When he lost the primary to Deval Patrick in 2006, Reilly didn't show up at a post-election Democratic unity rally. And he's still sticking it to Patrick, this time over the issue of how the state helped Harvard Pilgrim get back on its financial feet. The Outraged Liberal explains how Patrick should have compared what the state did to a Wall Street bailout, rather than talking about state aid:
Tom Reilly
A Superior Court judge rules Rhode Island gays and lesbians can get married in Massachusetts.
Lissa Harris does some quick calculations and concludes: Good news for the Bay State economy.
Steadfast Correspondent spotted Tom Reilly on the path along the Charles in Watertown yesterday.
... He was wearing a State Police jump suit and he was walking by himself. I was a little surprised to see him all the way at the corner of North Beacon and Charles River Road because it's kind of a hike from his Palfrey Street house. It was kind of sad too. It was about 5:00 p.m. -- one hour before the scheduled gubernatorial debate between Kerry Healey, Deval Patrick, Christy Mihos and Grace Ross on Fox 25.
Statewide results from Channel 4.
Tom Menino gets ready to host a unity rally in, holy mother of pearl, Adams Park in Roslindale (Roslindale - it's the new black - and I am so there, any UH readers who are going, let me know).
Kristie Helms will be there:
I spent the weekend chasing gubernatorial candidates with my camcorder.....produced three video clips....and then I posted them on a video blog that's linked to the Globe's politics page.
I asked the candidates about their favorite music...and I asked Chris Gabrieli about the first concert he attended.....(it turns out his first show was Elvis Costello at the Orpheum in 1978).
There are three clips so far - one each for Reilly, Gabrieli, and Patrick - and they run about five minutes long. It's worth a look!
- Emily Sweeney
Dave Copeland can't vote in the Democratic primary and really, really doubts he ever signed up for any Tom Reilly mailing lists. Plus, the e-mail showed up in his spam folder.
Blue Mass. Group liveblogged the gubernatorial debate.
Ed Prisby provides the candidate/English translation.
Much gnashing of teeth among the local blogocracy over the recent gubernatorial endorsements of the two local dailies - Globe for Patrick and Herald for Reilly:
John Daley smacks the Globe for reporting on the controversy surrounding the source of that leaked Marie St. Fleur memo even as it admits in passing that it knows who gave it the document:
Ed Prisby imagines Belichick's comments at a post-debate press conference.
At Pasquinade, Amy said the debate was pure comedy gold:
Political Intelligence blogs up a storm at tonight's gubernatorial debate.
Andy at Mass Revolution Now jumps on Reilly's performance:
... I thought that Reilly's debate prep was most likely done in a locker room just before the debate where he put on a helmet and had his campaign staff slap him on the head while shouting things like "who's got a big house in Milton while you are still renting in Watertown!" ...
Kimberly Atkins provides highlights from a debate in Roxbury last night. Kerry Healey was a no-show.
Yes, even Grace Ross. MassINC has posted transcripts and audio of interviews with all the candidates.
Joan Vennochi writes that Tom Reilly's rejection of Chris Gabrieli as a running mate because he wouldn't release his tax returns and his selection of Marie St. Fleur, who was a tax deadbeat, just doesn't make sense.
Where have I read that assertion before? Oh, yeah, yesterday on Blue Mass. Group.
Dan Kennedy explains why unions and other types trying to shut him up through complaints to the state Office of Campaign and Political Finance are wrong:
... Ray Rogers is the modern equivalent of the lonely pamphleteer, the very essence of who the First Amendment is supposed to protect. It shouldn't matter whether he's right or wrong, where he gets his money from or which campaign or campaigns he's talking to. Let him get his message out, and let Deval Patrick get his message out. ...
Killer Coke claims to be a union movement, but Massachusetts AFL-CIO President Robert Hynes says the alleged group doesn't speak for it in its attempt to defeat Deval Patrick (a former Coke exec):
John Daley summarizes the way Tom Reilly disavowed knowledge of the Killer Coke sneak attacks against Deval Patrick but not the main point of those attacks:
... It's a weak countermove but when the king is in check there are only so many options on the board.
Because otherwise people might start wondering about a campaign that lies about its involvement in what Blue Mass. Group is calling KillerCokegate.
Andy at Mass. Revolution Now would love to hear Reilly address the issue:
Aaron Margolis spends some time with a state database and finds some fun financial threads connecting Bechtel with various state legislators and others who theoretically might have something to say about any possible wrongdoing at Bechtel's Big Dig.
The Globe also looks at the Bechtel way.
It's really painful watching Tom Reilly slowly implode. His flacks say the AG stopped taking contributions from Big Dig execs last year. Then Kimberly Atkins at the Herald spends five minutes with the state-run contributions database and discovers $500 contributions from a Modern Continental vice president and his wife just last month.
Andy at Mass. Revoluion Now has had enough:
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