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Woman shot in the arm near Codman Square
By adamg on Sun, 05/15/2016 - 11:23pm
Around 11:15 p.m. at 3 Walton St., just off Washington. The shooter may have fired nine rounds.
Free tagging:
With the continued negativity on the internet and life in general. Young people and adults, people are quicker to resolve problems with fire arms.
In addition there is a "changing of the guard" in gang members. A YOUNGER POPULATION is now taken "helm" in gang activities. This younger generation have not or refusing to accept morals, common sense and are quicker to pull the trigger on a fire arm.
Mark my words, younger people are going to be committing more heinous crimes.
May Ole Mighty GOD continues healing the peoples neighbor, because she is all of Boston's neighbor. May Ole Mighty GOD have and show mercy on the shooters and all of us.
Sources, please.
Sources, please.
Did "Ole Mighty"
attend "Ole Miss?" (Or was that supposed to be a Spanish olé?)
He's a Good Ole God.
He's a Good Ole God.
..and prayers for the victim. This is really sad.
Anthony is right
The keyboard commandos on facebook,you tube and world star glorify violence and young kids are exposed to videos that show rape, beatings and shootings on a daily basis.
I have a concern
I'm not sure how to get this out without sounding like a jerk:
How is the Caribbean fest going to be held this year and kept safe?
This location is nowhere near the Caribbean fest parade route
so I don't see the connection at all.
It's not just this particular incident
I feel as though there has been an uptick in shootings for the year. Last year's parade was shortened as a result of Dawn Jaffier being killed the year before:
Last year's even went very well. Last year's event also had a good police presence.
No, shootings are down
Things aren't always getting worse. You just have a bad memory.
Shootings are down from last year, and below the 5 yr average.