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Plenty of trunk room

Ellie Elephanto!

Richard Beaubien watched the annual circus march through Cambridge toward the Garden last night.

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I love this photo, if it were in large print I would consider buying it, it looks so classic.

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Looks like the photographer does sell prints of his work (if you find that page as hard as I did to read, though, highlight the text as if you were going to copy it; makes it more legible).

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Looks pretty blurry to me.

And the elephant's face is half obscured by some woman in a winter jacket.

Beauty in the eye I suppose :)

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It would be worth a trek though the gallery to find one you like, if you like this one enough. I've rarely seen somebody take only one picture like this ... the usual method is to take a whole bunch and then find one really good one in the mix if you are lucky.

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Im not a photog myself , but I felt it was surreal in the black and white with a little bit of blur, and the woman in the mix. It made everything seem so out of place, which has a zen type feeling to it.

Just my opinion. Like I said I have no back ground in art.

One of my favorite pictures I have displayed is by a local photographer who took a sepiatone candid shot of John Kerry (Mark Ostow) pointing almost into the camera smiling. My copy is also signed by John Kerry. Its not a great photo by any means, but its got that same feel.

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That's what I liked about it - you can almost feel the elephants lumbering along there - plus the general black-and-white mood of it.

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The elephants arrived at the corner of Mass. Ave. and Vassar Street around 9:10, and went up the ramp at the New Garden at 9:55.

Despite what the DCR press release said, there were no zebras. Just 10 elephants, 11 horses of various colors, and three ponies.

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Thanks for the comments folks!

Yeah this is not the best of the lot. There's a few more posted on my Flickr photostream

I was trying to capture them on the move. It does suggest the movement as they were truckin' down the street.


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Sorry for the snipe, thanks for sharing the photos, as I completely failed to see elephants on Mass Ave in person :)

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