Hoo, doggie, did this guy own the libs today
![New Hampshire dude with stickers](https://www.universalhub.com/files/styles/main_image/public/images/2018/nhdude.jpg?itok=3ePZFwHF)
Several people report spotting some pickup plastered with MAGAcrap - and boasting a plow - being driven around areas today where it's sure to make people cry, like Brighton and Cambridge. Joe Wright got a picture of the pickup and the man behind the stickers in Cambridge, between Harvard and Porter squares. He adds:
modest sununu sticker on trunk suggests the possibility he lives free or dies during the week, owns the libs on weekends. ...
i would like to add i have had a hard time identifying a consistent snowplowing service. brings up theoretical ethical dilemma - pay manic trump fanatic to plow driveway or shovel it myself but lose precious time that i could be using to tweet liberal screeds
Since he's a visitor from a distant land, it wouldn't be neighborly to even mention the last vehicle we saw all Trumped up like that.
I bet you I could guess
What stickers you have on your Prius/Subaru.
Ooh, now my lib tears are really flowing
Yes, I do drive a Prius (got one back in the day when I had a 50-mile round trip to and from work and I'd had enough of my crappy American-made Focus). Go ahead and guess, boyo. You'll be wrong, but I'm sure you'll get all tingly (answer is: I don't have any stickers on my car. Now, if you asked me about my laptop, that's a horse of a different color - I have a gen-u-wine Make It in Massachusetts thumbs-up sticker, from when Ed King was governor. Do you know who Ed King was?).
Ed King
I do! I do!
It was cool ...
A couple years ago when I was working in the courtyard in the old wing of the Copley library and some guy walked by, saw the sticker, looked and then asked me where I'd gotten it from, because he worked in the King administration and it's not something you tend to see these days (told him I was a reporter back then and covered some state-sponsored event where they were handing them out, so I took a bunch).
Yes, I remember Ed King well
Ed King was the one who pushed the drinking age in Massachusetts from 18 back up to 21 in 1979, the stupid dolt.
I remember Ed
My grandfather, a big union guy, used to carry on endlessly that “We need a governor not a King” during Dukakis’ ultimately successful challenge to Ed K in ‘82.
Good times :)
All states were under duress
The Federal Government threatened to withhold highway funding if they didn't.
Vermont was the long time holdout because they did the math on the taxes versus highway funding ...
States didn't get out of
States didn't get out of paying federal highway taxes if they lost the highway funding.
Ed King's most amazing physical feature...
...was his Brobdingnagian chin. When he walked into a room, his chin would get there 3 or 4 seconds before the rest of him swooped in.
IIRC, the Governor also had a love for tail, in his lobster salad.
Dude could walk straight into a wall
and his nose would be unscathed.
May as well ride a bicycle. Disappointing
No purple BLS sticker from the kidlet's time?
I'm disappointed.
I actually have two, but haven't put either on.
An Ed King story
On Election Day in November 1978, when Ed King was running for Governor, I was working as a cab driver. I got a radio call to go to the Museum of Science to pick up Mr. Washburn, that is, Bradford Washburn, a noted scientist, photographer, and educator -- and the longtime Director of the Museum. I had never met Mr. Washburn before, but I recognized the name and knew how important he was.
As he was riding in my cab, Mr. Washburn asked me what I thought of the election. I made some noncommittal response. In reply, Mr. Washburn said, "You know, I fired Ed King once."
According to Mr. Washburn's story, Ed King trained as an accountant, and one of his first jobs had been at the Museum of Science. [Wikipedia says he was "assistant director and comptroller" in the 1950s.] Mr. Washburn said there was some sort of funny business going on, so he fired Mr. King. In return, Mr. Washburn said, Mr. King made up some story about how Mr. Washburn had used museum funds or employees to get his driveway paved or his lawn landscaped, and went to the Museum's board with that accusation. The board, of course, was loyal to Mr. Washburn, and Mr. King's firing stood.
My sense at the time was, and still is, that Bradford Washburn was a man of impeccable honesty, and Ed King was anything but that; so I can certainly understand why the board believed their longtime director, who had overseen their expansion and relocation to the Science Park site.
Forty years later, some of the details are a bit fuzzy in my head, and all of the parties involved have passed away, so I have no way to verify it. But I still believe it is an excellent summation of both men's character.
