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Dunk's rage: Denied her special Coolatta in drive-thru, woman screams at worker, then barges into store and knocks over Coolatta machine, police say

Wanted for causing Coolata chaos

A woman outraged she couldn't get "a multicolored Coolatta beverage" at the Dunkin' Donuts at 456 Blue Hill Ave. in Grove Hall Monday evening got all heated and now police want to put her on ice.

Police say that when the woman drove up to the drive-thru window around 6:45 p.m., she refused to believe the place didn't have multicolored Coolattas, police say:

When the victim informed the customer that the item she was requesting was not offered on the menu, the customer became increasingly hostile. The victim attempted to provide the customer with a Coolatta from the menu and even offered the beverage for free, due to her dissatisfaction. At this time, the customer, shown in the image above, became belligerent while yelling profanities at the staff members through the drive thru window. She then drove to the front of the store, exited the vehicle and entered the business where she continued to cause a disturbance while yelling at the staff. The suspect then pushed the Coolatta machine which was located behind the front counter, causing it to fall to the floor, nearly striking the victim.

Police have issued a BOLO for the Yankee-stanning multicolored-Coolatta fan and her gray SUV. If they look familiar, contact detectives at 617-343-4275 or the anonymous tip line by calling 800-494-TIPS or by texting TIP to CRIME (27463).



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Ragers gonna rage.

Cagers sometimes become rages in that confined and possibly isolating bubble.

Unavailability of advertised products is a bit of a bait-and-switch, but I would hope FREE COOLATTA would have soothed the poked bear. Also free advertising for Dumbks.

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That particular Dunks likely never claimed to have the multi-colored concoction. This is a common issue with companies that operate both franchised and corporate owned stores. Dunks has both models. Most marketed products and promotions are really only guaranteed at the corporate stores. Many years ago, I worked at a Domino's franchise and we'd get this issue quite often. People would get coupons in the mail that were for corporate store promotions, then assume they could use the coupon at all Domino's. It's really not fair to the franchise operators, but also not fair to the customers.

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Walking from the front door of the Dunkin to the coolatta machine is the most exercise obese, lazy, criminal Boston drivers have gotten in years. Those of you who drive 4 blocks to get a coffee; this Neanderthal is one of you. I hope the cost of gas triples.

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Completely normal and rational.

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The person involved with the delivery of your food.

Now, I’m not saying you are so misanthropic that you never leave the house (possible, though), but how do you think food gets to stores?

Enjoy your Whole Foods bill doubling.

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I'd be willing to bet Kinopio's last Whole Foods bill that you drove into work more days that I did in 2019.

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I did my last century ride in 2019. The weather was pretty good, too. Carpool lane was not in carpool mode and that made driving absolute hell and a waste of time.

We carpooled in a total of 14 times in 2019 according to my records, most of it in January - March (looking at the parking receipts). Never solo. We did whole vacations without the car on the Downeaster, Provincetown Ferry and the Cape Flyer with just our loaded out bikes.

My primary go to was my bike (Strava shows 2200 miles on Blue Belle the commuter bike alone - about 140-150 round trips), followed by bike or walk to train. We live less than a mile from the commuter rail station, it's Zone 1A, and its only 3/4 mile out the other end. Other than shitty weather or when we'd just finished a 160 mile weekend on bikes there was no reason to drive. Parking is $25, while both of us taking the train is about $10.

When I rode in last week I was very satisfied to see that I was moving faster than the traffic on the river path along I-93.

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And the only reason for those 4 was because I wasn't heading into the city center.

But keep on defending the fat shaming, car hating troll. I don't think the look fits you, but if that's what you want, go for it. Just remember that since you use a car sometimes, he is talking about you.

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He'd look at me and make assumptions that he isn't entitled to because my genes plus activity level mean that I'm not thin - I just don't weigh 300-400lbs like my sedentary relatives.

I'm going after your longstanding habit of sealioning and applying high school debate nonsense to grownup conversations.

BTW - while we are nitpicking, what was your total household and individual VMT in 2019? We had three drivers and college student transport trips and still were below 8K miles (including rental car use) - under 3K per driver.

Can't play the "I didn't drive to work" game if your spouse is racking up the miles.

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Why did you butt in?

At the end of the day, mister car hater decided to do his thing, and as always I called him out on it. Reality is that much like the suspect in this crime, you also use a motor vehicle. When you are a hateful twerp like him, all who use motor vehicles, including those who provide him with food, are evil.

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I’m making assumptions here, but does mansplaining look good on you, Waquoit?

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I was in fact complimenting her. She's better than that.

As for you, you are better than Kinopio, but that's not saying much.

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Not surprisingly.

As far as your assessment of me, golly gosh gumdrops, I just don’t know what to say!!!!

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an absolute blast at parties.

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party with Coolatta Lady. In fact, there’s a pretty good chance I already have.

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Just remember that early detection is key to preventing the spread of STDs.

