Some more notes from the Roslindale WiFi meeting
WiFi signals may not travel well past the front of stores. Main Streets hopes to encourage business owners to get the signal deeper into their buildings via discounted packages consisting of a Colubris repeater, installation and a decal that let's shopowners let the public know they offer free Wi-Fi. The equipment will cost about $300, installation about $45, although the first storeowners to sign up will get free installation.
The goal of the WiFi program is not to compete with ISPs but instead give business owners in each of the city's 19 Main Street commercial districts an new tool for attracting customers.
The biggest problem so far is getting roof rights for installing the access points.
Michael Oh of Tech Superpowers says it's important for WiFi supporters to talk up against any naysayers. He said a group in San Francisco now opposes expansion of community WiFi in part for health reasons. He said installing wireless service should be only the beginning of creating true neighborhood networks, in which businesses and residents use the infrastructure to share content.