Steve Poftak releases his non-platform for not running, including:
Most district residents know me from screaming at (my own) unruly children at Roche Brothers.
Steve Poftak releases his non-platform for not running, including:
Most district residents know me from screaming at (my own) unruly children at Roche Brothers.
David Bernstein tweets that Roche Bros. habitue and two-time at-large candidate Matt O'Malley will run for the District 6 seat being vacated by John Tobin.
Looks like you'll get the chance to do so this November. The Outraged Liberal argues why you shouldn't.
David Bernstein notes certain aspects of do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do-ness in Charles Rudnick's primary battle against state Sen. Cynthia Creem of Newton, such as saying he wouldn't take money from lobbyists, only to take money from lobbyists.
The Globe details his extensive role in Big Dig financing while working for Bill Weld and Paul Cellucci.
The Cape Cod Times reports Doug is down the Cape, working the region for Joe Malone. No word if he's going door to door on a red scooter.
Via Conor Yunits.
David Bernstein gets a peek at some poll numbers done in the 9th District before Lynch had any primary opposition.
Hello Michael Levensen,
Thank you for your excellent work. I challenged Michael Rush in 2008. He refused to participate in a debate, made false claims regarding why he did not agree to a political debate. It is my understanding, Rush continues to avoid candidate forums.
I am running again this year for the state representative seat in the 10th Suffolk District. I am in the process of organizing a candidate forum. Proposed the league of women voters co-host a forum with City of
Boston student leaders and other issue oriented non profits such as MassCare.
Three of the reasons why I am running:
UPDATE: The Murphy folks have reverted to a more boring, if safer, "Coming Soon" Web site. So no more chance to edit pages or read "lorem ipsum."
Or, if one were feeling less than charitable, one might suggest the Web site shows he needs to hire Web consultants who understand the concept of "staging server" and the importance of not putting up pages that any idiot can change the content on (see that "Edit" button below? It actually works, or, at least, did a couple minutes before I started typing this):
The West Roxbury state rep and would-be Marian Walsh replacement issues a statement to Wicked Local West Roxbury that basically says he's innocent, but can't say more because "I was questioned concerning a civil lawsuit against the state involving my dad and the trial court."
Mike Durant covers the brouhaha over Cahill basically calling every Muslim in the state a terrorist.
The Mac D'Alessandro campaign says it's submitted 4,000 signatures to the secretary of state's office, which should be more than enough to get him on the Democratic primary ballot this fall against Ninth District incumbent Steve Lynch.
Deval Patrick says he was only employing "a rhetorical flourish" when accusing Republicans in Washington of getting pretty darn close to "sedition," the Globe reports. The Globe also helpfully defines "sedition" for those of us who, unlike the governor, didn't attend a fancy law school where they learn about big words like that.
Blue Mass. Group dials the Wayback Machine to 2003 when Guy Glodis was a state senator and felt compelled to forward a story about how the US dealt with insurgents in the Philippines in the early 1900s - or rather, an online legend about something that never happened.
It's an election year, and legislators like the contributions, the Outraged Liberal concludes.
The Globe reports on the muck. Also fills in the background on that story about state Rep. Mike Rush (D-West Roxbury) exacting some budgetary payback on a judge.
It would appear that Grace Ross will not have enough signatures to get on the Democratic ballot this year. So it looks like the November ballot is set: Deval Patrick, Charlie Baker, Tim Cahill and Jill Stein.
The Jamaica Plain Gazette interviews Joel Pentlarge, treasurer for JP state-rep candidate Jeffrey Herman. Pentlarge pleaded guilty to five counts of rape and abuse of a child in 2000; he says it was statutory rape, not the other kind, and he served his time and that shouldn't affect his desire to do bookkeeping for a local political candidate.
The Globe reports on Republican Jeff Perry's alleged Sgt. Schultz act in his role as a police supervisor in the early 1990s. The Cape Cod Times has a more detailed, nuanced story.
Cape Cod Times story via Greater Boston.