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Alleged neo-Nazi from Gloucester with a Boston tummy tattoo dumped three dead men at a New Mexico hospital, possibly after killing at least one of them, feds say

Kuykendall and some of his tattoos

The Iron Cross and the "Boston" helped tie Kuykendall to the bodies, feds say.

A Gloucester man who is an apparent member of the Aryan Brotherhood and who has some 35 criminal convictions in two states, including one for attacking a family member here, could be charged with murdering at least one of the three men whose bodies he allegedly dumped at an Albuquerque hospital last week.

Richard Schuyler "Sky" Kuykendall, 41, was initially charged just with being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm, but an FBI agent on the case said Kuykendall may face additional charges, including possibly murder, related to the three men's death in a Chevy Malibu parked in an Albuquerque alley on May 12.

Surveillance cameras and Kuykendall's distinctive tattoos helped lead investigators, already familiar with him because of his alleged membership in the neo-Nazi gang, to him, the FBI agent writes in an affidavit filed in court.

A surveillance camera in the alley captured him with a gun and seeming to win a shootout with the three guys in the Mailbu, after which he tossed his gun in a dumpster and jumped behind the wheel of what was now an impromptu hearse, according to the affidavit.

He allegedly then drove to a hospital 2 1/2 miles away and took off his shirt, which exposed his tattoos, including an Iron Cross on his right breast and his "Boston" stomach tattoo to hospital surveillance cameras, according to the affidavit says, continuing that he then found a security guard, told him "there were three dead guys in the Chevy" and ran away.

According to the affidavit, Kuykendall was convicted in January, 2018 in Salem District Court on a charge of assault and battery on a family member. Court records show he was arraigned on Nov. 30, 2017 for trying to suffocate his victim, but do not show how long a sentence he got.

However, he was out by Feb. 28, 2018, when he was arrested on a trespassing charge in Gloucester. Three months later, he was arrested again, this time on Rte. 128 on a charge of driving with a suspended license after police noticed him swerving from one lane to another, possibly, police said, because he was eating at the time and so was distracted.

In 1998, he was convicted, also in Salem court, on a charge of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon - a baseball bat - according to the affidavit, which adds that the two Salem convictions, along with two convictions in New Mexico for identity theft, forgery, larceny and conspiracy, were enough to make it illegal for him to possess a gun.

The affidavit, which cites his "impressive criminal history," says the three dead men were also apparent members of the Aryan Brotherhood, a White-supremacist gang whose members often get Aryan, SS and Viking-style tattoos - along with shamrocks - to show off their membership. Kuykendall's had his tattoos since at least 2009, when he posted photos on MySpace.

The affidavit does not give a reason why they and Kuykendall might have wished each other dead.

Innocent, etc.

Complete affidavit (4.4M PDF).

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He has a “Boston” tattoo but he’s from Gloucester. Not even from the greater Boston area mind you. People from the burbs always say I’m from Boston, then when you ask what part they say Quincy or Newton. You’re not from Boston dude. When you call 911 and the cruiser that shows up doesn’t say Boston Police, you’re not from Boston

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If you ever visit Aruba, everyone there is "from Boston". Ask what part and you'll hear all sorts of fun responses. Merrimack NH was one of my favorites.

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Yes, he's a great pretender.

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If you were to dial 911 in the Seaport there are a variety of agencies that might respond to the call depending on the context: State Police, Massport Police, Transit Police, Postal Police, Customs and Border Patrol, US Protective Service, Federal Protective Service, Boston Municipal Protective Services, Amtrak Police, US Coast Guard and lastly the Boston Police Department who may or may not show due to an ongoing territorial feud with the Staties*. The FBI will come and assist but they only show up if you're in real trouble and the US Marshals will come knocking with your name on a warrant. On nice days you might see a Suffolk County Sheriffs van cruising Seaport Boulevard but I'm not clear on what their area of responsibility might be, outside of picking up food orders at J. Pace.

Granted, it's highly doubtful you'll see a Gloucester cop show up but I'm guessing the neo-Nazi in question knew the audience he was trying to impress with his tummy tattoo and decided "Boston" would be an easier concept to explain than "Glou-ces-ter" to his jail buddies, although it's quite possible he went to Boston University and his affinity to the school was so great that he just had to have himself imprinted with his alma mater but then had second thoughts halfway through the process.

Also, as an experienced world traveler I can attest that giving strangers the closest known geographical reference as your place of origin is extremely common. It's great at obscuring your socio-economic background and makes it easier to assimilate with once they can visualize who you are through word association.

* You can google this as the Globe will do a feature about the feud every two years or so.

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Also, as an experienced world traveler I can attest that giving strangers the closest known geographical reference as your place of origin is extremely common. It's great at obscuring your socio-economic background and makes it easier to assimilate with once they can visualize who you are through word association.

great point.

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Either by the tattoo artist or the perp.

On another note, I met someone in CA that said they were from Boston. I asked where and they said Attleboro. I told them that’s practically RI.

They explained that no one knows where the hell Attleboro is so I had to agree they had a point.

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I'd imagine most people from Gloucester would take affront at someone from say, Essex or Beverly, claiming to be from Gloucester.

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"Hi, I have no social skills and a severe drug problem" isn't something people want to fake. Good to see you guys focusing on the important stuff though.

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[Rockport has entered the chat]

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in the first place, given everything else in the story. Driving dead people to a hospital?

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Because if you are talking to people from say California, they don't know Quincy or Malden or Avon or Waltham....Saying Boston is just easier.

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"Massachusetts" has too many syllables?

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You live in Avon- not Boston. Just say Avon MA.

It doesn't matter if they know where it is. If anyone cared to ask, just say "near Boston". Takes 2 seconds. poser.

Why does it matter if they know where Boston is? (they don't really), you don't live there.

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Without the suburbs, Boston has a population on par with El Paso Texas. Not some world class city. The metro area, on the other hand, is one of the largest in America.

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Takes 2 seconds. poser.

You make it seem like being from Boston confers some kind of amazing status on people and I just don't know how to break it to you but...

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The general and ongoing convention in the United States is to say what large metro area you live near, not the dinky subdivision on the map that nobody has ever heard of.

This has been the case for at least the 35+ years that I've been ambling about. Strange how many people who don't travel don't get it.

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What can I say--when I was in college, I discovered that "Waukesha Mike" lacked a certain ring to it (that, and nobody knew where the hell Waukesha was).

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The guy is a violent white supremacist, but your big beef is that he's from Gloucester and has a BOSTON tattoo on his stomach.

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There's a lot of conflating when it comes to Boston. Does JuniorCV, who most likely lives in Boston, have an issue that a neo-Nazi who lives almost of out the orbit of the metro area is claiming to be from Boston via tattoos? Yes. It's the same way that people claim that "Boston" is so racist that we've never elected a mayor who isn't white (mind you, since 1968 we've only had 4 mayors,) ignoring that several much whiter suburban cities around Boston have done just that.

You Springfield people just wouldn't understand these things.

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It's the same way that people claim that "Boston" is so racist that we've never elected a mayor who isn't white (mind you, since 1968 we've only had 4 mayors,) ignoring that several much whiter suburban cities around Boston have done just that.

this is just one of many claims pertaining to racism in Boston, and likely one of the weakest.

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You Springfield people just wouldn't understand these things.

Among the things you don't understand is that I don't live in Springfield, and that yes, Boston is pretty damn racist. I didn't think so ten years ago, either, but...

Don't holler like a hit dog, Waquoit, the United States is also pretty damn racist. And in both cases, in order to understand how it's true, you need to mute your defensive reaction and listen -- not least of all, to your fellow white people. A lot of them are saying the quiet part out loud these days.

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Or as it is otherwise known, Springfield.

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You live in the Connecticut River Valley, no?


Or as it is otherwise known, Springfield.

You're either exceptionally stupid or a complete pissant, and I'm going with "both".

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I'm most likely confusing you with another 3 initial poster.

That said, if you were the person from outside of Northampton who posts here, you'd be offended for saying you were from Springfield. At the end of the day, someone from Gloucester (way beyond Boston) executing three people then showing off his "Boston" tat for the security cameras has the added offensiveness of roping Boston into all of this.

And let's be honest, if it were just some neo-Nazi from Gloucester without said tattoo doing all the shit he did, Adam may have just ignored this story.

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And let's be honest, if it were just some neo-Nazi from Gloucester without said tattoo doing all the shit he did, Adam may have just ignored this story.

Oh really? Does the name "Mark Sahady" ring a bell? It should.

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Yes, not Boston, but at least "Greater Boston." Malden's on the Orange Line, if you didn't know.

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If that's a meaningful distinction to you, then cool. So you don't want the white supremacist from Gloucester to be identified with Boston. but you're fine with the white supremacist from Malden being identified with Boston? Whatever, your beef is with his belly tattoo so take it up with him.

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It was JuniorCV who had an issue with the tattoo. I was just hoping that I could get you to understand why a Bostonian might have a problem with it, and the attendant bad PR a guy from practically New Hampshire is bringing to the city. But it appears that understanding is not your strong point.

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I was just hoping that I could get you to understand why a Bostonian might have a problem with it, and the attendant bad PR a guy from practically New Hampshire is bringing to the city.

I got that. I've plenty of experience with defensive Bostonians. I stand by my original point, that you have yet to address, that this concern is infinitesimally tiny compared with what he, and you, and everyone, should be concerned about in this news item.

But it appears that understanding is not your strong point.

And it appears that seeing the forest with all those damn trees around is not yours.

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I just tried to give you context, which you refuse to understand.

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Clearly you knew nobody who went to UMass Amherst or lived in noho.

Perhaps that explains the arboreal artifact wedged you know where.

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Magoo is from Magootowne Massachusetts. (towne with an “e”). Magoo.

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Are you waiting for that very special bus outta town, Magoo?

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The answer to most crimes is six months in county (out in three).

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White supremacists killing white supremacists, ya love to see it.

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The one good thing Hitler did was when he killed Hitler

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But I never claim to be from Boston.

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Is all the East coast of Massachusetts and a little of the interior of the State.

The Cape and the Islands are exempt.

Springfield invented Baseketball.

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