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Fun-lovin' Medford cops have a real ball with the election

Medford cops pretend to arrest Hillary Clinton

Screen captures by Joan Marshall.

UPDATE: Union president says it was just a joke, apologizes.

Today was the Haines Square Fall Festival in Medford and some members of the Medford Police Patrolmen's Association joined the festivities by "arresting" somebody in a Hillary outfit and palling around with a Trump pretender.

The union thought the photos were so funny they posted them to their Facebook page - until some gloomy Gusses started complaining about fairness and impartiality on the part of an armed constabulary, and so the union took down the photos.

Of course, this is the Internet and nothing goes away, including the photo on the left featuring union President Harold MacGilveray (the one on the right), which I know is him thanks to firing-squad lover Al Baldasaro.



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somebody accuse me of being a trump supporter because i think its dumb people got upset over this

Go ahead and share that with your ballot.

The problem is that people in uniform, who represent the city and who will be stationed at the polling places and escorting the ballot boxes, have made their opinions clear.

That, and the blatant ethics violations when a public employee engages in partisan politicking while in uniform. That's an absolute no. Had they donned cammo and did this off the clock, it would be tacky, but acceptable.

and if you think that the image of trump there portrays him in a positive light idk what to tell you

for the fanatics.

Yes. Expecting the police to follow the rules of their employment makes me a fanatic. When I know what those rules are. When my taxes supposedly pay for professionals to know them and exhibit mature behavior and self control.

I happen to live in the community where their "poor judgement" and other unprofessional behavior seems to continue without appropriate training and supervision or oversight or restraint.

It isn't your ballot in those boxes. Maybe you should just STFU.

that theyre guilty of taking a photo with 2 civilians in costume 2 days before halloween right

this is what you're mad about

this is what you called politicking

by the way, pretend i copied and pasted this to literally every person that is buttmad over this.

There was a whole skit complete with a PA system.

Again, you don't live here. You haven't seen the videos that people took of the event or spoken to neighbors.

You are also clearly unfamiliar with the ethics laws. I suggest you look them up - the bind all public employees.

i admit all i was going by was the article that we're all commenting on

also you have no idea where i live lol

link the laws then you nasty woman

We all know where you live: at the top of a pond.

Grow up, get therapy, stop being an antisocial shit-stirring damaged-goods freak.

with today's society - You can't take a joke. And before you get all high and mighty about "ethics laws" - which are too concerned with possible violations instead of actual ones, perhaps you should learn the meaning of the word context.

with today's society - you're stupid as a box of rocks and completely ignorant of election laws. It's because of gullible dimwits like you that our elections are a complete shit show. Now shut up and let the grownups talk.

"It's not a joke, it's a serious violation of ethics and election laws" are the ones who are truly gullible. Here's a suggestion - just IGNORE it and let's focus on ACTUAL issues instead of always making up "scandals" that have no basis.

I'd love you to cite the violation here. Then possibly explain why the Ethics committee isn't doing anything about it.

In fact, there is no violation if a public employee wants to wear a sticker or button supporting a political candidate. The only reason why police officers cannot is because it is against most uniform policies, not violations of ethics laws.

I've seen the Ethics Commission rule in favor of public employees on much more serious alleged "violations" than this.

Your only mad because you don't like the Medford police, Trump and other people.

The police may have violated their own policy (That may be true), but this wouldn't amount to any sort of state ethics action, not even close.

Maybe you shouldn't be so cavalier and ticky-tacky about this. Do cops tend to like it when constituents take a lawyer-ish view of the law? How many times have you had to deal with something along the lines of "Hey pig, you can't arrest me because of specific reason XYZ!" when the guy is clearly doing something wrong and is either leaning on some technicality or otherwise showing his ass?

Do you just shrug and say "Hey, well, ya got me there!" ? No, you either find some other way to nail the guy or you just wait for him to cross the line. Because judgment is involved, and you have a pretty good feeling this guy is going to do more than just antagonize you.

