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What the South End needs is an apartment complex called Buildy McBuildface
By adamg on Fri, 06/03/2016 - 12:37pm
The developers of 345 Harrison Ave. are seeking ideas for a name for their new "apartment community." The winner gets $10,000. And, yes, they've learned from Boaty McBoatFace: No voting on names this time around.
Grant probably won't be entering, because as he notes, an apartment building on Harvard Avenue in Allston already has the best name:
Nothing will ever beat BACON CHAMBERS.
How About
1 Generic Pl.
Le Abattoir
The last few feet of the corridor are heavily soundproofed.
I can't imagine the BRA approving anything
that includes rotating knives though.
"Brown Pre-Fab by the Interstate"
The Hooker on Harrison.
It has a nice ring to it and has a historical connection.
Those are always good marketing Ideas.
Tipacanoe Tower
5 points to whomever gets the reference.
Is Harrison Ave
named for our 9th President?
Ding Ding
The street was laid out as Front Street in the late 1830's since it ran along the waterfront. (South Bay). After President Harrsion, the hero of the Battle of Tippencanoe, died suddenly, the street was renamed in his honor.
I'm beating my breast in asking for forgiveness.
Sorry spell correct doesn't work on names of obscure War of 1812 battles while stuck at a Rockland stop light. Please have mercy.
Eddie McEdiface
Seems stupidly popular with the newbies even though it's not South Boston.
Alexandria Safe Zone Place.
Alexandria Safe Zone Place.
Heroin Haven
Heroin Haven
A few more
So Wah!
Terrible Trolling Tabloid
Ink Stain
I Can't Believe It's Not Back Bay
Here's the winner
Adderall alley
The George
The George
How about:
The Residences by Canada Goose
The Residences by Lily Pulitzer
The Residences by Lululemon
Winchester South
Wellesley East
My Mommy and Daddy Came to the South End and All I Got Was This Lousy $1.8M condo
The Trust Fund
Kardashian House
Whole Foods Passage
White Haven
Heatbag Heights
Why wait until it gets a nickname?
The lofts at Lenox ?
Villa Victoria Village? Cathedral: If you lived here, you'd be home now?
Bottoms Up?
Bottoms Up?