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than the typical bike lane.

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I don’t think you’ve biked in Cambridge or Somerville then.

Don’t laugh at him though he’s right. It might be played up but it’s a perfect example of the average over-consuming,lazy and glutinous American that is Used to buying gas at artificially low costs.

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But of course an obligate cager would try to misrepresent reality.

(disclaimer: I see the bike ped counter data from all over the state. Not empty)

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The fact that 32 people like this is disturbing.

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… of Neanderthals who, recent research indicate, were likely smarter than previously assumed and more peaceful than homo sapiens.

The fat shaming is wrong also, undeniable.

But the sad truth is, many people spew exhaust, create dangerous and difficult conditions on roadways for other road users and add to noise pollution when it’s not necessary. Car culture is harmful to public health.

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But the sad truth is, many people spew exhaust, create dangerous and difficult conditions on roadways for other road users and add to noise pollution when it’s not necessary. Car culture is harmful to public health.

That's not why they liked the comment. They're in it for the fat-shaming.

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… YOUR like.

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...but I didn't like it. But you go right ahead, tell yourself whatever stories you need to get through the night.

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There should be a game: North Korean press release or Kinopio comment?

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The North Korean news lady reading Kinopio's posts!

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In more ways than one

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When we gave someone a much harder time for wearing Yankee stuff.

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A real Bostonian knows there are two things you do not do in life.

1) You do not wear any Yankees paraphernalia (unless "Yankees" is immediately followed by "Suck") and

2) You do not, under any circumstances, fuck with Dunks.

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Baseball has become too dull to bother with that anymore. The Red Sox are a tourist attraction and the games themselves are interminable.

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Truth. The games are so long and action far between

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1) Having a good airport right across town

2) Weeknight Sox games (especially in May and September)

Now I have to come on weekends like a schmo.

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I’m a Yankees fan and barely even get trash talked AT games anymore. I think the last person who tried legit never even experienced The Curse. We’re a long way from best rivalry in baseball.

Which, honestly, is great. I enjoy Fenway and it’s nice to be able to go to games and not have to worry about wearing a beer.

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Including a Sox-Yankee game on a Sunday afternoon.

I feel like the median age at Fenway dropped 20 years over the last two years. Lots of people in their 20s in a pleasant party mood.

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I did the rivalry at both stadiums last year, a week apart. And honestly the same was kind of true in New York.

The Wild Card game was the closest I think I’ve experienced to the ‘old’ days in years. But even then, it wasn’t really hostile. Maybe because the Yankees were being thoroughly embarrassed.

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I was at the wild card game, and participated in plenty of heckling of Yankee fan scum such as yourself. It was also perhaps the loudest Fenway experience I've had, with several hundred games under my belt.

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But it’s been years since I’ve experienced much more than the occasional and oh so clever “Yankees suck” from some random bud light superfan from New Hampshire.

I ended up at ALCS game 6 on accident in 2013, that made the WC game look like spring training.

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Years ago when I tended bar at a trendy Times Square spot, sometimes less sophisticated customers would order drinks they had created on their own. It' s probably a lot easier to pour Johnny Walker Blue Label and Alize into a snifter than get a Rainbow Coolata just right, but these are arguments you should not waste time trying to win.

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but I can see by its color and styling that it would ruin Johnny Walker Blue. As if the patron couldn't have just ordered it with Red and been just as happy...

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The Cosmic Cotton Candy Coolatta features a cotton candy-flavored mixture underneath blue raspberry, while the Cosmic Pineapple Coolatta gets a more fruit-forward blast of pineapple and blue raspberry. Ground Control to Major Dunkin’, we spy swirling, twirling colors in a cup.

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Dark pink, orangish, and brown had her seeing red!

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Ever wonder why there's so many ticking timebombs out there? What's going on in their life that they just get the blind rage that takes all reason away and disregard that they can ingure, disfigure others for life, or end up killing others? So much rage and anger out there.

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American society at large has increasingly become a pressure pot, between late stage unchecked capitalism, lack of social time/bonds, social media distorting everyone's understanding of other peoples lives, everyday violence and the complete apathy the ruling elite have towards it, total lack of available and affordable mental health care, etc, etc.... when people live day to day feeling pushed to the very edge of their tolerance, it no longer takes much to gently nudge them over that cliff. Combine with the tenet of American cultural values of "fuck you I'll make you pay" lashing-out instead of imploding inwards, and you have people losing their shit all over the place.

Healthy societies where people have metaphorical/financial/emotional "room to breath" don't experience this. Societies that ARE pressure pots, but with more of a collective/self-blame mentality (say, Japan) manifest it in very different ways, high suicide rates etc.

Not to extrapolate toooo much, but this is also why even other countries that have fairly free access to guns (say, Canada), don't have proportionate rates of gun violence in line with the US. People aren't walking around one minor inconvenience from complete overload and a need to make that other peoples problem.

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