So, now we have this incident where the cops are the ones flirting with the letter of the law while violating the spirit of the law. And now you're complaining "it violates no laws or regulations!". Can you now maybe see where people might be upset by this?

Cops should be avoiding even the appearance of impropriety. This may have been a joke in poor taste, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you like Trump or hate him. This gives people the impression that the cops have predetermined beliefs and conclusions. This puts people on the defensive. This indirectly causes police encounters to escalate.

My dad always said I had to respect him. I always had the point of view that respect is earned. This is part of the fundamental problem with policing in America.

I'm not talking about impressions here, I'm talking about Ethics violations, which what Swirly was talking about.

Your other talking points are red herrings and don't really have anything to do with what I was talking about.

It's completely relevant to that part. Be less dismissive and re-read.

Swirly is mad because she doesn't like something the Medford police did. She already doesn't like the Medford police (which is fine), and she has criticized them before.. But then she cites ethics violations as her reason her fury, not the potential department violation or inappropriateness of the acts.

If you want to say it was inappropriate or against department policy, I am fine with that. But don't tell me she isn't doing this because she is so concerned about public ethics law.

Cops are not above the rules.

Don't play the "special cop" card. It looks really stupid.

Police have to follow the same rules as other civil servants. No exceptions. It isn't about not liking cops, it is about PROFESSIONALISM and FAIRNESS.

Is not a violation of State Ethics law. But I assume you may have an opinion about whether or not that is fair or not fair, or professional or not professional.

It is not professional, and that is why most police departments have their own policies regarding uniforms.

I'm not talking about your or anyone's opinions anon, I was talking about Swirly's disingenuous commentary.

the one swirly wrote on a napkin, immediately after she felt righteous indignation and rage at the portrayal of her candidate

Is not a violation of State Ethics law

It's a violation of something more serious than that if you try it while pulling a detail at a polling place. But of course these cops know that and would never do such a thing.

And a photo still most likely isn't going to be a violation with someone in a Halloween costume. (It might be unprofessional)

You do realize the entire issue here wasn't the photos, it was the posting of them by the organization, with a slogan, making it more than just a photo.

I'll say it a million times, the photo is not a violation of any Ethics law in this circumstance. Ask anyone on that Ethics commission.

Maybe the ethics accusation was off-base. I don't know, and I don't particularly care. It seems like the sort of thing that *should* be a violation.

But I can certainly validate that she has reason to be upset, and if you're thinking that it's purely because of this "ethics violation" thing, then again, you're being really ticky-tacky about it by invalidating the letter of her argument and ignoring the spirit of it. She may be wrong about the ethics violation, but you're dismissing her complaint entirely on that basis. It's very lawyer-ish and...well..a dickish thing to do. But hey, Internet.

And while we're on the topic of Internet...double-negative.

But I still disagree with you about the spirit of her argument, and that may have more to do with her past posting history which I am very familiar with. I think that is important.

Read this: http://www.mass.gov/ethics/education-and-training-resources/educational-...

Subject to these exceptions, a public employee may not engage in political activity, whether election-related or non-election related, on his public work time; while acting in his official capacity or while in his official uniform; in a public building (except where equal access for such political activity is allowed to all similarly situated persons); or with the use of other public resources, such as staff time, public office space and facilities, public office equipment such as computers, copiers, and communications equipment, public websites and links to public websites, or public office supplies such as official stationery.

Is that clear enough for your simple brain to comprehend?

You don't get to define what a "political" activity is. Taking pictures with people in costumes is not going to be considered a political activity. Especially seeing how this board has ruled in the past. Ever read a ethics committee document?
Ever see what they have used as an example of a poitical activity?

Didn't think so. Can your simple brain figure out how to file an FOI request and get us some examples or do you want to make up stuff?

They had a whole skit going, with loud PA coverage.

You don't get to define what a "political" activity is. Taking pictures with people in costumes is not going to be considered a political activity.

No? And taking pictures of one "candidate" being arrested and the other just standing around grinning and glad-handing isn't political either, I suppose?

