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Tom Reilly

By adamg - 7/14/06 - 2:33 pm

Harold M. Clemons casts a Roxbury eye on the Big Dig scandal:

... They compare it to the Hoover Dam and the Panama Canal. I compare it to the New Deal because, on its account, good, decent, hardworking white boys that aren't highly educated can still make honest wages sufficient to provide for their families, while darkies of similar education and rearing fill the unemployment rolls and watch the prosperity from afar. On my word I ain't seen a nigga workin' the 'Dig' yet and it's been goin' on since I was like 10! ...

By adamg - 7/13/06 - 8:26 am

Follow the money, John Daley suggests: Specifically, the money flowing from Big Dig contractors to our best and brightest on Beacon Hill, including newly outraged Tom Reilly.

Tim Lavallee listens to an audio book about Bechtel's practices in Third World countries (you remember Bechtel, as in Bechtel Parsons Brinherhoff, the joint venture that oversaw the Big Dig?) and learns some lessons:

By adamg - 7/13/06 - 8:18 am

Andy at Mass. Revolution Now posts notes from an environmental forum last night.

By adamg - 6/11/06 - 9:14 pm

Michael Feldman surveys all the candidates running for governor this year and gets depressed:

... Speaking as a political tout, we can't work up a single calorie of heat over any of these morons. What do they all have in common? Money, ego, ambition, good suits and expensive haircuts, with the exception of Ms. Ross.

By adamg - 6/4/06 - 9:45 am

Charley on the MTA says yesterday belonged to Deval Patrick:

... This was Deval's day, and he and his delegates were in full command. Reilly gave a truly fine speech, tough, compassionate and populist; Gabrieli got in the game (barely), and rejoiced; but the sheer emotional dominance of Patrick's speeches -- and the delegates' noise -- were what one takes away from the proceedings today. ...

By adamg - 5/31/06 - 8:41 am

On Blue Mass. Group, David explains why Tom Reilly might want to stop yammering about Ameriquest.

And, yes, Deval Patrick is rich.

By adamg - 5/18/06 - 10:37 pm

Blue Mass. Group has notes on the debate. Also on the Democratic side, Sco provides some thoughts. Hub Politics provides the non-Mihos Republican view.

The Globe's Political Intelligence has excerpts here and here.

By adamg - 5/8/06 - 6:59 pm

Curious about a particularly nasty comment about Deval Patrick, the folks at Blue Mass. Group traced its IP address to Tom Reilly's campaign - where a spokesperson blamed an over-eager volunteer.

By adamg - 4/22/06 - 8:32 am

On Blue Mass. Group, Charley on the MTA writes it up.

John Daley zeroes in on Reilly calling out Patrick on his Ameriquest involvement and says he hopes Reilly isn't using his office to dig up dirt on rivals (the Globe has more on Reilly's Ameriquest charges).

By adamg - 4/10/06 - 8:01 am

Mass. Marrier analyzes Reilly's energy and economy planks.

By adamg - 4/6/06 - 4:53 pm

Oh, my, we've got ourselves a big ol' giant ball o' political fun today! From our newest Democratic gubernatorial candidate to health care to a Republican blogger issuing a press release about a post complaining about a post on Deval Patrick's Web site, there's something for everyone. Oh, and we almost forgot: Smoki Bacon is involved! Let's have at it:

On Blue Mass. Group, David notes Deval Patrick welcomes Gabrieli to the race:

By adamg - 4/1/06 - 9:02 am

On H2otown, Lisa Williams writes she'll probably vote for Tom Reilly if he wins the Democratic nomination, but that she's getting tired reading about his humble Watertown apartment:

... Has anyone ever seen Reilly anywhere in Watertown? Doesn't Lehigh know that Reilly owns a house on the Cape? ... [I]t's not clear that Watertown is more than a storage shed and a bed to the guy.

By adamg - 3/2/06 - 8:47 am

Bill, on Under the Golden Dome, says either Kerry Healey or Republican-playing-Independent Christy Mihos could win this fall if supporters of whoever loses the Democratic primary stay home:

By adamg - 2/27/06 - 5:49 pm

On Blue Mass. Group, David discusses an interesting twist to this year's race for governor:

... Patrick, the first serious African-American candidate for Governor in Massachusetts history, is playing catch-up in garnering support in the African-American community, in part because his white opponent in the Democratic primary has close ties to that overwhelmingly Democratic community through his long-term friendships with two influential African-American Republicans.

By adamg - 2/19/06 - 11:12 pm

Sco: How many times is Joan Vennochi going to write the same column?

... Does she get a kickback for every "Democrats have no message" or "Democrats are reeling" column that she writes? ...

On the Chimes at Midnight, Elias dissects Tubby Harrison, the pollster Vennochi quotes to prove her contention that the Dems are adrift:

By adamg - 2/14/06 - 9:15 am

So Chris Gabrieli might run after all - for governor.

Sco on .08 Acres ponders how a Gabrieli run (assuming he could get 15% at the Democratic state convention) would affect the fall primary:

By adamg - 2/3/06 - 2:24 pm

Bruce at mAss Backwards has some suggestions.

Meanwhile, both Andy at Mass. Revolution Now and John Daley make the same basic point about Reilly's newfound belief that he's not a politician: Ain't gonna work when you're running for political office.

By adamg - 2/2/06 - 7:57 am

That's John Daley's assessment:

... Some politicians can be incredibly brave, rational and decisive when it comes to public policy -how to spend and distribute tax money, etc. In other words, other people's stuff. But for the big decisions where their own fate or ambition is concerned, panic and an inability to decide on a course of action set in. This is what we may be seeing here.

By adamg - 2/1/06 - 7:23 pm

Marie St. Fleur to stay in Dorchester, not run for lieutenant governor after all. On Blue Mass. Group, Bob suggests Tom Reilly hold an immediate performance review of his top campaign staffers.

By adamg - 2/1/06 - 11:48 am

Because at the rate he's going, I'm thinking Tom Reilly's not going to be on the ballot in November (and I'm wondering if anybody'd want to change their votes on this poll).

Steve Garfield: Thomas F. Reilly will not be getting my vote for Governnor of Massachusetts:

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