Shaw's sword, thus making it a vanquished flag?

I'm not a big fan of the flag. I see that it is offensive. I see where having the flag on a monument to an African-American regiment is definitely offensive. That said, the stars and bars caught on the sword of a Union general who scored victories with his troops in South Carolina is a powerful symbol of the defeat of the confederacy.

Of course, if the flag was not on the sword to begin with, my views would be a lot different. I wasn't there and certainly didn't do it, so take my writings with a grain of salt.

People on the Royall House and Slave Quarters Society facebook page were discussing that same possibility - that the offending flag was impaled.

Should have gone with a solid white one, though ...

...just sayin'.


It was originally "Ryall" or some similar spelling. Changed for the effect of grandeur, of course!

A Tory knows these things...

The Globe tracks down one of the guys who put the flag there - this guy in a joint Harvard/MIT program, so he's real smart and all, and says it was supposed to honor the sacrifices made by the 54th Mass. See, first they burned a Confederate flag in front of the memorial, then the cops told them to knock that off, so they left another on the sword as a show of, oh, something or other.

How come some people were convinced an inbred troglodyte put the flag up?

All credit due to those who tried to get the flag down ASAP. I would have probably walked by, chuckled, and thought something about Shaw and Sherman's March to the Sea. Yes, I know the 54th were not involved in the Georgia Campaign, but it's my favorite Civil War Campaign.

'campaign' is not something that should be laughed about. And as a country, we have since reconciled (I hope), and moved forward. Would you like to see another civil war, more violence, the break up of the United States? If so, just come out and say it. An analogy can be be made with, say, Germany during WW2; I'm VERY pleased and happy the Nazis were beaten (they should never have gotten as far as they did to begin with, that includes going as far back as the Versailles Treaty), but I fon't chuckle or celebrate the fire bombing of Dresden and Hamburg (even though the Nazis asked for it). I fon't chuckle and celebrate the bombs dropped in Japan, although it's a great thing it ended the war and prevented more military deaths and casualties. Sherman was a brutal man, maybe psychopathic in his thinking. Let sleeping dogs sleep.

apparently not that smart

Because after reading everything that I've read, I respect the hell out of Jackson's foot cavalry and the guys from Alabama on the far left, who the 20th Maine stood up against in 1863.

If I lived in Charleston I would demand the flag be put back up. But if I was walking by St Gaudens Mass 54th at the top of Park Street this past weekend, I would have been the first one up there, tearing it down.

That of the flag being tied around the sword. Wouldn't that be a Victory Statement?

By the sword we seek peace, but only under liberty.


Ense petit placidam, sub libertate quietem.