You're gonna sprain something if you keep reaching like that.

No, this isn't Nazi Germany. This is America where yes, you need to stretch a little if you want to enforce laws in some sort of fascist sense that you seem to approve of.

It wasn't "taking pictures with people in costumes"

There was an entire performance centered around arresting and chaining a candidate in effigy.

Spare us your testalying, please. You make yourself look massively stupid.

Your an anon fool who obviously did not see the performance.

But'cha DID, Blanche!

Why does the "anon fool" have less credibility than you did? Are you now claiming that YOU saw the performance?

"A public employee who engages in such political activity, unless the activity is of truly minimal duration or significance (such as wearing a political campaign button to work in a public office), violates the conflict of interest law," says the commission.

This was not wearing a button. This was participating in a pueurile political passion play, and making it clear that they can't be trusted to monitor polls or handle ballot boxes.

The polls are rigged. Yes, yes they are.

Ummm, bud, Pete is simply doing what swirly does in every post of hers, yet he gets a new one ripped for it and everybody here worships every square inch of the ground swirly managed to stink up. Quod licet Iovi non licet bovi, I s'ppose?

Swirls is hardly worshipped, and Pete is hardly demonized, by most regulars here. Both have been here a long time, are pretty sharp, but also have rather obvious biases. If anything, swirl's haters are far more knee-jerk and vociferous than those who disagree with Pete.

I do not think they are violating the spirit of the law, that much is very clear to me.

The spirit of the law is serious ethics breaches, not silly halloween photos.

If you don't see the violation.

Even the herald could find the multiple conflict of interest violations in a short google.

Quit your day job dude, you're way out of it.

Oh the Herald found them? Then it must be true. Let me know when the Ethics commission decides to act.

(In all seriousness, I did a "medium length" google search and couldn't find any Herald comments on this issue).

Officer Pete will tell us how you can burn a cross on the mayor's lawn in uniform and not be committing an ethics violation!


Pretty close, actually. Still an act of terrorism.



But I think the biggest problem here is that many people feel very strongly against Trump's platform, including parts that would affect the function of police (like how immigrants might be treated), so police having the appearance of supporting Trump or not taking the issues seriously... is alarming.

Those look like decent guys in the photos, and I think someone thought it was a funny community outreach thing to post the photos, without realizing how it would look to a lot of people.

Another problem is that people want the police to be impartial, so if posing with people making political speech is done, the posted photos should've shown more balance, or it looks like an endorsement of some of the speech.

"just a joke" is the last refuge of a bully.

These people are tasked with election duties. Their little "joke" says volumes about their commitment to free and fair elections.

Even with the benefit of the doubt, a mistake was made in appearances, and it sounds like they already acknowledged that.

on exactly what specific ethics laws you're talking about

Sent to all public workers very recently - or should have been.

Yes "public employee" means cops, too.


Go to #2 and read that if you are too lazy to read the whole thing.

i guess ill be moving right away from medford then

im sorry i doubted you

You'll have to leave pretty soon. People without jobs or prospects for them are being priced out. Maybe you can join these "jokers" in Wilmington?

or one of the units i own in arlington maybe

oops, i guess that debunks your myth a little about me doesnt it

Hey there! We were wondering what happened to you! Been run down by any cyclists lately?

Who put on the skit and provided the PA?

The PA was there for the festival events.

The cops put on the skit.

> blatant ethics violations when a public employee engages in partisan politicking while in uniform. That's an absolute no.

Can we stop talking about Hillary Clinton already?

Don't remember you making a stink out of Bill Clinton inside of Holy Name during the primary

To get that memory problem checked out. Or maybe it's something simpler, like you need to learn how to use a search engine. Because that's what I did, and quickly found this (note: If you're reading this on a phone, the link might take you to the main post and you'll have to look for "swirly").

If there was an intent to prevent people from voting at Sanders-leaning locations, wouldn't that be a serious crime?

