Unhealthy air returns
By adamg on Mon, 07/17/2023 - 2:05pm
State air monitors in Roxbury, Dorchester, Chinatown and Chelsea are currently showing levels of pollutants in the area that are "unhealthy for sensitive groups:" carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and "fine particles" in Roxbury; carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and fine particles in Dorchester; fine particles in Chinatown and Chelsea.
If you're five to seven miles outside of downtown Boston, the city appears to be lost in haze.
I noticed it
I went for a walk after lunch and things looked hazy and there is a slight "smoky" smell to the air.
I wondered why
I wondered why I started to have a nasty cough around 3am. I was like wtf...
I guess I am sensitive to this stuff.
At 3AM, the air quality was
At 3AM, the air quality was excellent. It got worse during the day.
Gray sky, golden light
Smoke from far away fires
Drifts into our lungs
Is this why it smells like
Is this why it smells like old urine and BO when I walk outside?
No, that's because of the old
No, that's because of the old urine and BO.
No, that's probably from all
No, that's probably from all the raw sewage that got displaced by storm runoff over the weekend.
I noticed it
Where I work near North Station I've been noticing a sort of "burnt rubber" smell in the air all day. If I wanted to be facetious I could say it's a welcome change from the urine smell that's usually around there from all the addicts that populate the area, but I'm sure this chemical smell can't be good for anybody.
I’m losing my voice.
That’s how I react to bad air.
looks like 'the commonwealth' during a rad storm:
If public health was at risk,
If public health was at risk, the appropriate Boston commission would say something
Go away
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