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Bridge wins another game of inches on Storrow Drive
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By adamg on Sun, 08/29/2021 - 6:08pm
Ethan McCoy got a grand view of the storrowed box truck at the train tracks by the BU bridge (where Storrow turns into Soldiers Field Road outbound) shortly before 5 p.m. today. Looks like the driver doesn't follow DCR on Twitter.
Free tagging:
‘Tis the season to be
‘Tis the season to be Storrowing.
Allston Christmas…
The original example of “holiday creep”
Holiday Creep
Next thing you know CVS will be selling bed-bug-laden mattresses in late May!
It's wild to me
that we can have cops standing around every construction site in the Commonwealth at all times but we can't have one positioned at all the Storrow entrance ramps for a few days this time of year
Ages ago
there were police at many intersections on the J-way at rush hours directing traffic. Now they've completely abdicated all responsibility and you could shoot someone there and get away with it.
Dumb idea
But if you've paying attention here and at r/boston you'd have seen there's been an incident most every day this month, so deploying all these expensive cops for a few days late in the month to supposedly fix the problem is a day late and a dollar short. Impractical as well. It's an ongoing problem that needs a permanent solution. It's not just the students.
Permanently revoke their license
simple as
Not that simple
I don't think that would really work to prevent Storrowings. That almost by definition is a thing people do when they're quite unaware of the risk, so they also would be unaware of further penalties. Getting these people off the road might have value for its own sake, though.
Yearly Wager?
Adam you should put up a Storrowed-Counter to track this every August through September and we can take over/under bets.
Been saying for a while. I'm
Been saying for a while. I'm tellin ya, we need a Boston Driving video game. So many situations and skill tests it could have!!
A Grand Junction of road and rail facilitated by a box truck. Why are there not more tell-tales over the road for taller vehicles to strike.
Were they already there?
A few that were allowed to return to the earth?
A simple laser pointer electric eye switch to illuminate a warning sign and... this is important, a REALLY loud alarm.
I'm thinking the kind from submarines in movies.
"Licensed and insured"
I'm sure they'll still be licensed tomorrow. Maybe their insurance will go up. Longs is located down in Westport so while they're not exactly local, they ought to know better.
Robert Moses school of architecture
The reasoning behind the building of roads with low overhead bridges was to eliminate buses from transporting poor folk to certain elitist neighborhoods.
Welcome to Boston!
Hope you had a good trip up from New York. There's plenty of racism and bigotry in our past without bringing Robert Moses, who had nothing to do with Boston, into it. Storrow Drive wasn't built the way it was out of the same racist impulses as parkways to Jones Beach on the Guyland, so you might want to keep in mind that Caro wasn't writing about Boston.