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Nobody should have to think about Bernie and Phyl's when thinking about sex, MBTA decides
By adamg on Fri, 05/19/2017 - 6:55pm
Or maybe it's the other way around. In any case, the Globe reports the T has stripped those sexytime bed ads.
Thank Rick Astley
Thank Rick Astley they are getting rid of those ads...
Who the boat face is
Rick Astley
Thanks to Rickrolling...
This still is his number one (and probably only) hit:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0 (Yes, up front I said this is a Rickroll, so technically, it isn't.)
I also use his name as a substitute for God, because the Rick Rolls with me.
I don't know about you but
I don't know about you but bernie and phyl have always for me been a boner killer.
GOP Healthcare Plan
The GOP plan replaces mandated birth control coverage with Bernie and Phyl ads. It's the free market solution.
Someone at MGH just filed a
Someone at MGH just filed a patent to use them as a medical treatment for erections lasting more than 4 hours.
Bad Globe link
Globe link is the same link to original UHub post.
Sorry about that.
That's nice.
That's nice.
Now can the T ...
... get rid of those happy faced Bible thumpers?
The filthy and dirty smokers .
Smokers can be ejected
Bible thumpers cannot (unless they are assaultive or otherwise unruly).
Good idea. I thought those
Good idea. I thought those ads were inappropriate to be posted inside the same place where perverts, predators, and some women wearing next to nothing stand or sit adjacent to each other every single day.
Ads are inappropriate, much like the women you mention who wear next to nothing on the T. I double check to make sure the clothing is inappropriate too.