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The empty city: State Street, weekday morning

State Street with almost nobody there

Our own Swirlygrrl took a look down State Street from Kilby Street around 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday.

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This reminds Magoo of the Stephen King epic series focusing on that lone protagonist who befriends the unlikely. A boy a drug addict a mentally ill and a priest. If one reads all the books the finale is a triumph and tragedy! Oh oh oh. Say it ain’t so. The man in Black fled across the Desert, and the Gunslinger followed. Magoo.

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Fuck this bullshit. It is time to reopen America, Massachusetts and Boston now. If you don’t agree, that is ok, you can stay inside. If you have a compromised immune system, you can stay inside. I am going to take my chances. We didn’t surrender when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor. We won’t surrender now.

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Facts? To which one are you referring. According to our two moron candidates for president, one said there has been no shortage of PPE for healthcare workers and other said 600,000 have died from the virus. I love these "facts".

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Dunno if I can trust anything you'd cite and well, anything I cite you'll just call fake news.

So again, facts don't care about your feelings.


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It's from Animal House. Most people know that, but there's always some ignoramus out there with this exact same response.

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The movie is 42 years old and terrible, no one cares.


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To Animal House.

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Its a garbage movie and pretty dated, best to actually put those in quotes.

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to Animal House. Any graduate of Emily Dickinson College knows that.

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I didn't see Citizen Kane until college but as I was watching it and Rosebud kept coming up, I realized Ghostbusters the Animated Series spoiled the ending for me.

There was some episode with a ghost and a sled and I think he says "Rosebud" at the end and I'm watching Citizen Kane thinking "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"


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For me it was an episode of the Mary Tyler Moore show, but have seen the reference/spoiler in other tv shows. It's such a pop-culture benchmark that I think the number of adults who've seen Citizen Kane spoiler-free is quite low. A similar instance: I have only ever seen the original Star Wars movie, but I am well aware of who Luke Skywalker's father is.

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"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son"

I'm calling it a draw.

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I appreciate Citizen Kane and Orson Welles but Dean Wormer is a legend!

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I'll be skipping over everything you post from now on. Bad day to you sir.

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Its a garbage movie and pretty dated

I'll give you dated, but garbage? For that, you deserve double secret probation.

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Animal House is a classic.

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The first part of your comment seems to indicate you want to give up this fight, which is the definition of surrendering.

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Your Animal House quote makes me think you're only half serious here, but I'm honestly curious what your plan would be. We're right around the peak right now. If we "reopen America" now, the number of infections and deaths would start going up again instead of plateauing or tailing off (for reference, the initial wave of the Spanish Flu killed about 2 million people worldwide, but the second wave killed about 50 million). When that happens, would you be in favor of shutting things down again or would you want to just wait it out until the entire population has been infected and upwards of 10 million Americans have died. Those are really the only two options in that scenario.

I'm legitimately not trying to be a dick here. I'm genuinely curious what the plan is (if there is one) in the minds of people with your mindset.

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These people really don't care how many people die. They assume they aren't personally at risk and the people who are at risk are unimportant (elderly, minorities, etc). They see the shutdown as being an inconvenience to them which is slight that can not go unpunished.

I'd like to ask them if they'd be willing to personally die if it would mean society would reopen and return to normal. I'm guessing most would gladly agree until the gun was at their head and then they'd suddenly change their mind.

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Yeah, many of those were in nursing homes, but guess what? Much of the staff also tested positive for COVID-19 infection, and they didn't exactly live in that nursing home. They live, shop, and travel through many of the same spaces that tens of thousands of other people do.

That's why "scared people" can't just stay home - the virus, being a virus, doesn't give a shit.

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You mean the Japanese?

A virus that cannot speak and is not being led by any government is not comparable, but go ahead tough guy, see what happens.

I will be staying home until further notice.

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Sometimes sarcasm doesn't work, because it's too similar to what some people actually think.

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We're on the downward part of the curve now thanks to all of our efforts to stay home as much as possible. Once the trend has been downward for 14 days, we can start to slowly reopen things. The most important thing this entire time has been keeping the number of infections low enough where our hospitals can handle the number of patients who need care. So far in MA, we've successfully done that. Let's make sure we keep doing that.

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We need to understand what "downward part" means and doesn't mean. We're on the downward part of some numbers curve that can't be forecast as a trend. People are drawing simpleminded conclusions that the curve is a trend and that the improving outcome is guaranteed independent of our behaviors, and therefore, let's open the bars/golf courses/restaurants/schools/whatever. If today's number was lower than yesterday's, that doesn't imply that tomorrow's will be lower than today. Each day's number is the outcome of efforts to stay at home, to practice social distancing, and the public health efforts to educate, test and track. It is independent of the day before's numbers, and the number only gets lower as we continue to be more successful at practices to stop the spread.

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The problem isn't whether you'll get sick, the problem is whether you'll get infected without knowing it and make other people sick, you selfish ass. I'd point you to articles about the asymptomatic spread of the virus, but you obviously don't give a shit, so won't waste my time.

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It's not just about you, it's about the healthcare workers (and their families) who are exposed to this virus when you seek treatment. If you are serious about taking a risk for yourself have a lawyer draw up a DNR/Do Not Treat for COVID, and do not present yourself at a hospital if you get sick. If you aren't willing to do that then you have your answer - healthcare workers are real people with lives and are not expendable. They are not a resource to be drawn down so people can get haircuts and dine in restaurants before it is safe to do so.

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I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.

And we're just the guys to do it.

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Well, first of all, Brooks Brothers was empty a long time ago. Sad you can't find stores selling clothing made of 100% natural fabric anymore. Nothing like a good hemp short, cotton, or linen.

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Heard that Baker told his task force today that he definitely isn’t opening up the state on mAy 18th. Instead he’s using the 18th to announce that they’re only going to start a phased opening once the data suggests they should.

As far as I can tell from the publicly available data, things have already been trending in the right direction. When is enough enough?

Sounds like moving the goalposts.

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