(If you don't know who Bradford Washburn was, look him up on Wikipedia.)
I bet you I could guess
What kind of people plaster their vehicle with right wing propaganda
*Spoiler alert
The kind of people are terrorists.
The not crazy have been purging the crazy
Guy in my neighborhood was totally down with the "NoBama" crap all over his landscaping company's work trucks.
A couple of months after the election 2016, he substantially reduced the amount of crazy on trucks. Seems that stuff was putting off customers when plastered all over the back end.
A couple evenings after the crazyvan bomber was revealed, he was out there scraping every last sticker off.
I guess there is a difference between being a passionate fan of crazy and being crazy.
Ok libs, tell me how this is bad.
But that this is good.
Well, for one thing ...
Pornhub has never tear-gassed children or been referred to as Individual-1 in federal sentencing memoranda.
For another, I assume the people the site features aren't orange-colored man-babies.
The Obama administration used
The Obama administration used teargas. The Obama administration locked people in cages. Is it only bad all of a sudden when Trump does it? Wake up
But, but, buuuut!
Obama! Hillary! Buttery Mails!
Quod licet Iovi
Non licet bovi?
I think we are supposed to rake our snow.
Also a Canadian company I think?
I recall reading that they are based in Montreal or something. I shan't be googling it to check. If you want to search for 'Pornhub Montreal' and report back, feel free.
Not bad
Sad! (also funny, in a sad kind of way)
At least the pornhub thing
Performs the necessary service of removing snow from your street/driveway.
Did that really happen?
They made quite a publicity splash with their announcement, but after the fact there was a noticeable lack of evidence that any plowing actually happened. It's the sort of thing that you'd expect to see a lot of candid photos of on social media, and there weren't any.
Buy a snowblower and avoid
Buy a snowblower and avoid plow guys, but you have to work in the cold.
Business plan:
Step 1: Buy snow plow
Step 2: Cover it with the delusional ravings of a madman, antagonistic to 85% of the local population
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit!
I'm Gonna Give The Guy Some Credit
At least he had the stones to go into the belly of his beast. Cambridge, Massachusetts, between Harvard and Porter Square - Is there any more hostile location in America for what he's preaching? Trump is an a-hole and I find most of what he does and believes to be abhorrent. But I'll give this guy some credit for leaving whatever bubble he usually hangs out in, and actually taking it to unfriendly streets and rocking his First Amendment rights like this.
More hostile locations
perhaps Northampton (Mass.), Brattleboro, and Burlington, Vermont?
hostile? The great people of Cambridge would just look at him, feel sorry for him and move on.
We can only hope one day the rest of the world can be as informed and peaceful as the people of Cambridge....one day.
He isn't preaching anything. He isn't some missionary venturing among headhunters to spread the gospel. The risk he is taking is zero; he isn't going to Cambridge in spite of the offense he will give there, but because of it. He's not doing this because he is convinced of the truth of his message, and wants others to know it, but because he wants to anger people, to give offense as much as possible. In other words, he is a troll. That's all.
Right on
Yeah, you gotta give him credit for having the cojones to risk a barrage of sneers, chuckles and sarcastic remarks. What a man.
When I Once Saw a Man In a Turban
Facing a barrage of sneers, chuckles and sarcastic remarks - Yes, honestly I did think; What a man. And what badass mf's Sikhs are. And I had some opinions on the people who were sneering at him and chuckling too . .
If you don’t like freedom of
If you don’t like freedom of speech, move to China and live with your comrades.
Thank you, constitutional scholar
But your freedom of speech doesn’t mean your fellow citizens or private businesses have to keep quiet when you say something they disagree with, it just means the federal government can’t do terrible things to you because of what you say (generally, except for the whole yelling “fire” in a movie theater type deal).
Freedom of speech does not
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from people making fun of you on the internet.
I think it does
The First Amedment pretty clearly says "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, unless it makes MAGA idiots sad, that's bad and you're not allowed to do it"
...the tired, old, f*cking "if you don't like it, move" argument.
Guess what! If you don't like people not liking it, perhaps you are the one who should pursue a change of residence.
This guy with the Trump truck has every right to make his voice heard, while the rest of us are perfectly at liberty to think he's a complete effing jackass. See! Isn't America ALREADY great?!
