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GateHouse has a new hyperlocal competitor
By adamg on Tue, 01/13/2009 - 10:33am
But this time, it's somebody who's posting strictly original news and content.
Brian Keaney today launched MyDedhamNews.com, which will feature local news, photos, videos and podcasts for and about Dedham.
Compare with ParkwayBoston, a similar independent site for West Roxbury and Roslindale.
Free tagging:
YourArlington.com is a similar site for the town of Arlington, run by a former editor of GateHouse's Arlington Advocate.
Also a former colleague of mine at Network World
We're everywhere!
Dedham Website
I love that local media is going this way. The folks in the business now aren't serving the communites good enough.
Most local papers for small
Most local papers for small towns just plain suck. My hope is that some of these websites do more then just hyperlink and actually cover whats happening in the town. Its amazing how much work someone has to put into getting information at the town/city level in some areas. Its so much work that only the elected officials and business leaders know whats going on and anyone who spends the time to figure out whats going on they tend to just become one of those elected officials or business leaders anyway. So you end up with the average person not getting any info because that truth seeker just joins the system and you have to start from scratch. Speaking of joining the system its been my obeservation that most local journalists for these rinky dink papers just end up either having no clue because they have to cover so many towns, or they end up being sucked into the system anyway.
Traditional Media Best Practice
"Don't lose any employee who can establish rival outlet from kitchen table." :)
Add InsideMedford.com covering all things Mustang.
Thanks for noting, Ron and Adam
Also note a similar effort in Medford, InsideMedford.com (http://insidemedford.com/), a community-news blog managed by Allison Goldsberry.
Bob Sprague
I was there first
I don't know if the Globe has plans to make a Dedham site, but if they do let it be known now that I was there first!
No you weren't.
No you weren't.
Then who was?
If there's an older Dedham site, can you link to it here?
I would
But I'm boycotting them, remember? :-).
Should be easy enough to find: Think of your favorite GateHouse site in Somerville, then swap in dedham for somerville.
Oh, sorry
I thought NotWhitey was referring to a non-GateHouse site.
Maybe he is
In which case, I, too, would love to hear about it.