John Carroll calls unnecessary roughing.
Matt Amorello
Newly unemployed scribe Amy Derjue writes she feels Matt Amorello's pain:
... Keep fighting the good fight, Matt. I'll see you on the bread lines. ...
Meanwhile, Jenn, also a newly unemployed scribe, goes on trip to the Museum of Science with her father and her son and ponders the new triceratops:
... The kid poses, only somewhat reluctantly, by Cliff the triceratops, one of the last remnants of a species that once ruled the earth.
Lately, I've been wondering if I should just hop on a podium alongside him.
Wayne Braverman can't believe the Mass. Horticultural Society will be giving Matt Amorello a gold medal on Oct. 12:
... For anyone to be honoring that vile, horrid symbol of all that is wrong with the state’s authorities is a disgrace. The only honor that Amorello deserves is that of repaying the giant pile of money he didn't earn or deserve.
The Outraged Liberal reads today's Globe article on Bechtel's apparent non-concern about I-90 connector bolts and concludes: Looks like Mitt Romney got the wrong scalp:
... Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff, the well-connected management company designed to oversee the project opted to save money rather than push for safety. Under the oversight of Kerasiotes. And Cellucci.
Michael Grunwald, late of the Boston Globe, writes that the Big Dig is quite something.
Via Starts & Stops.
George Barnes of the Worcester Telegram & Gazette heaps praise on Matt Amorello, saying he made Rte. 2 safer.
Matt Amorello's resignation will not solve the Big Dig's problems, Charley writes:
... So for all the glee about Amorello's departure, let's not forget that he didn't create the problems we're dealing with now. He merely threw up his hands and hoped for the best ... much like a certain governor, legislature, and state enforcement bureaucracy. ...
John DePetro has 72 hours to sit in a corner for calling Matt Amorello a fag and a sissy boy.
David on Blue Mass Group: Hey, guess what John? You're an asshole. And no one can suspend me for saying so.
Aaron Margolis begs to differ:
... Shame on WRKO for caving in, and having such a spineless policy. Go screw, you bunch of sissies. ...
Kimberly Atkins has the details of Romney's formal effort to remove Matt Amorello from office - which also includes a suit by three Romney appointees to the turnpike board against Amorello.
Spatch: Romney to Amorello: It's on, bitch:
... Too bad A. Romney's looking right into the eyes of 2008 when he bares his teeth, and B. someone had to die for the shakeup (shakedown?) to happen.
Massachusetts GOP News posts three Amorello limericks - and none involve "Nantucket."
Boston Magazine's City Journal claims to have exclusive photos of what really happened in that argument between Mitt Romney and Matt Amorello at the ceiling-collapse site.
Harold M. Clemons casts a Roxbury eye on the Big Dig scandal:
... They compare it to the Hoover Dam and the Panama Canal. I compare it to the New Deal because, on its account, good, decent, hardworking white boys that aren't highly educated can still make honest wages sufficient to provide for their families, while darkies of similar education and rearing fill the unemployment rolls and watch the prosperity from afar. On my word I ain't seen a nigga workin' the 'Dig' yet and it's been goin' on since I was like 10! ...
Because nobody died on Lay's watch, Christine argues, suggesting that instead of a payment to make Amorello go away, the state should exile him to some remote Boston Harbor island.
Joe Dwinell tallies up the number of problem bolts - it's grown from 60 to 242.
One Boston visitor reports his anxiety in driving through the Ted Williams Tunnel today:
This morning, Dan Kennedy predicted more bad Big Dig news before we're through.
This just in: The westbound side of the tunnel is in worse shape than the one where the ceiling fell in.
Kennedy also wonders why the ancient Sumner and Callahan tunnels and the Blue Line tunnel under the harbor, just work. What makes them different?
Follow the money, John Daley suggests: Specifically, the money flowing from Big Dig contractors to our best and brightest on Beacon Hill, including newly outraged Tom Reilly.
Tim Lavallee listens to an audio book about Bechtel's practices in Third World countries (you remember Bechtel, as in Bechtel Parsons Brinherhoff, the joint venture that oversaw the Big Dig?) and learns some lessons:
Amy reports that even before Monday's ceiling collapse, her grandmother refused to visit her cousin who lives in Revere because it would have meant driving through the tunnels:
Tim Lavallee took a deep breath then drove home via the Big Dig last night:
left work tonight expecting the longest commute home ever. Instead, the Big Dig was empty like a Sunday morning. Traffic on the southbound side was very, very light. Even the usual slow down areas, such as the tunnel exit to the South Bay mall, was a speed limit breeze. ...
Out there on the Other Coast, SFWillie manages to find a connection between the Big Dig tragedy and Barry Bonds's home-run record: Both involve cheating.
Ben Ostrander drove through a Big Dig tunnel today:
Breaking news: Mitt Romney to try to oust Matt Amorello; says nobody can feel safe in the tunnel system right now: "I don't have any confidence in this individual."
Jennifer reports it took her three hours to get to the airport this morning and then to work.
EnuhCorK took an alternate route: