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Three years later: Where our local Y'all Quedaists at?

Ianni and Sahady enjoying a crisp January day in DC

Ianni and Sahady enjoying a crisp January day in DC before rushing into the Capitol.

Three years ago today, hundreds of followers of the Insurrectionist in Chief stormed the Capitol and beat cops as they fought for an autogolpe to keep their god-emperor in power. Several were from Massachusetts, including a Nazi-adjacent straight guy, an angry gynecologist, a yoga instructor from Somerville, of all places, a chair-wielding former Boston cop and a man so detested in his hometown, he was quickly turned in by his townspeople. Here's what's happened to them since.

The Nazi-adjacent Army vet and noted straight guy

Mark Sahady of Malden was perhaps as close to a public figure as any Massachusetts putschist got: Before 1/6, the Army veteran kept busy helping organize things like a Boston Common protest a week after the Charlottesville riots and a straight-pride march down Boylston and Tremont streets. He has said he is not a Nazi and he doesn't want Nazis to show up at his events, but they just keep doing so.

He organized buses from here to DC on Jan. 5, along with fellow "Super Happy Fun" organizer Sue Ianni of Natick. The two were photographed traipsing around the Capitol after the mob broke in. Prosecutors charge Sahady also spent part of his time in a paroxysm of joy, screaming "YEAH! FUCK YEAH! FUCK YEAH! PATRIOTS YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!"

He'd been scheduled to go on trial on Aug. 21, but a judge put that on hold after Sahady fired his third lawyer (his first was a fellow Super Happy Funnite from the western part of the state; whom he fired in 2020).

His trial is now set for Feb. 24 in Washington federal court. But Sahady's latest lawyer last month filed a motion asking for yet another delay because the Supreme Court has decided to take up the issue of whether people like Sahady can be prosecuted for obstructing an official proceeding - in a case that might not be decided until June. That's the felony charge against Sahady, in addition to four misdemeanor counts.

In the meantime, Sahady is back in Massachusetts, free on personal recognizance.

The man whose townspeople couldn't wait to turn him in


Vincent Gillespie of Athol is currently imprisoned at FCI-Fort Dix in New Jersey, scheduled for release on Jan. 14, 2028, according to federal prison records. In April, 2023, a judge sentenced him to 68 months in prison for his actions at the Capitol, which included ramming cops with their own riot shields, pulling one of the cops towards the surging mob as another protester beat him with a crutch and screaming at the police in his way that they were traitors. A jury convicted him in December, 2022.

Particularly notable: Not long after the FBI posted his photos online, a former neighbor, a manager at the hardware store he shopped at and three municipal workers for Athol - a town he railed against for installing parking meters downtown - quickly reported him. He was arrested on Feb. 18, 2021.

Ex-cop with a chair


Joseph Fisher, a retired Boston Police K9 officer from Plymouth, is scheduled on Feb. 1 to formally plead guilty to, among other things, using a chair to try to obstruct a Capitol Police officer who was chasing another insurrectionist who had sprayed cops with mace.

The yoga instructor from Somerville


Like Gillespie, Noah Bacon of Somerville currently resides at the federal prison in Fort Dix, but he's scheduled to finish his year-long sentence on July 19 - although is currently appealing the sentence. A federal judge in July sentenced him after a jury had convicted him in March of obstruction of an official proceeding and on misdemeanor charges of entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building, entering and remaining in the gallery of either House of Congress, disorderly or disruptive conduct in a Capitol building, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.

Prosecutors say the Somerville resident decided to travel to Washington for Jan. 6 after "a frustrated attempt to organize a meditation retreat" - and entered the Senate chambers at 2:15 p.m., not long after the initial breach of the Capitol, then joined the mob chanting "Nancy, Nancy, Nancy" as it made its way up to the second floor and around the Capitol.

The grocer from Fall River


A federal judge in Washington has set a Feb. 1 hearing on a request by Michael St. Pierre of Fall River to plead guilty to a variety of charges. He was arrested on July 27, 2023 on charges that include hurling a flag-pole topper at Capitol cops as the rabble tried to break into the building.

Part of the evidence against him: A video he posted while he stood outside the Capitol in which he expressed his desire to "grab Nancy Pelosi by the hair and fucking twirl her around."

The Natick Town Meeting member


On Dec. 12, 2022, Sue Ianni of Natick was sentenced to 15 days in federal prison because she was captured on video, along with Mark Sahady, of wandering around the Capitol after other Vanilla Isis participants broke into the building. Ianni helped organize buses to Washington for Massachusetts insurrectionists.

The angry gynecologist


Dr. Jacquelyn Starer of Ashland, who specialized in both gynecology and addiction treatment, was arrested Dec. 20, 2022 on charges that, among other things, she punched a DC cop in the head inside the Capitol. She is currently released on personal recognizance. No trial date has yet been set.

Dishonorable mention

Boston Police officer Joseph Abasciano was not charged in court with anything, because while he and another cop drove to DC, they didn't enter the Capitol grounds on Jan. 6. But he was fired as a Boston officer because of comments he posted online before and after the failed coup, that people who opposed Trump, including Vice President Pence and an assistant secretary of state in Georgia, were traitors, that he couldn't wait to see the Georgia official dragged away in chains and that what the country needed was a good "civil war or violent revolution."

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"I like guys who won."

Voting closed 5

Thank you for posting this, Adam. I wish media in every city did a 'where are they now' insurrectionist article on Jan. 6. These people need to be shamed and we--as a society--need to be reminded how truly terrifying this day was. While we don't like it, Jan. 6 showed how perilous our democracy truly is, especially with a president happy to watch it all burn.

Voting closed 4

> I wish media in every city did a 'where are they now' insurrectionist article on Jan. 6. These people need to be shamed and we--as a society--need to be reminded how truly terrifying this day was.

Agreed. Another benefit: people who are on the fence about whether or not they want to join in a fascist coup may read these stories and say "perhaps I had better not Fuck Around due to the apparent danger of Finding Out."

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A long history. Along with Hugo, Chuckles Burke, Shurtleff, and all the other pinheads. No love lost, though I have a bit of a soft spot for Chuckles.

I had the distinct pleasure of heckling Sue Ianni as she walked out of her arraignment at USDC, sunglasses on her face.

I'm very vituperative and nasty to them, but that would stop the moment they left behind their support for the adjudicated sex offender and white-collar Manhattan criminal Lucchese associate Donald J. Trump, and once they left behind his neo-Fascist movement.

And since I know they'll be reading this: Until then, we're still at war, folks, and unless you want some, cross the street when you see me coming. I have no problem throwing down. Maybe you're able to trick some people about your intentions, but not this one.

Voting closed 2

go to Kenmore Army and Navy and buy yourself a Silver Star

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Is always running classes if you’re looking for a teaching gig.

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That's uncalled for. Tufts may not have the cachet of Harvard or MIT but it's still a very good school.

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You really would be hard pressed to find bigger losers in world history. Absolutely pathetic.

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His heart is in the right place, except for killing every resident of Gaza. But nobody's perfect.

I don't get the unpopularity. He's done some good things for the economy and unions. Killing babies overseas is almost a presidential requirement, and has never hurt US poll ratings much before. It's just age discrimination!

Given that, it probably would have been better if Trump had been reelected, fair-and-square.
There would have been no Jan 6 - at least not the way it happened.

He'd be a happy president, not hounded by these criminal cases. They'd be chaos, of course, but it would have an element of entertainment.

We'd be almost rid of him now.

As it looks, he's going to get reelected, go into office in a rage, pardon himself and all the Jan 6 defendants, and probably prosecute Jack Smith and Joe Biden as well. Beyond that, I can't imagine how crazy it will get.

Voting closed 3

give a comment a thumbs down? I'm trying to figure it out.

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"He'd be a happy president..." No, he wouldn't. That's not someone who is ever happy. He's a miserable being, endlessly bitter about his inability to be a real human.

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they are out there, not even dormant yet, twitching, waiting for another crack at destruction. for them, the Constitution is a floating signifier that means whatever they want it to mean as long as means something bad for others. you can't fix the kind of soul sickness these people have. the only hope is a strong democracy that keeps these moral midgets in the hell realms of shame and humiliation that they deserve.

I piss on them all.

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Trump is smarter than me in this regard: I see a yoga instructor from somerville in there, and I just don't get it. I read that he was trying to arrange a yoga retreat, but second-choiced it and joined an insurrection. I'm like, "what the heck?"

But Trump obviously gets people better than I do, and he has seemingly known all along that most average people don't really have beliefs or any direction in life, they just need stuff to do on the weekends.

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Well, he has the "secret sauce" when it comes to making people feel okay for passing all of your problems and insecurity's onto others. He's done it his whole life (golden spoon and all)

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I had forgotten (if I had ever really known) that there was a federal prison at Dix.

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Former home of Buddy Cianci and Bob 'One Beer' Gamere

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Bob "Crash Car" Gamere always had a better ring to it.

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