Side note: how many of these tribute vehicles did we see under Obama? Not nearly as many, thats for sure. The conservative's obsession with vehicle decoration has always bee hilarious to me.
Sorry, double post!
He voted in his interests
Trump removed a bunch of regulations which impacted the snow removal industry...didn't he?
Ues, sort of. During the campaign it was made clear he favors being able to plow what you’d like without asking.
The global warming his policies cause will melt lots of snow, but will ironically put plow drivers out of business.
Snowplow Guy
Isn't global warming hurting his business ?
Ironically, no
Snow takes both cold and wet.
Traditionally cold would hold off wet, but we have seen a dramatic increase in wet and randomization of the cold.
Snowmageddon was a symptom of climate change: weak jet stream = reduction in polar winds = shifting of cold onto us. Meanwhile, the ocean a few miles out sported abnormally high temperatures.
As the climate has warmed, we have seen more snow as a result of these "arctic vortex meets warm water".
Snowmageddon, Storm 4:
Blizzard of Feb 8-9, 2013:
Ah Swirrls I love you even more
Digging up 4-year-old CFSv2 model charts …
Arlington or Brighton?
When I read this article on the UniversalHub front page, it says Brighton, but when I click on "Read more", it changes to Arlington.
Good eye
Fixed, thanks.
But he was in Arlington today
Saw this truck in Arlington Center around 3:30 pm as I was biking home from a patriotic event (The Burning of the Tea) in Lexington.
I wonder how many snowflakes
I wonder how many snowflakes got triggered by this truck. I bet it caused a few cases of PTSD.
You must not be from around here
If you think snowflakes are weak.
If snowflakes are so fragile, why do you need a truck like that to move them out of your way?
Oh, yeah - southerners in such liberal places as Texas and Georgia are well known to be paralyzed by the mere appearance of a few snowflakes. Talk about triggering!
Is that your goal? Seems like a waste of time. Somewhere along the line it became a good thing to do stuff just to make people upset? I don't care about some first amendment right to do what he is doing, he has the right to, but I care that this man did it specifically to get a negative reaction because that seemingly brings him joy? What a way to spend a Sunday.
If I go to a conservative leaning neighborhood just so I can gay kiss my boyfriend in their little town square... just to piss people off? That makes ME a BAD person. As much as I could claim it's a statement or something, really it is just being petty and not going to sway anyone's mind.
That doesn't mean I wouldn't kiss my boyfriend in their town, it just means I am doing it as a sign of affection rather than some stupid plot to make people I don't even know upset.
Come on people, this is not that hard.
Doing something like this just to get a reaction is childish, no matter what your views are.
Hoo, doggie , where you get
Hoo, doggie , where you get that one ? Its wee doggies,
Hire him
Hire him, then don't pay him.
Tell him you're just emulating his hero.
Right now, that comment has
Right now, that comment has 45 likes. Wish I could suspend voting to freeze it right there.
Why would you want to do that?
Just curious
Must have just finished
Must have just finished mailing a few "things" at the mailbox behind him. At least he learned a thing or two from the last MAGA by wearing gloves so he won't leave any fingerprints.
Best Parts of the Article ...
This rolling Viagra ad
is missing the seal for Space Force. SAD!
This truck is the automotive equivalent of bright red or orange insects, reptiles, amphibians, etc.
How does the old saying go?
"Red and black, friend of Barack; red and yellow, don't hire this fellow"
The Spirit of Massachusetts
The Spirit of Massachusetts is the Spirit of America!
And... It's a WELDSCAM!
Where are the LaRoachies, moonies and all other loonies?
They joined with the pissed off, daddy give me an easy answer, education is for losers to elect a man who consolidates all of the crazy political bs that can be found in the US.
Don the Con is like the devil who summons all other demons under his "big tent."
Trolling your own blog again, Adam?
He showed up in the area again today
He was on Mass. Ave. in Arlington Center around 3:30 pm Sunday
I didn't stop to take a photo, though.
Unsecured load
All that crap taped on to that truck could go flying and cause an accident. Dude should be pulled over by the staties.
It's antagonistic. And useless in terms of increasing support for Trump. The message will be lost on all who encounter it due to the obnoxious nature of his tactics. Sounds like a tactic right out of Black Lives Mater's playbook.