Are officials afraid to say anything?

West Roxbury was Sanders leaning? Really?

You think it's dumb that people are upset that armed LEO are publicly taking sides in an election? The same armed LEO that will be at the polls on the Nov 8th. Frankly, it's chilling.

Personally, I feel they should have know better to even take the pictures, but for the union president to post them on the public union FB page with additional commentary is more than just a toe into unethical mud. Never mind, the announcer on stage at the event talking about Hillary going to jail over the speakers.

what does the fact that they're armed matter

...Donald Trump's coy little statements about not accepting the election results if they don't go his way, and his inciting his followers to do the same?

And somebody get Medford a fitness program for their PD.

...somehow both of them could lose. To just about anybody.

We had that option, and a lot of people chose not to exercise it, and that's why we are where we are today. And the ones complaining the loudest seem to be the ones who did the least to create other options.

I would expect to see something like this in say, Texas or maybe South Carolina. Medford PD, this is piss poor. It's bad enough there are so many ignorant people who think he would be suitable for POTUS. He wants to cut taxes left and right and bragged how the American way is to dodge taxes. See how those LEOs feel after they get canned because their funding gets snipped. I'm pro LEO btw

do police ever vote democrat lol

In NYC, I believe so.

Hillary was integral to first responders getting public health benefits post 9/11.

Please enlighten me on who voted against that.

weiRd, maybe theRe's a common theme uniting all these senatoRs, but damned if I can figuRe it out

Who Voted Against The 9/11 First Responders “Zadroga” Bill In The Senate:
Lamar Alexander, Republican, Tennessee.
John Barrasso, Republican, Wyoming.
Robert Foster Bennett, Republican, Utah.
Kit Bond, Republican, Missouri
Scott Brown, Republican, Massachusetts.
Sam Brownback, Republican, Kansas.
Jim Bunning, Republican, Kentucky.
Richard Burr, Republican, North Carolina.
Saxby Chambliss, Republican, Georgia.
Tom Coburn, Republican, Oklahoma.
Thad Cochran, Republican, Mississippi.
Susan Collins, Republican, Maine.
Bob Corker, Republican, Tennessee.
John Cornyn, Republican, Texas.
Mike Crapo, Republican, Idaho.
Jim DeMint, Republican, South Carolina.
John Ensign, Republican, Nevada.
Mike Enzi, Republican, Wyoming.
Lindsey Graham, Republican, South Carolina.
Chuck Grassley, Republican, Iowa.
Judd Gregg, Republican, New Hampshire.
Orrin Hatch, Republican, Utah.
Kay Bailey Hutchison, Republican, Texas.
Jim Inhofe, Republican, Oklahoma.
Johnny Isakson, Republican, Georgia.
Mike Johanns, Republican, Nebraska.
Mark Kirk, Republican, Illinois.
Jon Kyl, Republican, Arizona.
George LeMieux, Republican, Florida.
Richard Lugar, Republican, Indiana
John McCain, Republican, Arizona.
Mitch McConnell, Republican, Kentucky.
Lisa Murkowski, Republican, Alaska.
Jim Risch, Republican, Idaho.
Pat Roberts, Republican, Kansas.
Jeff Sessions, Republican, Alabama.
Richard Shelby, Republican, Alabama.
Olympia Snowe, Republican, Maine.
John Thune, Republican, South Dakota.
David Vitter, Republican, Louisiana.
George Voinovich, Republican, Ohio.
Roger Wicker, Republican, Mississippi.


As a cop, I'd guesstimate that 90% of police officers don't vote democrat. I actually used to be very far left, but then I became a cop.

No preaching or politicking or anything, but I think it's because we see an ugly side of America that most people will never see. And it was enough to discourage me and make me go from liberal to moderate. If I were moderate to begin with, I'd probably be far right.

I truly feel that the Democratic Party is making this country more dangerous for police officers. But what's the alternative? A racist, sexist nutjob? Awful.

I'd say the Boston police is 50/50. You also have to remember that veterans who work for the police are probably close to 100% Trump voters.

