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Full house for unity rally at Roxbury mosque

Inside unity rally at Islamic Society of Boston in Roxbury

Our own Ron Newman shows us the packed seats inside the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization's "Out of Many, One" rally at the Islamic Society of Boston in Roxbury tonight. Among those who spoke: Sen. Warren and Mayor Walsh, as Mark Smith shows us:

Warren speaks at Roxbury mosque

The Globe has a more detailed report.



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Great to see the Roxbury mosque, Mayor Walsh and Senator Warren apparently joining in President-elect Trump's election night call for unity. A new bi-partisan era. It's also smart that they gathered inside with benefit of fossil fuels on a snowy, frigid autumn night. Fossil fuels, which will become more plentiful soon, are the key. I presume they don't utilize solar or wind at the mosque. It was tragic to see the small anti-Trump circle outdoors yesterday on Beacon Hill, risking frostbite, when the autumnal temps began at 16F. #MAGA

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But you've got a nice random-phrase generator going there. Kudos.

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They said 2600 people attended tonight. It's been a really interesting program and lots of good speakers. Really glad I attended.

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I wish we had been able to attend - we had already committed to something else out of town in the afternoon and weren't back in time.

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wonderful event. I took my son and his Religious Education class for a visit to the ISBCC. They were so welcoming and gracious.

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Boston has a nasty habit of being "interfaith" but refusing to allow humanist leaders to participate.

This was particularly offensive back after the marathon bombings, because one of the gravely injured was a humanist, and her minister's requests to attend the "interfaith" service were completely ignored by the other religious leaders, the mayor's office, and the governor.

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by various speakers, I think including Mayor Walsh.

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We planned on attending but I came down with a head cold so I had to stay inside for a few days to keep from getting worse and to keep from spreading it. I'd like to learn more about the event.

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