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Cititzen complaint of the day: Homophobic mask haters in the North End

A fed up citizen files a 311 complaint about the situation at Parmenter and Richmond streets in the North End:

Men, standing on the sidewalk without masks, making crude and homophobic remarks towards mask wearing passersby. Seriously unacceptable, bad for other businesses. Please stop.



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Why can't we all get along?

in the Oval Office who has decided to turn a common-sense public health measure into a token of culture war. That's because his lethally incompetent pandemic response and the resulting economic catastrophe has torpedoed his key re-election argument.

Convincing idiots that a mask (designed to protect your fellow citizens against infection from you) equals the jackboot of tyranny is one of the few tactics he has left. "I already have the smart but sociopathically selfish assholes on my side: how do I keep the vaxxers and dipshits who believe 5G causes covid in line? Hmmm. I got it! Not wearing a mask is the new Gadsden flag!"

And the lemmings line up to go over the cliff with him. If only the virus affected people who are too lazy, dumb and hateful to make the simplest token gesture of social responsibility instead of throwing an ongoing adult toddler's tantrum, just like the Dear Leader.

Not quite. I can think of at least three people I know who unfortunately refuse to wear masks because of the foolish "my personal freedoms are being taken away" argument, yet all three loathe Trump and are in fact rather liberal in their political leaning. Things are not as black and white as you think, and I wish people would stop reducing every last thing to pro-Trump/anti-Trump being the cause of everything.

How has your health been these past few years (physical and mental)? I hope you’re getting the care that you need. Let me know if I can help.

Must be the same pair I ran into over near North Station. They were coming out of Bay Cove Services and one said to me "I'll rip that mask right off your face!" I just brushed it off as another North Station area addict on a mind altering substance. I work on Merrimac and proceeded to work.

It's such an embarrassing caricature of itself.

"Yo, Jim-may!!, woodya git a load a this mook with the mask! Ooooohhh!"

I have seen so many anti-maskers come out of the woodwork since Trump really doubled down on it. Its bad enough they will not wear the masks but now they are out attacking those who do. I really do not comprehend the end game, unless their goal is some sort of perverse population control because those are the same people who keep saying "its only" when talking about the population that dies from this.

Don't get me wrong, I understand cost benefit analysis and believe both sides need to read up on it. On one side we have people saying no deaths are acceptable which is not reasonable and the other side saying "leave it to god." When in reality it lives somewhere in the middle. You can advocate for opening things up without minimizing the deaths that will result... the issue is so many people who want to go on the fast track feel they have to minimize the appearance of risk and are very cavalier about the deaths.

I was up in Tewksbury a few weeks back and went through the drive through with my mask on at a Dunkin Donuts and the 20 something male employees were openly mocking that I was wearing it when they didn't think I could hear them through the glass. It was really shocking to me but it occurred to me that they are still in denial. They don't want to be concerned and my wearing a mask was a threat to that balance for them.

but making fun of someone else's consideration is really silly. They'll feel a little different when someone they know gets sick.

You might want to let Dunkins' management know about this. How many other customers have these guys made fun of thinking that they can't be heard?

I've noticing more and more people being half-assed about the masks: They cover their mouth but not their nose. They leave them around their chin or neck.

If the infection and/or death rate doesn't pick up, more people are going to think the mask thing was all a hoax. Some will start buying into the BS theory that all of COVID is hoax. Trump has all but come out and said that himself.

Then in October if there's a second wave, people won't wear masks or keep their distance. The fatality rate will be much higher.

Its bad enough they will not wear the masks but now they are out attacking those who do.

I am wearing a cloth mask. It does not really protect me. It protects those in my general vicinity from me.

If I start seeing enough idiots not wearing masks, I will switch to wearing the vented N95 mask, which protects me and fuck you.

.. please don’t switch to the vented N95 just yet. For the sake of those who aren’t idiots but can’t afford one themselves.

Italy for them? Guess they need more death to satisfy their morbid support of trump.

We always knew this was the tradeoff: we avoid an Italy-like crisis, in exchange for an army of dummies shrieking about how it was all overblown because we didn't have an Italy-like crisis. We made the right choice and I'm still willing to deal with the irritating consequences.

That's awful. But what is 311 supposed to do about it?

Even if the offenders were still there and still doing it, who is supposed to respond to this? The police?

If those clowns are laughing at people wearing masks they really would have laughed at me back when this whole shebang started and masks were impossible to come by. I fashioned one out of a cut up bedsheet (that I never liked anyway), a couple of rubber bands and a paperclip. It was an awkward looking thing that stuck out in the back and wouldn't have won any fashion shows, but it was the best I could do at the time and I was glad I had it. Let them laugh.