That sounds highly suspect. Almost nobody ever says they are far-anything.

In the US, far-left basically means slightly left of center anyway.

This is probably NOT the only photo these officers took with community members. I'll take a wild guess, there are dozens of photos of them with others dressed up, however these just rubbed YOU the wrong way. (Community outreach much)!

I looked at your twitter and you seem to hold no grudge torwards the pics with the individual wearing the Trump mask. Though to your defense, the person with the trump mask was in a cheep suit not an orange jumpsuit and he's not under federal Investigation.


The issue is that the president of the patrolmen's union chose these specific photos to post on his union's Facebook page. What does that say about him? No, I don't really care about them palling around with the faux Trump by itself; yes, I care about what men with guns are saying about "arresting" a political candidate.

Would you hold issue if said officers posed with BLM or some other organization which held views you agreed with. Probably not.

You're upset because you dislike the photo. How is this any different than say Kapernick kneeling?

Ths things have to be comparable. Posing next to a Hillary in chains would only work with your analogy if the BLM people were also in chains (or in a chokehold). And, yeah, I'd look at that the same way.

Also, nlike football players, police officers can do things like arrest you. They have a far greater potential impact on somebody's life than a guy who throws a football for a living. That power brings a responsibility with it.

Are when you compare two similar things? I had no idea.

Do you have an issue with publicly funded teachers endorsing Hillary!


What about teachers placing "no on 2" poster in school windows?

You have an issue because you hold different views.

I would have a problem with No on 2 signs in a school window - same as I did with the pro-charter people pulling kids out of class to lobby at the State House.

But a teacher on a corner is just different from a cop with a cuffed Hillary stand-in. One has a uniform and a gun and can arrest or shoot you . In an election in which one candidate has vowed to lock up his opppnent, that's not a good look.

Buy why are you still defending the Medford cops? The union president apologized. I'm willing to take him ay his word. You?

A man on national television every single week not kneeling for the flag has a far greater impact and platform on EVERYONE's lives than a cop that you'll most likely never interact with.

That's the problem. He's supposed to be standing, the same way you're supposed to be standing and looking at the flag instead of taking attendance of the players on the sideline

Cops have greater impact than celebrities, especially star athletes? gaffin, are you for real?

A cop can royally fuck up my life just because he doesn't like me.

Cops that have no problem taking public photos in uniform with a "Convict Hillary" are probably less inclined to be worried about whether or not I did something wrong if they decide that they don't like me and want to make my life miserable.

He isn't required to follow the laws and regulations of public employees, last I checked.

I was staffing a neighborhood event, on duty, as a public employee yesterday. If I handed out campaign flyers or wore an inappropriate costume, or was at all involved in a "tar and feather Trump" skit, I would be fired or, at least, severely reprimanded and my union would not back me up.

The whole idea is to prevent those in a position of power from using that power to force their political views on others. Now, can you tell me with a straight face that a random cop has more influence on others than a major celebrity who could send millions of lemmings off a cliff with a single tweet? If you're calling for the heads of those cops, shouldn't we have a bowling party with a whole bunch of star athlete and celebrity heads at this point?

Except that the picture with Hillary was taken at a Fall Festival, not a Halloween event, and I don't recall anyone there that was in costume.

Its PC BS that makes them call it a "Fall Fest"; its Halloween weekend.

Tell me with a straight face you didn't see dozens of people in costume today.

Its PC BS that makes them call it a "Fall Fest"

That must be why the party in another area of the city was called the "West Medford Halloween Block Party".

Hillary is going to pull a Coakley.

But that still wins over her opponent pulling a Goldwater.

You seem to be under the impression that somehow Baker was behind in the polls and eked out a surprising win. That was never the case.

Here are the Baker/Coakley polls before the election.

RCP average poll of polls had Baker ahead by 3.7 points.
He won by 1.9 points
Baker was ahead of Coakley for just about all the campaign except where they ran about even in September and October.


