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Hamilton Place

By adamg - 10/1/24 - 1:32 pm

A judge has declined to order the Holocaust museum under construction on Tremont Street to let the Orpheum Theatre take over complete control of the alley that is the venue's main entrance while the two wrangle in court, because workers on the ground for both sides have arranged a truce that leaves enough of the alley clear for performers' trucks and then patrons to get into shows so far. Read more.

By adamg - 9/13/24 - 11:11 am

Earlier this month, the operator of the Orpheum Theatre, which opened in 1852, sued the foundation now building a Holocaust museum at the corner of Tremont Street and Hamilton Place - the alley that leads to the Orpheum's main entrance - for the right to continue blocking the ally on performance nights for use by entertainers' equipment trucks and patrons waiting to go inside. Read more.

By adamg - 2/2/22 - 10:06 pm
Rendering of proposed hotel

Rendering by RODE Architects.

City Realty filed plans today to open a new downtown hotel by adding nine stories to what is now a run-down 19th-century office building next to the entrance to the Orpheum Theatre. Read more.

By adamg - 12/21/20 - 12:28 am

The Boston Fire Department reports it evacuated the 27 apartments at 6 Hamilton Pl., the alley that leads to the Orpheum off Tremont Street, early Sunday morning because of high carbon-monoxide readings. No residents were reported ill.

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