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311 complaint of the day: The dildo tosser of the South End

A concerned resident filed a 311 complaint today about "adult toys and other garbage left on sidewalk" at Warren Avenue and Clarendon Street in the South End. With a photo of said adult toys, in case you're unfamiliar with what they look like.

Citizen complaint of the day: Is that a traffic sign on your pole or are you just glad to see me?



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the ‘new’ South End is just the ‘old’ South End after all.


...In that alleyway (the steps) between Dartmouth Place and Appleton Street?

Does the gravel still make sounds at night in the alleyways?

If that is so, then yes, it is still the old South End.

Unless you are asking for a friend.

That was you?!?


Big is not always the best!

Did you drop something?

I woke up this morning
With a bad hangover
And my penis was missing again


… in certain directions. These could be urban trail markers. Best not move them.

There's a lot of dicks in this city.

Nothing. That is all. But nothing is not all because after nothing Magoo said that is all and that is all is something. Magoo.

God only knows what kind of florid prose we would have witnessed regarding this subject.

I actually considered giving Magoo a like.

I didn't, but I considered it.

As if this perp wants to get nailed.