Now here are the Trump/Clinton polls one week before election

RCP average has Clinton ahead by 4.6 points
Clinton has been ahead just about the entire time of this election except for one week in July. She is more in common with Baker.

So your analogy is wrong to say the least.


, not Coakley-Baker, is what came to mind.

I never laughed so much at a candidate's loss. So VERY satisfying!

I chuckled.

obviously you just dont understand it. this is a dire offense and is very much against ethics laws which are very clearly written but nobody seems to be able to provide!

For the federal government employees like me, it is called the Hatch Act. We are not allowed to talk about our opinions about the election, wear political things to work, campaign while at work, or use our positions while campaigning to influence people.

This can be a very tricky law to stick to when you add in the public and the more public you add in, the harder it gets. Many people want to speak with me about the current election and I am unable to and they often get upset over their perceived curtailing of my 1st amendment rights or that I obviously don't support their candidate. One woman told me once how she hoped that a candidate would lose and was insulted when I told her that I couldn't discuss it with her because I could lose my job.

Does that apply to all agencies? I have some friends who work for the fed who are pretty out spoken about their political leanings. (One, so much so, I had to block his crap from my feed.. he was doing it so much!). I know this one department is pretty lax when compared to other parts of the fed. (so yeah it's not the FBI, CIA, IRS, etc)

Different agencies have different rules about everything, which is why it is so hard to keep them straight! haha. Each agency within the government has a different culture, as well, so some things are tolerated in one more so than another.

If it is on your own time, you can do whatever you want on your facebook/twitter feed. Also, if you don't represent the gov thru that feed you can do different things.

If you are politician, obviously you have different rules about talking about politics than a person who works in an office or with the public.

This applied to my wife working for the USACE, which falls under the DOD. I quailed about it at first when I first learned about it. There's basically an explicit exception you have to agree to on hire which has all manner of anti-first amendment provisions in it. This was a long time ago so I don't recall the specifics of it, but yeah, it's definitely a thing.

They are all subject to the rules of the State Ethics Commission.

This skit clearly violates the following:

The State Ethics Commission advises all public employees to not partake in any political activities while on the job, especially in uniform.

"A public employee who engages in such political activity, unless the activity is of truly minimal duration or significance (such as wearing a political campaign button to work in a public office), violates the conflict of interest law," says the commission.

Cops are covered by this, too. All MA Public employees are. Even volunteers for town commissions have to do the training and sign forms.

If this were actually brought up as an issue, I find it very unlikely that taking pictures with folks dressed up for Halloween runs afoul of the rules. Certainly it can be said that it is inadvisable and probably shouldn't be done again, but it's really just a thing to shrug over.

Only the most overtly partisan folks are in an uproar. It's a popular costume this Halloween. They probably shouldn't have a picture taken with sexy nurse/witch/vampire either. *shrug*


I was there.

This was a loud skit that involved apprehension, arrest, and chaining of an effigy of a candidate, followed by pictures.

That's terrorism in my book. It isn't funny. It isn't a joke. It is childish at best but jaw-droppingly horrifying when you consider these same high school forever jock losers will be at the polls.

I'm sure Hitler was just taking pictures and joking, too?

So...are you stupid, or illiterate, or disingenuous? One photo: cops palling around with someone dressed as a political figure. Other photo: cops pretending to arrest someone dressed as another political figure. So, which impairment do you suffer from that prevents you from seeing a difference between them?

is "appearance of impropriety", as opposed to actual impropriety. In other words, we think you may have done something wrong, so you actually did something wrong. Seems a little extreme response to take for a joke.

If the opposite skit was posted and it was Medford Police arresting Trump for his fraudulent university or alleged sexual assault he'd be using that an example of "how the election is rigged" and some of his supports would be sending death threats to the police.

The skit was dumb as paid government employees shouldn't engage in anything which even seems political while on the clock.

had skipped the part where they're palling around with Donald, it would have STILL been most inappropriate, but it would have been much more accurate.

That is, Hillary in chains and wearing orange is as it should be.

Further, it shows that the cops (with their politicking) and Hillary (with her long list of lifetime lies, etc.) have something in common: Breaking the law.

Someday, someone will sit me down and explain to me about all of Hillary's alleged crimes. Then I'd like to know why no one — since 1992 and through massive high-level investigations that cost millions upon millions of tax dollars, initiated by one Republican Congress after another — has EVER been able to pin a single "crime" on her.

Are all the Republicans who are busy shouting "Lock her up" aware that, if they had a single LEGITIMATE claim of some law broken, they COULD have at least indicted or charged her, if not actually locked her up by now? They've had 24 years to accomplish this. They apparently sucked at follow-through.

Were all the Republicans accusing her of various crimes since 1992 unaware of their legal responsibility to catch and try this alleged criminal — or did they simply not have a leg to stand on? Or were they too wimpy, or inept, or stupid, or scared? Or were they just WRONG WRONG WRONG?

Why is she able to run for president if she is supposed to be in chains, please?

Oh, right.... it's because she's so clever and powerful. She's a lawyer for heaven's sake. And you know how sneaky they are. (Odd that many of the GOP politicians screaming about her crimes are lawyers, too.) Oh, and she and her husband, a former president — eternally beloved by all — can pull every string, even in a Republican Senate and House, even in the FBI and CIA . They can even do it during Republican administrations. (Because everyone secretly adores them, I guess?)

Okay, yes. I'll buy all that. One smart lawyer versus 24 years of hundreds of dumb, nervous ones plus the FBI and CIA who shiver in their boots at the idea of arresting a former first lady.

And I have just voted for Hillary because if she's that clever, powerful and resourceful a woman, she'll make a great president. If all of you people screaming "Lock her up" haven't managed to get your elected officials to do so in 24 years, it's time to give it up.

read some more recent news...and stay tuned.

The Clintons are sleazebags of the lowest order. Slickness and their influence may keep them out of jail.

"Extreme carelessness" = "gross negligence"

The "recent news" seems to further support the ongoing finding of no evidence of wrongdoing by Clinton. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you "lock her up" types keep promising a bombshell that'll take Hillary out once and for all, you betcha, and instead delivering a wet fart that only further stains your skivvies. Forgive me if I stop jumping to attention every time you cry wolf.

(and before you go there, I was and am a Sanders supporter, and am still unsure of what I'll do on Election Day, but I sure as hell won't be voting for some bloated orange fascist)

medford police are good, honest people.

Hate to burst everyone's bubble but isn't that a Martha Stewart costume?

Yes, it does look like Martha Stewart.

Bill Weld.

When President Clinton visits Tufts and the Medford Cops are excluded from any details because of this Fourth Reich stuff, THAT will be funny!

As Hillary herself said about 'progressives': 'They need to get a life'

A police officer never ceases to be a citizen and the union is not a public entity, so they can say and do what they want politically. No apology needed, in fact federal law strictly protects unions and political activity.

The support for Trump and disdain for Clinton is nationwide in law enforcement. She is a criminal, even if not yet charged. The photos merely reflect that. Posing with citizens in Halloween costumes is a form of community policing. Didn't Secretary of State John Kerry pose with a bachelorette party and their sexual toys on Nantucket?

Special thanks to Trump supporter and Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke (African-American) who received a standing ovation this week at the Massachusetts Police Association convention, demanding prison for Clinton. No apology from him.

Why is it important to note Clarke is black? I have my suspicions why you think it's relevant. But, explain it.

Cops want to act as citizens? There's nothing stopping them. After work, take off your uniform, hang up your gun, dress in civvies, leave your badge home, and go and citizen to your heart's content, without throwing your cop weight around.

Special thanks to Trump supporter and Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke (African-American) who received a standing ovation this week at the Massachusetts Police Association convention, demanding prison for Clinton.

Wasn't he the one that Trump called a "thug" and had thrown out because, you know, black people?