He must be loving the Baker/Cahil war.
2010 elections
Wicked Local Needham reports Richard Ross is the new state senator in Brown's old district.
Massachusetts Election 2010 reports how Rush, a West Roxbury state rep who wants to replace state Sen. Marian Walsh, used the budget process to get back at a judge he feels slighted his father, a retired probation officer.
As that killer oil slick begins to ooze ashore in Louisiana, Treasurer Tim warns that cute little Dutch windmills actually make deadly carcinogens.
Democrat Steve Grossman uses Twitter to accept Republican Karyn Polito's challenge to debate in the race for state treasurer:
... Let's talk jobs, holding big banks accountable, & protecting people's $. When & where?
Now let's see if Polito tweets back.
Mike Ball reports from today's kickoff speech by the former Democratic moneyman who wants to become the official state moneyman. Ball includes Grossman's platform, which is more than just wanting to sign state checks.
Bonus: Mike reports an appearance by fabled Boston socialite Smoki Bacon.
Compare for yourself (also: Was the camera tilted for Cahill's ad or is his house sliding off the side of a hill?):
Mike Ball notes state Rep. Lida Harkins seems content to let a Republican keep Scott Brown's old seat in the state Senate now that she's not the Democratic nominee:
... Now, after losing the primary, Harkins certainly knew the expected and right and civilized thing to do was to congratulate the winner and endorse him in the final. Instead, she says, "I'm staying out of the race altogether." Low brow and low class...
Ask Dan Winslow who is running for state representative in the 9th Norfolk District, fails to mention on his website or in his video, that he is running as a Republican, and fails to mention his longstanding association with the Republican party; as Mitt Romney's Chief Legal Counsel, and as Sen. Scott Brown's legal counsel.
Winslow is a capable guy so the question is not whether he's competent and capable but rather what policies he supports and what policies he doesn't. We'll watch Dan and see if he's willing to be proud of his Republican affiliation and specific about his positions on the important issues of the day.
Joan Vennochi ponders the relationship between the Republican candidates for the corner office and, um, wherever it is the lieutenant governor sits.
David Bernstein breaks the news that Mac D'Alessandro, policy director for the SEIU in the Northeast, will run against the Ninth District incumbent.
You may recall unions warned Lynch of the consequences if he voted against the health-care reform bill.
Also running in the Ninth District this year: independent Phil Dunkelbarger and Republicans Keith Lepor and Vernon Harrison.
Looks like Steve Murphy's got the Hyde Park bar-crowd vote sewn up. If nothing else, Murphy, a Boston city councilor unable to ever get elected to anything else, should do well in his base in Boston's southern tier.
Garrett Quinn tweets from the Republican state convention in Worcester:
Mildred Jefferson just compared passage of HCR to 9/11. Got standing O from 2/3 of arena.
Christy Mihos followed up by kvetching about "PatrickCare," which you oldtimers may recall was actually passed under Romney.
Conor Yunits is liveblogging the Republican state convention. So is Red Mass. Group, natch. David Bernstein is twittering up a storm. There's more on Twitter at #magopcon.
The Outraged Liberal analyzes some parachute journalism by David Broder on Baker; finds it wanting.
Red Mass. Group is reporting somebody's hired a polling company to canvass Republican state convention-goers about a mystery candidate willing to take on Richard Tisei for the lieutenant-governor nomination. Conservatives really, really don't like him, apparently.